; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Friday, March 30, 2018

Unknown Flying Creature Photographed in Chicago Suburb

The Chicago Phantom Task Force received the following information from our team member Vance Nesbitt:

Thursday March 29, 2018
12:30 PM CST

As a standard routine for the company that employs me, lunch time is usually 12:00 to 12:45 PM. My job description however puts me on the road for the logistics portion of the business during those hours. With the upcoming Easter holiday, schedules have changed with some clients of ours and I happened to be at the home office in St. Charles, Il during the lunch break.

I was outside the building at 12:30 PM or very close to that time by myself.

I know by habit that my friend and co-worker Bill comes out to have a smoke around that time. I was facing south leaning against the tall guardrail in the driveway, when my attention was grabbed from the top of my eye.

I took a moment to to figure out what I was looking at and soon realized it was a bird. It had circled once in a huge diameter and before it were to head out of view. This thing was enormous. I say that by the speed in which it circled seemed so slow and it moved like a circling airplane with no wing flap.

I literally ran to my desk from outside which is only 10 feet from the outside door to get my phone in hope of getting some sort of picture. I ran back out and now I began to shake as to what I'm seeing. Just then Bill came outside and said "What?" since he saw me scanning the sky with my phone on camera mode.

It only took him a second to see it too.

This thing was flying over our heads at about 900 to 1000 feet up.

I have spent 13 years in the aviation business and it's a habit to identify planes by nature. For the business that Bill and myself do for a living, we both have a great sense of movement and judgement for distance.

I said out loud that the wingspan of this creature was at least 8 feet and I compared it to the length of a horse and or cow. Bill was wowed by it as I was too. I mentioned before that I was shaking from excitement and shock I think while trying to capture those photos. I have to say while this all took place in less than a minute (including me running for my phone) we both were left saying WTF? That was freaking huge.

I'm pretty well versed in the large bird variety around northern Illinois. St. Charles is 30 miles due west of Chicago. Sandhill Cranes are in migration right now and most all cranes fly in groups.

As a matter of fact I've never seen one solo in flight or on the ground. Herons and Egrets are more visible now with warmer weather coming as well as the Turkey Vultures. I know for certain that this creature we saw was at least double in size to the Sandhills and would dwarf a Vulture. I should include that I have seen a number of Bald Eagles here too on the Fox River which runs through St. Charles. Again whatever we saw was so much bigger and traveled what seemed so slow from south to north. The wings showed no typical fingers on the tips as the other birds mentioned have and I found that to be odd. The body and wings were a solid black in color, it was very uniformed. I did feel strongly however that this being was a bird and not a flying humanoid. Funny thing, I'm still shaking while writing this.

I'd be really interested in facts and not exploited stories about what this creature is. I am unaware of any wingspan larger than a crane in North America. I wouldn't rule out a Condor however the long thin legs trailing behind made this all the more odd.

NOTE: Vance has been a member of the Chicago Phantom Task Force since its inception. Could this have been a Thunderbird (a flying creature that has been reported in Illinois in the past)? A discussion among the team resulted in an 'unknown' assessment. I have included the original photos, plus comparison images of other large birds indigenous to the area. Any updates will be included with this post. This sighting has been added to the Chicago Phantom / Owlman / Mothman / Man-Bat / Flying Humanoid Reports - Chicago Metro Area - Interactive Map





Have you had a sighting of a flying humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area or nearby? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Phantom', 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'Chicago Man-Bat.' Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated. You can call me directly at 410-241-5974 as well. Thanks...Lon Strickler #ChicagoPhantom

Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids

Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles & Other Winged Beasts


The Mothman Prophecies: A True Story

Mothman: Real Life Sightings

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Thursday, March 29, 2018

Daily 2 Cents: Pope Declares 'There is no Hell' -- Abducted by Black Triangular Craft -- New Human Organ Discovered

Pope Declares 'There is no Hell'

In another interview with his longtime atheist friend, Eugenio Scalfari, Pope Francis claims that Hell does not exist and that condemned souls just "disappear." This is a denial of the 2,000-year-old teaching of the Catholic Church about the reality of Hell and the eternal existence of the soul.

The interview between Scalfari and the Pope was published March 28, 2018 in La Repubblica. The relevant section on Hell was translated by the highly respected web log, Rorate Caeli.

The interview is headlined, "The Pope: It is an honor to be called revolutionary." (Il Papa: “È un onore essere chiamato rivoluzionario.")

Scalfari says to the Pope, "Your Holiness, in our previous meeting you told me that our species will disappear in a certain moment and that God, still out of his creative force, will create new species. You have never spoken to me about the souls who died in sin and will go to hell to suffer it for eternity. You have however spoken to me of good souls, admitted to the contemplation of God. But what about bad souls? Where are they punished?"

Pope Francis says, "They are not punished, those who repent obtain the forgiveness of God and enter the rank of souls who contemplate him, but those who do not repent and cannot therefore be forgiven disappear. There is no hell, there is the disappearance of sinful souls." Read more at Pope Francis: 'There Is No Hell'


Abducted by Black Triangular Craft

Duluth, MN - 2017-06-04: I have trouble remembering details. I was abducted onto a triangle shaped black craft. There were multiple three-foot tall gray aliens with big, slanted, black eyes and big heads. There was a leader gray alien who was around 7 feet tall. I don't remember much about being on the ship, which seems strange to me. I managed to video tape them leaving after they dropped me off. They didn't bring me back home, they dropped me off randomly outside somewhere a few miles from home. This is not the first time this has happened to me and my memory always seems hazy of the events. Sometimes memories come back in my dreams about them being doctors or something. - MUFON


New Human Organ Discovered

Anatomy books are in need of a major upgrade, argue a team of scientists in a paper published Tuesday in the journal Scientific Reports. They say the body contains a previously undiscovered network of fluid-filled pockets and collagen underneath the skin that covers most of the body and internal organs. More than that, the structure should be considered an organ itself.

The proposed organ, christened the interstitium (“interstices” being a catch-all term for the space between the structures of the body), was discovered accidentally, the researchers say.

They stumbled upon it while conducting routine endoscopies, a medical procedure that sends a small camera down your gullet in order to look at the digestive tract. Newer versions of the endoscopy, using lasers, now allow doctors to look at living tissue on a microscopic level. But when they took a peek at patients’ bile ducts, instead of finding the dense connective tissue assumed to be enveloping most organs, they saw something else: a mesh-like pattern of dark branching bands made of collagen surrounding large, fluid-filled spaces. Read more at Scientists Just Discovered a New Human Organ, and It's Filled With Secrets



When Sasquatch Scares Socks Off

The Orang Pendek…and Others…

Military Encounters with Supernatural Demonic Entities

The Borrego Sandman and Other Desert Dwelling Bigfoot of California

The Mysterious Mexican Bigfoot


Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids

Alien Abduction of The Wyoming Hunter: First person story of Carl Higdon, October 25, 1974

Undersea UFO Base: An In-Depth Investigation of USOs in the Santa Catalina Channel

Occulture: The Unseen Forces That Drive Culture Forward

Shadow Cats: The Black Panthers of North America

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Monday, March 26, 2018

Extraterrestrials in the Neighborhood

I recently received the following account from a witness in Santa Cruz, CA. There was a similar post on the MUFON CMS recently, dated 7/7/2017:

Today I was relaxing at home when I noticed some movement across the street from my kitchen window. It's a small side street with lots of large trees. It was hard to tell what I was seeing at first, because they appeared to have some sort of camouflage, but it looked like black SWAT uniforms with small yellow lettering once I was able to get a better view. They were up in a tree, very well hidden by the leaves, and i was only really able to see them when they moved. It was apparent when they moved as opposed to the wind because only a small section of a branch would vibrate. I was startled and anxious because they were looking toward my house, and I first thought they had me under surveillance or something and couldn't understand what was going on.

I watched them in the tree for at least 5-10 minutes, and I was crouched low looking through a cut-out in my fence. They seemed to spot me at some point and some kind of faint beeping sound started, like an alarm on a radio or walkie-talkie. They then began trying to slowly and secretly rappel down ropes that I could see being controlled by a man high in the tree wearing a blue jacket. They dropped out of sight behind the neighbor's fence across the street. So this was all weird enough, but what happened next was absolutely mind blowing.

I was trying to see where they went behind the fence, and noticed something very tall at the back of the driveway of their next-door neighbor. Their driveway extends behind their house into the backyard. I realized I was looking at an unbelievably tall woman with very blonde, long hair. She had a sort of grey and white jumpsuit on, with a strange looking oval back covering that went around the top of her head and all the way down to her feet. It was only solid in the back, and was whitish in color with a patterned border around the edge. It didn't really look like fabric but I couldn't tell what it was. Her eyes were extremely large. She stood very still but moved slightly, and there seemed to be a shorter humanoid shape wearing the same color jumpsuit moving around rather wildly at her feet. But the shadow of the fence made it hard to see that part. The sunlight was good and bright, and the only obstruction was some sparse shadowing from tree leaves. Not really sure what I was looking at.

I looked back to where the black wearing tree climbers had been, and saw that suddenly there was now a short, skin-colored 'something' standing behind their fence. The fence is a lattice pattern so there are a good many holes you can see through. It was too short to be seen over the top of the fence, but I could see a very large face with a deeply wrinkled forehead and eyes that almost looked like they were made of some kind of glitter. They were very large, and somewhat rounder than what people usually describe as "alien eyes." I could see that it was looking right at me, so not knowing what else to do, I waved at it. It then reached a hand with very very long bony fingers through the fence lattice and waved back. It waved a couple more times, stopping in between waves. I was so stunned that I had to look away and shake my head to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. When I looked back it had stopped waving and was a little farther back from the fence. It seemed like a good entity, whatever it was. Even though I was seeing from across the street through 2 fences, I could see it quite well. Things somehow got even weirder after that.

I decided to lay down for a minute, glancing back to where the massive woman had been, but there didn't seem to be anyone there anymore. I went up into my little loft, which has several skylights under a giant live oak tree. I stared at the tree trying to process what I had just witnessed, when I noticed a couple of branches quivering like the ones the covert ops guys had been shaking. I expected to see more of those creepy agents, but instead strained to see a much smaller creature climbing expertly up into the high branches. It was difficult to see it clearly because it seemed to be a dusty grey green color, much like the trees bark and leaves. It seemed to have textured skin, possibly scaly, and it had an angular face with teeny tiny little projections like little horns or possibly short antennae. It has a small mouth that looked full of sharp teeth. It's eyes were quite large and dark. It had a humanoid build but was short. I stared at this for many minutes, wondering what the Hell was going on. Then I caught sight of some slight movement on other branches and saw two more of the same creatures climbing easily up the tall tree. They reached a high up branch that was big enough to lay on. The light, once they stopped moving much, was not ideal and it was hard to see them when the were sitting still. In the shade of the branches it looked like an even smaller, dark green creature was working on the gray colored ones back somehow...it looked like a massage to me. I watched until my neck was too painful from looking up to continue. When I looked back a little later, the branches were empty.

This was all preceded by an unnerving experience late the night before. I got up to get water and glanced at the driveway neighbors window. Inside I saw an unnaturally gangling figure that was bluish light grey. It was staring out of their window directly at me which caught me off guard and I let out a little shriek. I walked from the kitchen into the bathroom and looked again, seeing that it's eyes followed where I was. I called my boyfriend in fear and told him what I was seeing. He was just excited while I was scared. I thought that would be the end of it when I went to bed, but the next day was even crazier! I wish I had a way to find out what was going on!

There was also a very small orb darting about the branches of the oak tree and any time it would graze a twig it would give a little shake. I've never seen a bird or bug or other flying life form move in that manner. I attest that this is all true and I described it to the best of my knowledge. I have never seen anything like this before and really would like to know what was going on, and if it is real why so many different kinds of extraterrestrials were in my neighborhood.

NOTE: The account posted at the MUFON CMS stated that photos were included, though there was no mention in the email I received. Quite a bizarre series of events. Lon

Selected by Extraterrestrials: My life in the top secret world of UFOs, think-tanks and Nordic secretaries

Aliens: The World's Leading Scientists on the Search for Extraterrestrial Life

Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?: . . . and Other Questions from the Astronomers' In-box at the Vatican Observatory

The Alien Handbook: A Guide to Extraterrestrials

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Weekend 2 Cents: Unknown 'Substances' Found in Montana Yard -- Time Slip in Old Haunted House -- Tall Black Xenomorph

Unknown 'Substances' Found in Montana Yard

Montana - 2018-03-19 07:30: We were getting ready to leave for work when observer 1 noticed a strange substance in our front yard. She then told me to come and look at this strange substance in our yard. The strange substance was noticed because it was out of the ordinary. Something told her to look in the yard. Maybe intuition but she noticed something out of place. At 1st she thought it was coffee ground and what looked like cooked rice. The substance looked like it was hot when it made contact with the yard since the snow was melted all around the substance. But there were no tracks leading up to the substance which was strange. I decided to take a picture of it before leaving for work. To me the substance looked like nothing from this earth. The black stuff looks like space rocks or some kind of debris from take off? Can't explain what the white goo is but it looks sticky and clumped together like a food of some sort. How can we get sample of the substance to an investigator so it can be tested? - MUFON


Time Slip in Old Haunted House

“When I was living in Georgia a few years ago, a young male (early 20's) told me about an abandoned house that was about a half mile from him. He and a friend took a trip to the house went up the stairs then realized they were not in the house no more. I asked 'where were you two then?' We were in a large school with period setting. I asked about what possible time period, possibly the progressive era was a good guess. They do not know how long they were in there, but long enough to know that something was wrong. He told me they walked the halls and every room was identical. They walked into one of the rooms and sat in the classroom. Being young they did not sense any danger or what was going on. He told me that they sat there for a few minutes and then they turn around as if the stairway was behind them. He asked his friend if he wanted to go down the stairs. They went down the stairway with ease, exited the house and walked out. They hesitated for a brief moment. He asked his friend if he wanted to go back in to look around again, and the both agreed to go back upstairs. As they went upstairs again, it was like the classrooms never existed, because I knew what house he went in and it should have only taken them no more then 10 seconds to walk across from one side to the other. What I knew he did not, and that was the woman that owned the house many years ago (through records) she was a school teacher. So I do not know if her ghost was there or something and his spirit became intertwined with hers. I do not know, but it was one of the most interesting stories I have ever heard.”

Source: Youtube Comments, paul eagle1000

Beyond Creepy


Tall Black Xenomorph

Port Charlotte, FL - 2018-03-21: A larger Xenomorph looking creature saw me as I entered our screen porch area, and escaped through a missing screen lost during hurricane. It used one foot to push off, and jumped clear onto the one story roof, scattering rocks into the patio area. Then it went over the roof, I think back to the canal and escaped into the water. Dark black a little shiny large maybe nine foot, exoskeleton, looked like an ant like Xeno, it was not hostile it only looked to escape. Someone else from the house was there but I don't know who I heard the door close. - MUFON


The Street Moved...

“I had a glitch in the world. I've lived in the same state for over 14 years. SINCE I WAS BORN, and while I was going to my friend's house, I realized something was wrong, I was on the wrong street. Somehow the WHOLE street moved over and another one was there which never knew about, which was there all this time. (MY friend says the street has always been there.) I don't know how, but it wasn't there before, somehow a WHOLE ENTIRE street was made overnight. I'm serious, like, what happened?”

Source: Youtube comments, elijah cormier

Beyond Creepy



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Phantoms & Monsters: Unexplained Encounters

The Books of Enoch: The Angels, The Watchers and The Nephilim: (With Extensive Commentary on the Three Books of Enoch, the Fallen Angels, the Calendar of Enoch, and Daniel's Prophecy)

Files from the Edge: A Paranormal Investigator's Explorations into High Strangeness

Time Slips: Real Stories of Time Travel

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