Over the years, I have referred to and posted many humanoid reports, some supplied by my friend & colleague Albert Rosales at Humanoid Sighting Reports & Journal of Humanoid Studies. The following reports are a few more of my favorites I've gathered over the years:
Location/Date: Near Harlingen, Texas - January 1, 1976 - afternoon
Tracey Lawson, eleven, and her cousin Jackie Davies fourteen, were playing in Tracey’s backyard in an area in the Rio Grande Valley. As they looked out on a plowed field beyond the yard they noticed an unusual object standing some 100 yards away, near a borrow pit bordering an irrigation canal.
Tracey went inside her house to get field glasses, through which she observed a “horrible looking” black bird of extraordinary size, over five feet tall. Its wings were folded around its body, and the bird was staring at the girls through large, dark red eyes attached to a gray “gorilla-like” face. Its head was bald, and it had a beak at least six inches long, it made a loud, shrill “eeee” sound. The bird or whatever it was lost to view for a few moments, reappearing on the northeast corner of the property, its head poking above a small clump of trees. The girls fled inside and told Tracey’s mother and father, who did not believe them.
The next day Jackie’s stepfather, Tom Waldon, found strange tracks, three-toed, eight inches across, and square at the head, pressed an inch and a half into the hard ground. Stan Lawson also noted how oddly the family dog was behaving. It cowered inside the doghouse all day, leaving it only at suppertime, when it bolted into the house and had to be dragged out. That night Lawson thought he heard large wings scraping across the bedroom window, but whatever caused the sound left no trace of its passing.
Source: Jerome Clark, Unexplained!
Montvale, New Jersey - January 31, 1978 - 6:15pm
Three young boys were playing on the ice on a field of the local elementary school. It was dark and floodlights illuminated the field. The boys then noticed a 'plane' like object that passed slowly over the field. Moments later a second object arrived and was described as square shaped with large yellow lights on each corner with a slight dome on top and a red light underneath. The object emitted a red beam of light towards the ground, which stopped short before touching it. They then noticed several figures moving stiffly along, around the park area. These figures were humanoid and were dressed in bright yellow outfits with boots and gloves. They were of average height and bald headed. One of the beings appeared different since he had a larger head which seemed 'creased' down the middle and was wearing a brown cape over the yellow suit.
As the witnesses watched the figures they noted an uncanny silence and an unpleasant sulfur like odor in the area. The figures walked away towards the nearby Public Works Garage. The boys then noticed another figure, this one a woman standing in the parking lot. She had medium long brown hair and wore a dark suit with blue fur around her shoulders and when she walked, she did as if in slow motion. She sat down on a low fence then raised her arm very slowly and pointed to the sky, apparently at another hovering square shaped object. The woman then also walked towards the Public Works building and at one point seemed to appear and disappear as a police vehicle drove by near her.
Source: IUR - April 1978
NOTE: There have been various interpretations of this sighting but the basic information remains the same. Budd Hopkins, Ted Bloecher, and Patrick Huyghe have also investigated this case. A more detailed account of this incident can be found at James M. Deem's 'How to Catch a Flying Saucer'. BTW, this area of New Jersey has had several UFO sightings as well as it's share of unusual encounters.

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - December 1, 2000 - 10:00 am
Several days after witnessing two low flying objects over the area, on two separate night (One of the objects was described as huge, making a rumbling like noise; it had a V-shaped tail with two rows of round and oblong windows and was black, gray, and silver in color.) and after receiving a suspicious phone call from someone claiming to be a General from the Canadian armed forces, two strange men appeared at the door of the witness' residence. They produced wallets, one black, one brown, containing photo ID that stated they were from the Canadian Air Defense. They asked to come inside. The witness extended his hand, but was ignored.
Moving into the house took them through the kitchen area, but they stopped upon seeing the microwave. After some questioning, the witness lowered a portion of a counter and they carefully slid through the extra space. Sitting down they produced a small silver colored tape recorder and inserted a small disc, between a nickel and a quarter in size. On entering the house one of the men had noticed an unusual walking stick in the hallway, to which he remarked that the head of the stick's carving, painted red, reminded him of primates back home.
The two men were olive skinned and appeared to have slanted eyes. Each wore glasses with thick rims. They wore gray suits with black shirts, one had a white tie, and the other was buttoned up to the neck. The one with the tie had a clip that contained a red "stone" that flickered. The other had a ruby ring surrounded with diamonds. His watch was square but without apparent hands, instead being encircled with buttons that periodically illuminated from white to green to mauve. The strap appeared to be molded into the skin and was a solid steel band. The belt on his pants was of metallic strips with a square buckle. Both had very large feet, estimated to be 14". Each carried a brief case that was heavy and cold.
When sitting down they never relaxed into their chairs but retained a stiff back the whole time. Not once during their stay in the house did they speak to each other. The witness' two cats were extremely agitated the whole time during the visitors stay. Also the owner's dog that lived upstairs barked during the whole episode. The men noticed that the witness was wearing a very unusual watch and one of them touched his arm. The touch felt very cold and clammy. They questioned the witness about his sightings, and one of them appeared to be taken short hand notes. When they questioned him they looked into his eyes and seemed to "pierce his brain".
As they were leaving they again carefully avoided the microwave. Outside in the yard they spent about 30 minutes scouring the ground with a Geiger counter. As they rounded the corner of the house the witness went from the kitchen to the bedroom, which gave him a clearer view of the driveway and the road. Despite the very short period of time it took him to achieve this, the two men were not in sight, nor was a car leaving, or no car door could be heard slamming, they had vanished. Later they witness discovered that on the windowsill, only six inches behind where one of the men had been sitting, was a Windex bottle and was partially melted as if heat had been applied to it. Alongside was a cassette warped in a similar manner. The witness suffered from a severe migraine type headache after the two men left, his eyes also felt gritty and teary, and his face now appeared sunburned. He also suffered from strange dreams, one that was of lying prone on a table in a round room with a bright light above him then sensing being touched.
Two days later, while going outside his house the witness saw the same two men he had seen before in the driveway. Both were dressed in white coveralls. One was carrying a Geiger counter, the other a 12 to 16 inch parabolic dish in his hand, pointing to the sky, plus earphones and a microphone that was attached. He appeared to be searching the sky. The wires all led into a black box at his waist. At one point he had what looked like a camera, although not video, aimed at a tree over which the UFO had been originally seen. During the time they were together neither was seen speaking to each other. Nor was any car seen which they might have arrived in.
In December, a few days after Christmas, A man appeared at the door of the witness. He stated that he had come to see his unusual watch. He stated that his name was Mr. Smith and showed some ID. He wore a dark charcoal suit, white shirt, and black tie. He also wore a black fedora. His feet were very large, "size 13, or 14", like the witness previous visitors. His shoes were black and shiny, with no signs of dirt on them at all. He was about 4-feet 8 inches to 5-feet tall, very thin, and very pale skinned with very long fingers. He also wore black wrap around glasses with silver frames. The witness extended his hand but was ignored (again).
Upon entering the house the visitor commented upon the carved walking stick in the hallway. He also asked the witness to turn the microwave off before he walked in front of it. Sitting down at the kitchen table he produced a small silver tape recorder, claiming it could record up to 80 hours or more. Using a pick like tool from his breast pocket he examined the witness watch. He opened a black briefcase, removed some paper, a silver pencil with a red top, and a pen like flash light that emitted a mauve, pencil thin beam, which scanned the interior of the watch with. He took a small digital type camera and with it he took several pictures of the watch. During the whole of his visit he spoke very little, and his speech seemed slurred.
Again the cats were agitated during the stranger's visit. He again expressed interest in the watch and the witness asked 500$ for it, but he replied that he had to check with his colleagues. The stranger also expressed interest in a computer saying that it had very minimal power. The stranger departed without saying good-bye. The witness went immediately to the window but could not see any sign of the visitor or any car in the vicinity, he had simply vanished. A plastic hair blower nozzle was found melted and a ruler in a drawer close to where the visitor had been sitting was bent into a slight 'S' curve. Again the witness suffered from a severe headache and an eruptive nosebleed.
In early January 2001, two peculiar strangers again visited the witness to a previous UFO encounter. These two were different from the others. They were at least six-feet tall, very bony, with head, hands and feet out of proportion to the rest of the body. They wore gray suits that seemed to be "oily", had black ties and hats plus wrap around sunglasses that they never took off. When questioned about the glasses they remarked that they could see perfectly well. Their ears stood out from their heads and their skin was pale white, whereas their fingernails were gray in color. They never removed the hats during their visit. And throughout the whole time only one of them spoke. When asked for ID's they displayed "silver" cases that contained a photo an unusual symbol, plus their names in small print.
Upon entering the kitchen they asked the witness to please unplug the microwave, they also told him to turn the computer off. The two Persian cats were going crazy dashing around the room, and trying to get out of the window, which was closed. Each man carried a briefcase with an inverted 'L' shaped handle. The man that did all the talking asked to see the witness unusual watch, he then removed from his briefcase four small containers, each had a different colored top. Opening two he proceeded to pour the contents over the watch. He told the concerned witness that no harm would come to the watch. He was given $250 for the watch and told that they would give him the rest later. He told them that he was moving soon, to this they replied "We know, don't worry, we can find you if we want to."
They soon departed without the common courtesies, staring blankly at the witness as he extended his hand. Once again the witness hurried to the bedroom window only to find, as before, no sign of either man departing, nor cold any vehicle be heard leaving. After the visit the witness felt drained, had a severe headache that lasted for two days and a rash on his arms, face and chest.
Source: Graham Conway, UFO BC

Near Strasburg, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania - August 1978 - afternoon
Three Amish men were working in their field when a odd looking man approached them from the direction of a neighboring farm. The man was yelling and jumping about. The Amish men were alarmed and noticed that this 'man' had arms, legs and a face that seemed different...more animal than human. He had coarse dark hair on his limbs and face and wore what appeared to be a dark colored and tattered pair of old style boxer shorts. As the man-creature approached closer, he was yelling something but it was not understood by the men.
The men ran towards their house...the man-creature was right behind them. One of the Amish men ducked into the dairy barn and the other two immediately went in the house. An elderly Amish woman who had been in the garden, came to see what was going on. When the man-creature saw her it suddenly stopped running, sat down on the grass and remained quiet while staring at the sky.
The men came out of the house and one of them slowly walked over to the man-creature and attempted to talk to it. The man-creature continued to look at the sky but started to mumble. The man and woman noticed that a horrible stench permeated from this creature...described at rotting flesh.
After several minutes, the creature got to it's feet and started to walk towards the dairy barn. As it did, the witnesses noticed that the creature started to 'fade away'...eventually it completely disappeared from view just before it reached the barn. Shocked, the Amish witnesses dropped to their knees...not knowing what they had witnessed.
NOTE: this account was communicated by one of the witnesses to a non-Amish friend who periodically purchased produce from them. It was disclosed to me several years after the incident though I do know the location of the incident and who two of the witnesses were (I was raised in the general area). The other witnesses have since passed away. The witness who gave the account still lives at the location and has (reluctantly) verified the incident to me. In turn, I promised to keep personal information confidential.
Historically, Wild Men and/or Bigfoot-like creatures have become part of the Lancaster / York County folklore. There have been sightings as old as the earliest settlers in this area as well as the Susquehannock people who inhabited the land previously.
In 1987, I had a conversation with a self-described shaman whose Susquehannock relatives had moved to Ohio after many others were killed off by smallpox and invading settlers. The Susquehannocks were said to be 'giants' by John Smith and the early settlers...most described as being 'well over 6 foot high' and broad chested. This shaman told me that the Susquehannocks had placed a curse on the land before they left and that the dead would rise as shape shifters and torment the white man...Lon
Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles & Other Winged Beasts
The Black Eyed Children
Children Of The Greys