Extraordinary Being Poking Me
Mount Bethel, PA - 2014-12-12 - 11:20PM: Over the past 30 years there have been incidences with viewings of cylinder-like multiple (5-6) objects overhead with Air Force jets then following them upward until they vanished in the NJ area, along with known experiences of being raised off the bed during sleep at various times. These experiences continued when I moved to Pennsylvania, but occurred more often and I became more aware, attempting to remain awake. The encounters always happened at night, especially while the TV was off. My dog would wake me barking frantically, then overhearing what sounded like a train or huge jet overhead. When I calmed her down and returned to sleep, the encounters continued
The most extraordinary and memorable encounter (which I will never forget) occurred late 2014 when I fell asleep on the couch around 11:10 pm (having glanced at the wall clock prior to falling asleep) with the TV off. I awoke or tried to awake when I heard my dog barking frantically, pacing back and forth. I opened my eyes, but my vision appeared as though something placed gel over my eyes b/c even though I could make out what was in front of me, it was not entirely a clear image. I also felt something poking at my face and making noises (medium to high-pitch sounds). It was as if this being was making fun of me somehow...just poking its long brown/grey finger and touching my face..cheeks..forehead. I tried to reach out and touch it, but felt paralyzed...couldn't move at all. I could make out its face, long 4 fingers that were in front of me, eyes, skin texture, and size. I managed to glance upward and could make out the room..the clock on the wall, (then 11:20), the chairs, and table. The dog was quiet then. I had been laying on my left side and this extraordinary being was right next to me...only a couple of inches away. Since I found that I couldn't speak nor move, I attempted to relate mentally to leave me alone and that I needed rest. I felt my eyes close and woke up...then looking at the clock it was 11:30 pm. Before going into such a transient state where you can't move or speak, I have felt the same sensations of diminished hearing, small cylinders or pistols going off within the brain, and hearing a loud jet-like or train-like roar prior to the encounter. This being was amazing! These encounters have also left sores and small indentations on my body over the years...with the latest one on my arms and lower right leg with present scars. - MUFON
Buried Union Army Gold in Pennsylvania?
As a 155-year-old legend goes, a Union Army wagon train left Wheeling, W.Va., before the Battle of Gettysburg, carrying two tons of gold, but never completed its 400-mile mission.
The gold was supposed to be used to pay Union soldiers. But it first had to make it to the U.S. Mint in Philadelphia, according to the Associated Press. It never did.
The wagon train traveled northeast and was last spotted in St. Marys, Pa. Searchers found the wagons and the bodies of dead soldiers — and the gold was gone.
But maybe not forever.
On Friday, dozens of FBI agents, Pennsylvania state officials and members of a treasure-hunting group were buzzing around the state forest at Dents Run, about 27 miles by road southeast of St. Marys and 135 miles northeast of Pittsburgh. It’s the site where the treasure-hunting group, Finders Keepers, says as much as $55 million in lost Union gold could be buried. Read more at Legend says a load of Union gold went missing during the Civil War. Did the FBI just find it?
Strange Object 'Floating' Through Milwaukee
The sighting occurred in February 2010 at about 6:30 PM on a side street in an industrial neighborhood, a few blocks from the intersection of Capital and Palmer in Milwaukee, WI. A friend was in a meeting with a local community organization and I decided to stay in the car to make some work related phone calls. I had just finished up with the phone calls when I decided to step out of the car for a cigarette. I leaned up against the driver-side door of the car facing the South as I smoked. I noticed movement some movement to my right, and looked in that direction. An object anywhere from 4 to 5.5 feet long oriented perpendicular to the ground like so: | was floating about 15 feet off the ground. The object was moving from the West to the East at about 6 - 8 miles per hour with a very shallow guide slope, about 1 degree.
At first I thought that the object might be a kite cut loose from its string with how smoothly and quietly it was gliding along, until it passed underneath some power lines and a few feet later it ascended vertically by about 5 feet to clear the top of a building that it was headed for. It then moved parallel to the top of the building for about 300 feet until my view of the object became obstructed by another taller building to my left. The object was an imperfect cylindrical shape with a few small protrusions here and there.
When I realized that the object was not a wayward kite, I thought about reports of flying humanoids. However, the protrusions didn't seem to fit with what was described in those accounts - additionally there was a brief metallic flash as light from a lamp post reflected off of the object - this does not seem to fit with the description of flying humanoids either. Other than the brief metallic flash the object was entirely black. The closest the object's path took it to me was about 120 feet and I was able to observe the object for about 2 minutes, so I had ample opportunity to try to identify the object and for the life of me I cannot think of anything that this object could have been. Even after going home and doing a Google image search for UAVs nothing I have ever seen can match up with the description of this object. My reaction to this object was initially one of pure curiosity until after I had dropped my friend off at his place, then I became extremely nervous and scared.
My family and I wish to thank all those who expressed their condolences and sentiments in regards to my father's passing. Lon
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'Phantoms and Monsters'
The Zanfretta Alien Encounters
Alien Abduction: The White Room
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Healing with the Angels: How the Angels Can Assist You in Every Area of Your Life

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