February 28th - 10 PM ET - Destination America
"Sykesville Monster, Lechuza, The Rake"
A towering nocturnal monster and an owl witch relentlessly stalk the young and innocent. Sightings of a wildman beast plunged a town into panic and may even have launched a secret government search. --- The Rake, Lechuza, and Sykesville Monster.
Well folks, the 'Sykesville Monster' goes primetime and nationwide on Friday February 28th at 10 PM ET on Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America.
I was interviewed in November 2013...describing my 1981 encounter on the south branch of the Patapsco River near Sykesville, MD.
The 'Sykesville Monster' was seen and reported on several occasions...in particular, a flap of encounters in 1972-73. There were four (4) general reports and sightings in the same area between 1972-79. Since my sighting in 1981 there have been two (2) more BFRO 'Class A' reports along the Patapsco River Valley.
After my encounter in 1981, I interviewed several of the original witnesses. Because of time, most of these witnesses have since passed away. There were other unreported incidents in the general Sykesville and Gaither, MD areas. I personally took statements to eight (8) more sightings / encounters between 1972-79, including a home invasion on Norris Ave. and a utility shed break-in on Oklahoma Ave. Both were located in Sykesville. There were also several chicken pens broke into up and down the South Branch of the Patapsco River in Gaither, MD - Sykesville, MD - Woodstock, MD - Daniels, MD and Ellicott City, MD. Most of the sightings had been within the Patapsco State Park...which has a history of unusual activity (UFO, paranormal and cryptid) throughout the park. I still live within 15 miles of all the locations.
I haven't seen any of the completed television episode...so I'm hopeful that the incidents will be truthfully described. One of the original investigators, John Lutz, was also interviewed for segment. Here's is more historical information on the 'Sykesville Monster' sightings.
Monsters of Maryland: Mysterious Creatures in the Old Line State
Phantoms & Monsters: Strange Encounters
Phantoms & Monsters: Cryptid Encounters

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Phantoms & Monsters: Strange Encounters
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