; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Friday, April 30, 2010

Dealing With The Unknown

NOTE: The following is a very interesting email I received today from 'Seeing Things in Ohio'. BTW, I'm going to hold off on the 'Humanoid / Cryptid Encounters Reports' series for a bit...but I promise to resume soon. Now, let's see if we can help this reader with their concerns...Lon

Dear Mr. Strickler,

"I will be upfront an honest with you. I am one of those who want to believe. However, I am also one of those who is very skeptical. I have read the books of Eric Von D, Robert Bauval and others. Mainstream media has tickled my interests in DaVinci and the Free Masons. And for over 15 yrs or so (now being in my early 30's) I have always had a love of Mayan, Inca, and ancient Egyptian societies. Maybe a year or so ago while watching something on NatGeo/SyFy/History Channel, I was browsing the WWW and came across your blog. I have followed on and off since then, and with your posts of the little lizard man and most recently your post of the "Red Man", they kinda hit home for me. With "V", I felt that if this person could come forward then I know I am not alone and they may also know that they are not alone in having an experience."

"I was born and raised in NE Ohio. I had a normal upbringing (or what some would call). Parents are still married, went to church on Sundays, had a dog, picket fence, all those things. I did a little marijuana in high school, I rarely drink, and there is only one reported case of a mental illness in my family."

"When I was 12-13 yrs old, I remember having a very vivid dream where I was sitting in my living room watching TV. While watching TV (which in my dream I was viewing myself in 3rd person) something made me want to look out through the dining room and out through the large sliding glass door into the backyard. When I turned my head, it was completely dark outside, and then in almost a comedic way of film, this giant moon slid up from below the horizon (like from the 9 to 12 position on a clock). The moon was enormous, almost filling the sky and was brilliantly white. As I sit dumbfounded in my dream staring out the back window, something pulls my legs out from under me while I'm sitting on them on the floor. This startled me but while in my dream I am still staring at the moon this voice from what I can only assume was in my head said, "its almost over"."

"This frightened me horribly. So much that I woke up hot and sweaty only to find my bedroom door partially open with a small, dark figure closing the door and saying without moving his mouth "don't tell"."

"I don't recall really any of the small humanoid's features. I just recall him being about 2-2.5 ft tall and seeing the figures darker than gray complexion and nothing moved on its face when I heard it speak. Even to this day this incident is one of the most vivid memories that I have."

(Seeing your photo of the reptile man was nearly like pulling out a photo of my head from that past memory)

"I mentioned nothing of this occurrence until a just a few years ago to a close friend. I never even told my wife."

"Well I went off to college, came back home, got married, had a couple of kids and just over a year ago bought my parents house. On and off since the encounter/dream/incident (whatever you would like to call it because I don't) I get this feeling like I'm being observed. Not the kind of being watched where you are sitting up at night unable to sleep and you feel like someone is watching you through the window. More like something is waiting for me as I walk into rooms and sitting in the car with me while I drive to work. This was only in small increments and I never felt it to be constant. But since moving back home, I am feeling it more so."

"My son is the fun age of 5 and recently started talking about some guy he met here at home named 'Kyle Foker'. He tells my wife and I that he has seen him all over the house. Yes he is a child, with an imagination. But while giving him the 20 questions over his new friend I am rattling my brain on what TV show/commercial/movie he could have come up with this, and so far have come up with nothing."

"While that is going on I was in the kitchen just a week or so ago talking to my mom and for some reason I felt compelled to look the other way and I saw a dark figure. This figure that I saw had an upside down triangle for a torso and a rectangular block for a head. When I turned to look I could tell that it looked at me because while my brain was trying to comprehend what I just had seen, I could see that the block head sort of rotated and proceeded to take an immediate left and zip its way through my stairs that go up to our bedrooms."

"From everything that I know, no one has died on this property. (My grandfather that lived with my parents and I (at my current location) for a few years while from the time I was six until I was in high school became ill with Alzheimer's and later passed away having a complication from a stroke at a hospice center.) But I am afraid partially for my sanity but more for my family. Although no one has been hurt in any way, I can't help to think like a father/husband and want to protect my family from any possible threat. But my issue here is that what the hell am I dealing with? Possible alien thing, spirit, mental illness, or D: all of the above? Am I seeing one thing and my son is seeing something else?"

'Any help you could lend would be greatly appreciated."


Seeing Things in Ohio

Dealing With The Unknown

Four-Legged 'Grey Monster' Sightings - Monclova, Coahuila, Mexico

NOTE: the following is a recent post by Scott Corrales at Inexplicata:

Mexico: Four-Armed “Grey Monster” in Monclova

Several witnesses claim seeing the creature – Elements of the public safety forces responded to reports – Creature’s presence is associated with animal deaths.

[Prof. Ana Luisa Cid notes: “I learned of this incident through Ing. Ricardo García of Monclova. It should be noted that the reports are from three separate dates: April 4, 5 and 9. On the 4th, it was seen by some children in the Chinameca district; on the 5th, it was seen at the Alamo district, where witnesses point out that it submerged into the Monclova River; on the 9th it was reported that a shepherd saw it several times at a ranch and that it has killed 10 goats in six months. All information is from the Zocalo newspaper.”]

Zocalo Saltillo

Monster Causes Alarm in Chinameca
By Sergio A. Rodriguez
Diario Zocalo, April 5, 2010

MONCLOVA, Coahuila – Residents of Colonia Chinameca were gripped by a psychosis on Saturday night after two children reported seeing an alleged monster of humanoid characteristics and four legs on Calle Londres in that busy sector.

The children described the entity as a little man with smooth, grey skin and four legs or lower extremities. It was seen in an empty lot of the street in question in the Chinameca district.

Omar Andres Armendariz and Jose Rolando Gallegos, both 13 and local residents, were terrified and spread the word of the “being” they had just seen among other locals.

The mother of one of the youngsters, seeing the state of nerves that her child was in, called the police, requesting that whoever caused her son to fall into such a state of terror be apprehended.

After receiving the report, law enforcement agents reported to the scene and searched everywhere for the strange little man, but could not establish it whereabouts. However, this is not the first time that strange things have been reported in this district, according to residents.

“Monster” Drives Bathers Out of the Moncloa River
By Alejandro Hernández

Diario Zocalo, April 6, 2010

MONCLOVA, Coahuila – Residents of Colonia Alamo had quite a fright yesterday upon seeing a large, grey-colored, four-legged creature submerge into the waters of the Monclova River at the location known as “El Charco Azul” (the blue pond)

Public Safety Personnel reported immediately to the scene to deal with the case, which represents the second sighting of an unknown being with matching characteristics.

Officers of the Policia Preventiva ordered bathers out of the water at the location where the “grey monster” was seen entering the river.

According to reports provided by the police department, residents contacted the desk officer to report the strange animal sighting at 2:00 p.m.

It should be noted that on Saturday night, two minors were terrified by the sight of a strange being in Colonia Chinameca. They described it as having the same characteristics.

In yesterday’s report, residents of Colonia Alamo stated that what appeared to be a “strange animal” broke into a run and entered “El Charco Azul”, submerging itself without coming out again.

Several elements of the Municipal Police reached the site quickly and conversed with some locals, who concealed their personal information.

Four young men from Colonia del Río – Jesús, Rolando, Emmanuel and Edgar – were terror-stricken by the “little man” while fishing for king prawns at the location.

Psychosis Strikes Monclova – “Monster” Now Seen at Ejido

By Zocalo, April 9, 2010

MONCLOVA, Coahuila – The monster seen at Chinameca and the Monclova River appears to dwell in the city’s southwestern section, over by Ejido Curva de Juan Sánchez, where it has slain 10 goats over the past six months and has been seen on at least five occasions, even in broad daylight.

Jaime Cruz, a 21-year-old shepherd from Irapuato, Guanajuato, says that he has seen the strange beast several times between Ejido Curva de Juan Sánchez and the Colinas de Santiago district. The beast is no ordinary animal and is also capable of extremely high leaps.

Four-Legged 'Grey Monster' Sightings - Monclova, Coahuila, Mexico

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 'Ghost' Painting Up For Sale

PFC - The Sherlock Holmes author bought this painting while mourning the death of his son in WW1

A painting inspired by the psychic spirits of dead soldiers and bought by a grieving Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who lost a son in WW1 will auction as part of the Owston Collection in Sydney.

Bonhams' sale will take place on June 25-26.

The painting by William Francis (Will) Longstaff (Australian, 1879-1953) titled 'The Rearguard (The spirit of ANZAC)' is a huge oil on canvas measuring 53 9/16 x 106 5/16 inches.

The piece is estimated to sell for A$20,000-40,000 (over US$37,000). Sir Arthur Conan Doyle purchased the painting directly from the artist for his own collection, 1928.

The painting is an iconic image, believed missing until now, by the Official War Artist, Will Longstaff. It is one of a series of only six paintings which represent the pinnacle of the artist's career, beginning with his best-known work, Menin Gate.

Longstaff had attended the unveiling ceremony of the Menin Gate memorial in Ypres on July 24, 1927.

He was so moved by the ceremony that, during a midnight walk along the Menin Road, he imagined a vision of steel-helmeted spirits rising from the moonlit cornfields.

It is said that, following his return to London, he painted the work in one session. Mrs Mary Horsburgh, who had worked in a British canteen during the war, may have influenced him.

She had met him during this evening walk, and told him that she could feel "her dead boys" all around her. Spiritualism was very much in vogue in the 1920s, and many who wished to communicate with relatives and friends who had died in battle found consolation in its tenets.

'The Rearguard' was reported to have been painted under similar psychic influence:

"Mr. Longstaff says that he felt an uncanny 'urge' to paint the picture, which formed itself with lightning rapidity in his brain," said Conan Doyle.

"He began at 7 o'clock in the morning, working unceasingly in the dim light. He had experienced a sensation not felt in any other work, and he was surprised and delighted. It is one of the most remarkable pictures I have seen.

"The artist worked for 11 hours with the fury of inspiration. Genius has always been on the edge of psychic influence.'"

`The Rearguard (The spirit of ANZAC)', presents a ghostly array of soldiers lining up near the beach at Gallipoli in the bleak dawn, with departing transports and warships barely visible on the misty horizon.

The subject is probably the most poignant of the series: Longstaff enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force at the outbreak of the First World War and was himself injured at Gallipoli.

The ANZAC tradition; the belief that the First World War, and the Gallipoli Campaign in particular, was a watershed in Australian history, and that those who died on foreign soil did so to create a greater Australia, gave this painting an added, almost religious, significance.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who bought the painting claimed to have had conversations with the spirits of many great men, including Cecil Rhodes, Earl Haig, Joseph Conrad and others. In his later years Sir Arthur often expressed a wish that he should be remembered for his psychic work rather than for his novels.

When he celebrated his seventy-first birthday he confessed he was tired of hearing about his celebrated character, Sherlock Holmes. "Holmes is dead," he said. "I have done with him." Ten of Sir Arthur's 60 books are about 'spiritism'.

Bonhams, the international fine art auction house, is to sell the Owston Collection in Sydney on June 25-26.

The sale will be held at the Overseas Passenger Terminal at Circular Quay overlooking the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge. A significant number of items will be offered with 'no reserve', providing an extra interest in the sale.
Originally posted 10/7/2009

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Ouija Board

deadlinescotland - A OUIJA board thought to have been used by the creator of Sherlock Holmes has been found in a secret compartment at a school of paranormal studies.

Staff at the Edinburgh College of Parapsychology found the occult Victorian device hidden in small cupboard built into a kitchen wall, 20 feet out of reach.

The spooky find – used to spell out messages during a Séance – is thought to have been used by mystery writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

The device was found with its original packaging, and was labelled as a “Telepathic Spirit Communicator.”

Edinburgh-born Doyle immersed himself in the practice of spiritualism in 1906, after his wife Louisa and son Kingsley died.Doyle found solace in the practice, which believes that contact can be made with people beyond the grave.The area is even said to have influenced his writing, and his novel, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, was even banned in the Soviet Union because it was said to be occultist.

Roberta Gordon, 62, a medium and president of the college, said the Victorian device was found along with a “Dungeon Tube” with is said to use musical vibrations to relieve pain.

She said: “We were very excited to be quite honest.

“Arthur Conan Doyle was very much into spiritualism so there is every chance he would have seen some of the equipment we found.”

“There is no way we will be parting with any of it though – it’s part of our heritage.”

Roberta’s husband Richard, 66, from Gullane, East Lothian added: “We’ve found quite a few unusual things while we’ve been clearing out the building, like strange recordings.

“The college has been here for 77 years so there’s a lot to find.

“I believe Doyle used to frequent the building.

“And it’s well known that he was a spiritualist – it’s very possible that he used the board.

“The board was made in Manchester, and we’ve got the packaging as well.

“We’re not sure how old it is yet, but the wheels are made of bone – not plastic or wood.”

Roberta and husband Richard have spent the last few months renovating the building, which is in the upmarket west end of the city.

But the ouija board is not the first unsettling discovery the couple have made.

They’ve also found old records containing medium sessions and red lights used during Derren Brown style séances.

Roberta said: “We had been told there was paint stored in one of the high-up cupboards, so we set about looking for it.

“But instead we discovered all of this – we couldn’t believe it.”

The college was founded in 1932, but followers of spiritualism existed long before then, often operating in secret for fear of persecution by the authorities.

Evangelical Archaeologists Claim Discovery of 'Noah's Ark'

thesun - The remains of Noah’s Ark have been discovered 13,000ft up a Turkish mountain, it has been claimed.

A group of Chinese and Turkish evangelical explorers say they have found wooden remains on Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey.

They claim carbon dating proves the relics are 4,800 years old — around the same time the ark was said to be afloat.

Yeung Wing-Cheung, from the Noah’s Ark Ministries International research team, said: “It’s not 100 per cent that it is Noah’s Ark, but we think it is 99.9 per cent that this is it.”

He said the structure contained several compartments, some with wooden beams, that they believe were used to house animals.

The group of evangelical archaeologists ruled out an established human settlement on the grounds none have ever been found above 11,000ft in the vicinity, Yeung said.

Local Turkish officials will ask the central government in Ankara to apply for UNESCO World Heritage status so the site can be protected while a major archaeological dig is conducted.

The biblical story says that God decided to flood the Earth after seeing how corrupt it was.

He then told Noah to build an ark and fill it with two of every animal species.

After the flood waters receded, the Bible says, the ark came to rest on a mountain.

Many believe that Mount Ararat, the highest point in the region, is where the ark and her inhabitants ran aground.

NOTE: well, here we go again. How many times has 'Noah's Ark' been discovered? The following list describes some of the more infamous 'Noah's Ark' discoveries/hoaxes...Lon:

Nicholas II and the expedition to Mount Ararat

Conspiracy theorists believe that Nicholas II of Russia sent an expedition party to Mount Ararat in 1917 to investigate reported remains of Noah's Ark.

The Russian Imperial Air Force is reputed to have sent up to 150 men up the mountain to examine an 'anomaly' after 'a Russian pilot flying over the area reported a dark structure about the size of a battleship with a rounded-over top'.

The odds are stacked against this particular tale, as Nicholas abdicated during the February Revolution of 1917, meaning it is unlikely that the expedition was ever sent.

Some investigators have claimed that the expedition actually set off in 1916 and that after finding the 'ark' a number of photographs were taken. Unfortunately, in true conspiracy-theorist style, the photographs mysteriously disappeared after Leon Trotsky discovered their existence.

Subsequent expeditions have been unable to find the colossal structure.

Professors Mud & Stoneass

In an unfortunate case of failing to check the date, a number of papers picked up on the Kölnische Illustrierte Zeitung April 1 story on Noah's Ark.

A number of pictures accompanied the 1933 article, showing a huge boat resting on a mountainside, which were duly reprinted across the globe with translations of the article.

On April 8 1933 the Cologne-based paper admitted its tomfoolery, but even though the tale was unquestionably false, that didn't stop an intrepid group of Ark-hunters in 1972 basing their search for the lost vessel on the original article.

Fernand Navarra

When French explorer Fernand Navarra announced that he had found a five-foot section of the Ark on the slopes of Mount Arat, people were, it seems, justifiably sceptical of his claims.

The Forestry Institute of Research and Experiments of the Ministry of Agriculture in Spain dated the wood at 5,000 years old, seemingly vindicating Navarra's claims. However, it was later discovered that the samples are actually only between 725 and 535 years old and that Navarra had in fact simply bought the wood from a nearby village.

George Jammal

George Jammal claimed in 1993 that he had found a section of 'sacred wood from the Ark' in a CBS documentary. The expedition, according to Jammal, was long, arduous and even claimed the life of his friend Vladimir.

In fact, the entire story was a deliberate hoax designed to fool the media, at the centre of which was a lump of timber that had actually been lifted from Californian train tracks.

Evangelical Archaeologists Claim Discovery of 'Noah's Ark'

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

SERPO Release 34: 'Operation TANGO-SIERRA' - Humanoid Infiltration

American Chronicle and Joint Recon Study Group - According to accounts released Saturday, April 24, 2010, by the coordinator of an e-mail news and information service, officials of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) and other U.S. government agencies have been involved in security activities involving human-appearing extraterrestrial beings in the U.S.

Victor Martinez, the e-mail information coordinator, is a former federal employee with an interest in space, defense and current affairs. Recipients of his e-mail news items include a wide variety of people interested in emerging and leading-edge scientific and other developments.

In his April 24 information release, Martinez quoted one of his alleged established contacts, one of a handful of current or former officials of the DIA, regarding any new or updated information on extraterrestrial encounters that would be of interest to the public.

The DIA contact reportedly provided information about the monitoring and intervention by U.S. officials regarding a particular extraterrestrial being posing as a human within the U.S., Martinez wrote in his e-mail report.

The contact also noted the more general issue of extraterrestrials visiting Earth who may blend in with the human population, for various reasons.

According to Martinez, his contact stated, "In reference to your repeated requests to present some new information never before disclosed to the public ... I went outside of our agency to close intelligence contacts of mine and secured the following ... I just received information on a highly sensitive operation code-named 'Operation TANGO-SIERRA' that occurred in early 1980. It involved U.S. intelligence capturing an alien being living among us."


The contact also allegedly told Martinez, "Here is the story. Personally, I've never heard of this particular operation before in all of my years in intelligence circles and employment. This information extracted about the alien is still highly classified and extremely difficult to obtain."

"From what I've learned, except for former presidents Carter, Reagan and Bush I, most presidents since then have not been briefed on this specific operation."

Martinez went on to report that an apparently new source, established via his long-time contacts, provided additional details on this alleged operation.

The new source reportedly wrote, "I am an intelligence colleague of the man whom you have come know as 'Anonymous' who has asked me to brief you on a very special USG operation."

"I was directly involved with 'Operation TANGO-SIERRA.' It involved the finding, tracking and eventual capture of an extraterrestrial entity."

"The original operation began in early 1980 when an Earth female was identified by U.S. intelligence as being a so-called 'alien abductee.' She had been abducted by a male non-human in 1977 which was her first abduction," the source allegedly told Martinez.

"This woman was single, 23-years-old and a trusted, well-respected U.S. government employee."

"The male non-human showed the Earth woman abductee projections of alien life on another planet. The projection was from a small, triangle device. The woman viewed this projection which she described as images displayed in a 3-dimensional 'holographic' view."

The information source also claimed, "The male non-human never harmed the Earth woman abductee. During the three years of her ongoing abduction, the Earth woman was taken by the male non-human through a 'veil of light' to another place. The Earth woman described this place as being 'a light bubble.' She would sit inside the bubble and view these holographic projections with the male non-human."

"On one occasion, the male non-human introduced the Earth woman to another male, whom the Earth woman described in debriefing details as not being human, i.e., not being an Earth male abductee. The Earth woman called this other being a "creature.'"

"This creature performed a medical examination on the Earth woman. The woman did not fully consent to the alien's examination as she was temporarily paralyzed. After the examination, the woman was taken back to her residence."


According to Martinez' source or sources, this federal employee's experience triggered an investigation. The source reportedly stated, "When the Earth woman brought up her abduction by a male alien to the attention of a co-worker, the co-worker contacted an office security official, who then contacted U.S. intelligence officials."

"U.S. intelligence spent hours and hours vetting the woman's story, conducting thorough background investigations, performing surveillance, and administering several polygraph examinations."

"The Earth woman's story was eventually deemed to be factually true and correct. U.S. intelligence then mounted a very special, highly classified operation to capture this alien being, who lived near Landover, Maryland."

The source(s) also claimed, "In early 1980, the 7602 Air Intelligence Wing, Section III, began a detailed, intense investigation involving the presence of extraterrestrial creatures having infiltrated the highest levels of the United States government."

"This information originated from several abductees, who underwent extensive screening to determine their credibility."

"With the assistance of the 4th District, the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, a highly classified operation was launched, code named: 'Operation TANGO-SIERRA' to find, detain and debrief that 'human' and determine whether or not he was an actual extraterrestrial creature/non-human and an imminent or potential threat to our national security."

"The entire operation lasted five months and involved approximately 60 intelligence officers. Every intelligence gathering capability was utilized at the time: Ground, aerial surveillance, telephone wiretaps,photographic evidence and other undisclosed clandestine operations were all conducted and some simultaneously in concert with one another."

The source also stated, "The non-human entity was quickly identified, carefully watched, photographed and eventually captured near a shopping mall (southeast of Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland) after it walked up an embankment. It was quickly determined that this male alien had no special powers nor abilities."

"The male non-human voluntarily complied with the U.S. intelligence AFOSI special agents and went quietly and without incident. The male non-human was then remanded to custody and placed in captivity at Ft. Belvoir Army Post, Virginia."


Martinez' source(s) also allegedly reported, "The male non-human was interrogated by teams of AFOSI special agents over several weeks and in total was questioned and intensely interrogated for many months by other agencies."

"It was during this time that the male non-human disclosed its race, its resident planet and the reason it came to Earth. The male alien basically cooperated and provided details of its life on his alien home world."

"The non-human entity was released on the direct orders of then President Carter in late 1980, and subsequently left Earth and returned to its home planet."

"The male non-human originated from the star system Delta Pavonis, 20 light-years from Earth where it was the 4th planet from their sun. It is roughly the same size as our Earth."

"We called the captured alien Septeloids. That was the identifying alien species name given to them by the astrobiologists on our team. I have no idea how they picked that name as well as some of the other odd-sounding alien species names ending with the suffix of 'loid.'"

"The travel time to Earth was 18 Earth months using a very complex propulsion system and time-space displacement travel mode. Back then in 1980, we could not understand the alien propulsion system and we never saw his spacecraft."

"When President Carter let the male non-human leave, he just vanished. I was never in the intelligence loop as to how he left or how he departed Earth," Martinez' source reportedly stated.

"These aliens from Delta Pavonis have been visiting Earth for 100 Earth years. Apparently, they could assume the human shape and form and easily live among us."

"I'm not sure how they learned English so well nor other languages. You've got to remember that this was extreme compartmentalization. I knew just what I was suppose to know. There is much more to the alien debriefing that I do not know."

"From what I've learned over the years, this race of alien beings originally came to Earth as explorers about a century ago."

"With respect to the male non-human's employment, he worked as a records keeper for the U.S. Dept. of Commerce in Washington D.C. He was able to manufacture his own identification documents by assuming the name/ID of a deceased Earth human."

"He was in a career that did not require a high-level security clearance thereby enabling him to escape the much greater scrutiny given to 'Secret' clearance level background checks and above."


Martinez quotes his source as stating, "Although they possessed the human shape, form and basic anatomy, they were not human beings like you and me. Their actual, normal, 'real' appearance was that of a hideous-looking creature that would most certainly scare, frighten and terrify a normal Earth human."

"Above all, they did not have any extra powers nor abilities. They had no weapons and never tried to harm Earth humans. Their sole intent and stated mission was that they just wanted to study Earth humans and obtain the basic structure of the human body, anatomy and social interplay."

"I don't know how many others of this specific type of aliens were among us as I was not authorized that specific highly classified information," the source reportedly told Martinez.

"However, I am positive that there were more similar-type operations than just this one. 'Operation TANGO-SIERRA' was just one operation that lasted nine months from start to finish in the D.C area."

"U.S. intelligence had more such operations around the U.S., with one in the southwest and another in the northwest, but I don't know for sure on the location details."

In apparent response to a question Martinez posed, the source reportedly responded, "As for other visiting alien races, we knew of nine of them."

"The Ebens were the nicest while the Trantaloids were the ugliest, meanest sons-a-bitches and most dangerous."

"I only know that the very inner circle of our government knows. That is about all I can tell you. I never spoke with the male non-human in 'Operation TANGO-SIERRA,' but I was actively involved in this operation. Most of the older fellows who knew all of this are dead now. Former CIA Director Richard M. Helms was our boss for this operation. He died some years ago."

Martinez noted in his report that Navy Adm. Stansfield Turner was CIA director at the time.

"The CIA/DIA/NSA were all involved as well as one or two FBI special agents, but they were never fully briefed."

"The lead agency was the 7602nd that operated out of Ft. Belvoir. Those guys were the best of the best. I was the lead case officer for the surveillance part of the operation. I was very good at that. I was trained by the best and worked inside the old Soviet Union for many, many years."

"I could follow the devil around and he would never know it. Most of the UFO operations – clandestine, that is – were performed by the 7602nd."

"In fact, the CIA came to them for their specialized training. The 7602nd Air Intelligence Wing remained secret for many years. Although it was a U.S. Air Force unit, the unit contained all branches of the armed forces except the Marines ... we never could train those guys!"

Martinez' alleged new contact also reportedly advised him, "Your Anonymous source is probably someone I know since we have a very close-knit intel group who meets about once a month where we discuss items of mutual interest. We all live in the [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]. We have many intel contacts in Texas, especially Austin."

"We used to have a much larger group, but over the years, time has taken its share of our beloved, cherished friends ... "

"I hope all of this works out for you. Good luck, Mr Martinez."


One of Martinez sources also commented on other longstanding reports within the leading-edge community researching allegations of extraterrestrial visitation to Earth.

"The 'Yellow Book' is quite an extraordinary piece of alien technology. It was given to us by the Ebens. It tells the entire history of their race, planet and most of the history of the universe as well as our own. As far as I know, no one has ever viewed the 'Yellow Book' to its very end. As you stated in one of your releases, it would take an entire lifetime to read it and yet another to understand it."

Martinez indicates he posed a question to the source about the alleged operation that has been referred to as "Project SERPO," a mission reportedly begun in the early 1960s that sent a 12-person team of specially-trained U.S. military personnel on a planned ten-year exchange program to the Ebens' home planet.

"I was briefed into this very special project many years ago, but only as a trainer. I was not sure of the exact nature of this project until I read all about it on the Serpo.org Web site."

"Like all other operations and special projects, SERPO was highly compartmentalized. I have now read the entire SERPO story, which I never knew was even posted on the Internet until I was placed in contact with you. I learned much from it and it looks like you pretty much have the entire story."

"I congratulate and commend you for getting this very important piece of America's 'hidden' history out. I really enjoyed reading this information. I just shared it with many of my old intel friends – and they knew about it! It's truly an amazing story ... "

"I guess there still is a controversy on whether two women went or not. At least one went for sure. I knew six of them while in training as their instructor. Two were nurses, one was a linguist and I'm not sure about the others with the passage of time."

Martinez claims his source also explained, "There was a 'Group-6' that was involved in the Roswell Incident cover up. 'Group-6' controlled the administrative side of all UFO investigations at the time. It was centered in New Mexico."

"It primarily involved the 1121 Special Activities Squadron of the USAF. It also thoroughly investigated the famous Lonnie Zamora contact incident of Friday, April 24, 1964, in Socorro, NM; I remember it well because I was stationed in NM then."

"There was in fact an MJ-12 group which stood for 'Majority Group-12.' It was comprised of 12 USG officials who controlled, managed and directed every aspect of the UFO phenomenon. Most of the officials were governmental types, but some were not. That 'MJ-12' name was changed some years ago which I understand you know."

The source also reportedly stated to Martinez that the home world of the alleged hostile alien species, the Trantaloids, "is the third planet out from the star Epsilon Eridani in the constellation Eridanus at 10.5 light-years away. Although somewhat cooler and fainter than our sun, it is very similar."

Martinez' source also advised him that " ... since this information originated outside of our agency, this is all I can provide you with at the moment."

NOTE: Go to Project SERPO, Kita Island and the Ebens which I posted on January 28, 2010. Is this government leaked disinformation? Lon

New SERPO Release 34

Release 34
ALIEN "Spy" Sent Back to Home World by USG!


You can go to SERPO.org for much more....interesting site.

SERPO Release 34: 'Operation TANGO-SIERRA' - Humanoid Infiltration

Monday, April 26, 2010

UPDATE: Former Police Officer Recalls Reptilian Encounters, Sightings

NOTE: a few weeks ago, I posted Exclusive: Former Police Officer Recalls Reptilian Encounters, Sightings...an account by 'Matt' who was referred to me by David Eckhart. Today, Matt forwarded a disturbing email stating that he was concerned by telephone calls and text messages being received by himself, business associates and family. I contacted Matt by telephone and we discussed his past encounters and the current incidents. In turn, he asked that I post the emails as well as some background information. It has been decided not to divulge Matt's full name and current address at this time...Lon

"My friend's phone has been sending text messages by itself. The messages are sexually explicit. They've been sent to men and women in his contact directory. The grammar seems to have an overly perfect style, but also has a strange tone to it. It is reminiscent of the strange "antiquated" dialect of English that David Eckhart has heard the reptilians use. Whoever is writing these, doesn't speak normal domestic USA English."

"He is also receiving "dead air" calls from 11 digit numbers, which should be impossible. There's no such thing as 11 digit phone numbers. He is an attorney, and partner at a major law firm in Chicago. He has no interest in UFO subject matter. His only connection is his friendship with me. This started around the beginning of the month (April 2010). It was also during this time period that the North Port and Punta Gorda victims began having strange phone issues. These include phones calling people by themselves, strange numbers, and sudden phone outages. My phone has called other people, by itself, several times. Now, both my younger siblings are being hit (brother and sister). This makes a total of 5 people I know, receiving Mothman ('The Mothman Prophecies') type phone harassment. There are mysterious inhuman voices heard within phone calls and more phantom text messages."

"My PRIMARY objective was still to de-escalate the tension that was occurring. The North Port and Punta Gorda victims were both terrified by these reptilian sightings. I spent dozens of hours talking them out of shooting at them! I go out in the woods, offering to write down whatever statement the reptilians were willing to make. For some reason, this infuriated the aliens. Apparently, enough to harass everyone I know."

"I have to report this activity. If it is a precursor to my disappearance or death, I want it to be on record."

NOTE: the following is some background information, recollections of his abduction and his assessment of the reptilians and their agenda:

"I served in the 8th District, New Orleans Police Department, New Orleans, LA. My badge number was 1765. I was one of the few hundred officers that stayed throughout the Katrina disaster."

"I had a few reptilian abductions back in 2005. You may already be familiar with the reptilian sightings in New Orleans after Katrina. These were documented by Joe Montaldo's group, ICAR. Both Police and National Guardsmen had simultaneous sightings and missing time. Groups of reptilians were seen "patrolling" parts of the city 8 days after the storm. However, my abduction actually took place a few weeks before Katrina. I was forced to act as an extra in a "training session" for the warrior class reptilians."

"I was brought to what was a shopping mall type setting. There's no way for me to be certain if this was an actual mall or some underground training replica. I still vividly remember the ornate decorative lamp posts that lined the main corridor. Although the mall had a roof, it also had expensive cobblestone style flooring. Design wise, it seemed to be a very upscale mall."

"There were dozens of other human abductees. Most were dressed as civilians. I was one of the few dressed as police. The police "uniform" I wore was non descript--no badges, no markings. We were instructed to stand near an intersection of two major corridors and wait. The lights went out...then there was a large explosion. The reptilians either bored, or explosively breached, via a hole in the roof of the mall's center point. Literally, seconds after this blast, the Reptilians were running down this hallway. I don't know if they teleported in or jumped down. Either way, they hit the ground level too quickly to have used ropes. They were all brown scaled and about 7-8 feet tall. They immediately began firing weapons over people's heads. They shot the lighted sign fronts and those lamp posts. They even shot a garbage can. This produced a shower of debris and sparks. 3 out of the 4 reptilians didn't have weapons! The few who did were carrying powerful backpack powered laser weapons. The backpacks themselves were extremely thin and barely thicker than a laptop. But, everything they shot exploded into flames instantly. I don't know if these weapons were particle beams or infrared. If I had to guess, I'd say some kind of infrared or plasma. The heat between the end of their guns and the targets was visible. The air shimmered like the heat above a large flame. They took specific care to target objects near people so that the shrapnel and noise would cause them to run. Within a few seconds, everyone was fleeing from the advancing troops. I think its entirely possible that these weapons are the source of "fire breathing dragon" legends."

"After the herd of panicked people tried to flee for the nearest exit, they were blocked by another wave of 10-12 reptilians. We few generic "police" actors were then made to stand up on a nearby pedestal. It looked to be some kind of abandoned red, plywood style stage. It must have already been cleared of its decorations--or was between holiday uses. Me and my fellow "police" handed over our weapons and allowed ourselves to be frisked. We were then allowed to leave. After this was demonstrated to the crowd, the reptilians began rapidly frisking them for weapons/contraband/stolen goods. After being frisked, they were told to exit the mall. The reptilians did all of this instruction in pantomime--with a lot of excited waving and pointing. That's where my dream ends. I've had no other conscious abductions since. However, I did have a number of permanent nervous system/physiological changes. I don't remember any of the medical abductions where those modifications took place." *(please read my note at the bottom of the post)

"During the training, I received a telepathic sense of the reptilians broad battle plan. They would concentrate on counteracting areas vulnerable to looters. They plan on focusing 90 percent of their resources towards this end, because the damage and economic cost of opportunistic looters, and panic hoarders, really seems to worry them. They realize, rightly so, that we don't have nearly enough police or troops to deal with an all out panic situation. However, there means of dispersing looters seemed odd. Basically, they're trained to fire LIVE weapons into or around crowds and cause only minor injuries. They don't want to use stun, or non lethal weapons, because they would then have to move the unconscious, who would be subject to being trampled or waking up after they've moved to the next block and starting trouble again. Shooting signs, walls, lamp posts adjacent to panicking crowds just seems like a sloppy idea--but, I'm no military tactician."

"The purpose of the attack plan was to maintain stability and prevent irreversible damage to our business infrastructure. They seemed to have no concern for defending our electric, water, or medical infrastructure. They genuinely believe that opportunistic and panic motivated looters lack the knowledge or motivation to attack infrastructure. So, the reptilians plan to focus their resources on preventing a replay of Iraq. They will do anything necessary to stop looting within days of an initial panic event. As gleaned from other abduction cases, I've come to the conclusion that this battle plan is driven by the motivations of the winged 'draco' albino reptilians. As they run the reptilian hybrid power structure, their greatest fear is damage to their business investments, followed by years of insurgency. They used New Orleans as a testing ground for this philosophy. Of course, if I invested in a third world country and woke to find the natives burning all my investments, I'd be inclined to commit troops quickly. From what I've seen, the reptilians are actually hoping to beat the first wave of looters to high probability targets, like malls and large department stores. No announcements, no 'Independence Day' type hovering ships. Just instant ground deployment."

In conclusion, it is important to realize 3 things about the reptilians:

1. They are extremely well trained for urban warfare.

2. They will not give warning before they strike. No hovering ships. Why? Because this would cause the exact type of panic looting/damage they are trying to prevent. By the time you see their ships, they will already be deploying out of them.

3. They are not concerned with persecuting or killing civilians. They are only concerned with minimizing the chaos and damage surrounding any mass catastrophic event. Their target is looters and violent insurgents. If you are not brandishing a weapon, or stealing something, they have absolutely no interest in bothering you. They are too focused on trying not to get killed by the opportunistic looters and armed psychos that will be taking to the streets. Even if they find a weapon on you, they're just going to take it and push you on your way. They don't have the staff or equipment to detain anyone.

*NOTE: I was previously informed by Matt (before I read and posted the Experiencer Recalls Alien Abduction, Exam and Penile Implant account) that he also received a similar penile implant in 2005. I find it remarkable that the MUFON report surfaced on the same day I was posting Matt's newest information. Matt's footnote is posted below...Lon

"I actually had an experience with an implant a few days prior to this abduction. I found a solid object under my skin, with no discoloration, in a "private" area of my body (my penis). I thought it was cancer, and I was freaking out for a few days. A solid pea size lump should not appear under your skin overnight. I thought the object was removed following that paramilitary training abduction. But, it has re-appeared and disappeared several times since 2005. I have ZERO memories of it's insertion part of the abduction, but fully remember the "training" part of the abduction. Odd."

"I was afraid to include this part of the story, since it sounded so absurd. I have told 2 abduction research counselors about this in the past 2 years: Eve Lorgen and Stewart Swerdlow about this--but kept it private outside those circles."

"I am shocked this has happened to someone else as well. I spent 5 years thinking it was some kind of shrapnel, scar, or intentional warning. Apparently it does have a purpose. Something to do with my spine, nervous system? This could explain my extraordinary nervous system issues since the abduction." Matt...

NOTE: One of the contributors at the P&M Wiki, who was a witness to and victim of the Hurricane Katrina disaster, created a follow up page to this post at Reptilians Planned Flooding in New Orleans to Cover Military Exercise

UPDATE: Former Police Officer Recalls Reptilian Encounters, Sightings

British Ghost Sightings Highest In 25 Years

telegraph - There have been nearly 1,000 reports of demonic activity in the past quarter of a century, with Yorkshire the nation's most ghostly county.

Encounters with devils, demons and evil spirits are as widespread today as they were in medieval times, researchers claim.

The research was led by the UKs leading authority on the unexplained Lionel Fanthorpe who studied various archives and websites as well as his own reports to identify all sightings and recordings of supernatural beings with satanic qualities.

The study found that despite being in time of accelerating technology, 21st century Britons have not turned their back on ghouls, boggarts, hell-hounds, witches, wizards, banshees and black magic curses, with a whopping 968 reports of demonic activity in the past 25 years.

The report indentifies Yorkshire as the centre of ghostly goings-on demonic activity with 74 reports of demons, including Uncabus and Succubus (male and female demons that make sexual attacks on sleeping victims), instances of demonic possession and sightings of hell hounds, water demons and demons with repulsive forms such as ghouls and werewolves.

Sightings of demons in Yorkshire have included a hideous shadow-like hell-hound with no discernible facial features which collided with a car between Northallerton and Leeming Bar on the A684. A sea-going water demon has also been reported off Filey Bay in Yorkshire. Witnesses claimed to have seen a ghostly creature with a long neck, a vast serpentine body and glowing eyes.

Devonshire rated second in the study with 57 reports of sinister activity, mainly from encounters with or sightings of demons with devil like qualities.

On Dartmoor there have been reports that the demonic shape of a man named Stephens who committed suicide still appears and bodes ill for those who encounter it his grave. The apparition is described as hideously skeletal and dressed in the ragged remnants of a grey robe.

Third in the ghoulish league table is Somerset, which hosts the highest number of monsters and has 51 sightings or reports of demonic entities, with Wiltshire coming in fourth with 46 sightings of demons.

Wiltshire is one of the most popular areas for sightings of phantom dogs, shucks or hell-hounds. At Black Dog Hill near Black Dog Woods in Chapmanslade, there are reports of a huge black hound with eyes like red hot coals.

People in Inverness report sightings of 13 water ghosts in the last 25 years, evil spirits whose main purpose is to lure their victims into dangerous water and then drown them. The water ghosts contribute to the area's overall total of 39 demonic beings and one of the most notorious water ghosts resides in the area of Boat of Garten, which lies on each side of the River Spey, near Chapeltown and Tulloch Moor. The paranormal reports from Boat of Garten involve an ancient, inscribed stone visible when the river is at its lowest. According to legend, the stone is cursed and guarded by a malevolent water-demon, or kelpie-type entity, who protects it savagely. Anyone touching it or attempting to move it is said to become prey to this aquatic, demonic being.

The Demonic Britain report was carried out for the latest DVD release of US TV series Supernatural, normally broadcast on the cable channel Living.

Lionel Fanthorpe said: This report clearly shows we are a nation still rich in sightings and reports of devils, demons and evil spirits of various forms.

"The present human population is many times greater than it was in the past. Therefore the more people that there are, statistically, the more potential encounters they might have with these unpleasant, non-human entities.

Top 10 ghostly sightings by area:

1 Yorkshire 74

2 Devonshire 57

3 Somerset 51

4 Wiltshire 46

5 Inverness 39

6 Dorset 37

7 Norfolk 32

7 Lancashire 32

8 Sussex 30

8 Derbyshire 30

9 Essex 29

9 Suffolk 29

10 Lincolnshire 24

British Ghost Sightings Highest In 25 Years

Photos: Massive Landslide Buries Highway, Motorists In Taiwan

dailymail - Nearly one thousand people are searching this morning for survivors buried under a mysterious landslide that has covered a 300-metre stretch of a motorway in Taiwan.

At least two people in two separate vehicles are believed to be buried under the tons of rock and earth after the landslide on Sunday afternoon near Keelung.

One of the missing was a 55-year-old female taxi driver whose surname is Lin. Her car vanished from her company's global positioning system almost exactly at the location of the landslide, Taiwanese reports said.

The wife of the other missing person, a man surnamed Yeh, turned up at the site of the disaster last night, pleading for quicker action.

A couple who have been missing for 24 hours and who were believed to have been travelling in the area at the time may also have been buried, it is feared.

Rescuers are working night and day to clear the rubble - but it could take up to 20 days to remove it all. A total of 50 excavators and 100 trucks are at the scene, along with specially trained dogs helping in the search for survivors.

So far, special equipment has failed to turn up any life underneath the debris. Rain predicted for the area tonight is set to make the situation worse, it is feared.

It is still not clear what caused the landslide. No earthquakes or rain were recorded in the area on Sunday.

Some experts quoted in the Taiwanese press blamed the disaster on a sharp incline near the road.

The hill had a dip slop on the side nearest the motorway. The other side of dip slopes are steep and irregular, while the slope itself makes it easier for rocks to slide down, experts said.

The Ministry of Transportation said it as investigating up to 20 similar dip slopes near major roads in Taiwan.

Photos: Massive Landslide Buries Highway, Motorists In Taiwan

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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Stephen Hawking Warns... 'Don't Talk to Aliens'

timesonline - The aliens are out there and Earth had better watch out, at least according to Stephen Hawking. He has suggested that extraterrestrials are almost certain to exist — but that instead of seeking them out, humanity should be doing all it that can to avoid any contact.

The suggestions come in a new documentary series in which Hawking, one of the world’s leading scientists, will set out his latest thinking on some of the universe’s greatest mysteries.

Alien life, he will suggest, is almost certain to exist in many other parts of the universe: not just in planets, but perhaps in the centre of stars or even floating in interplanetary space.

Hawking’s logic on aliens is, for him, unusually simple. The universe, he points out, has 100 billion galaxies, each containing hundreds of millions of stars. In such a big place, Earth is unlikely to be the only planet where life has evolved.

“To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational,” he said. “The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like.”

The answer, he suggests, is that most of it will be the equivalent of microbes or simple animals — the sort of life that has dominated Earth for most of its history.

One scene in his documentary for the Discovery Channel shows herds of two-legged herbivores browsing on an alien cliff-face where they are picked off by flying, yellow lizard-like predators. Another shows glowing fluorescent aquatic animals forming vast shoals in the oceans thought to underlie the thick ice coating Europa, one of the moons of Jupiter.

Such scenes are speculative, but Hawking uses them to lead on to a serious point: that a few life forms could be intelligent and pose a threat. Hawking believes that contact with such a species could be devastating for humanity.

He suggests that aliens might simply raid Earth for its resources and then move on: “We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet. I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach.”

He concludes that trying to make contact with alien races is “a little too risky”. He said: “If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn’t turn out very well for the Native Americans.”

The completion of the documentary marks a triumph for Hawking, now 68, who is paralysed by motor neurone disease and has very limited powers of communication. The project took him and his producers three years, during which he insisted on rewriting large chunks of the script and checking the filming.

John Smithson, executive producer for Discovery, said: “He wanted to make a programme that was entertaining for a general audience as well as scientific and that’s a tough job, given the complexity of the ideas involved.”

Hawking has suggested the possibility of alien life before but his views have been clarified by a series of scientific breakthroughs, such as the discovery, since 1995, of more than 450 planets orbiting distant stars, showing that planets are a common phenomenon.

So far, all the new planets found have been far larger than Earth, but only because the telescopes used to detect them are not sensitive enough to detect Earth-sized bodies at such distances.

Another breakthrough is the discovery that life on Earth has proven able to colonise its most extreme environments. If life can survive and evolve there, scientists reason, then perhaps nowhere is out of bounds.

Hawking’s belief in aliens places him in good scientific company. In his recent Wonders of the Solar System BBC series, Professor Brian Cox backed the idea, too, suggesting Mars, Europa and Titan, a moon of Saturn, as likely places to look.

Similarly, Lord Rees, the astronomer royal, warned in a lecture earlier this year that aliens might prove to be beyond human understanding.

“I suspect there could be life and intelligence out there in forms we can’t conceive,” he said. “Just as a chimpanzee can’t understand quantum theory, it could be there are aspects of reality that are beyond the capacity of our brains.”

Stephen Hawking Warns... 'Don't Talk to Aliens'

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

George Adamski and the Venusians

George Adamski with his artistic depiction of a Venusian

George Adamski was a Polish-born American citizen who became widely known in ufology circles, and to some degree in popular culture, after he claimed to have photographed ships from other planets, met with friendly Nordic alien "Space Brothers", and to have taken flights with them. The first of the so-called contactees of the 1950s, he styled himself to be a "philosopher, teacher, student and saucer researcher."

Adamski claimed that he had been contacted by the Venusian occupant of a flying saucer that landed in the California desert November 20, 1952. Subsequently Adamski claimed to have had contact with spacemen from Mars and Saturn and to have traveled 50,000 miles into space in their craft. After Adamski's revelations, the convention of spaceman contacts, messages from outer space, and warnings about the welfare of the cosmos became firmly established.

One of the most curious UFO conferences of all time occurred on August 7-8, 1954. This meeting was held at the top of Mount Palomar, at an altitude over 6,000 feet, in front of the Skyline Lodge.

The congress was promoted by three of the most famous contactees: George Adamski, Truman Bethurum and Daniel Fry. More than a thousand persons attended, from American journalists, FBI agents, saucer witnesses and just the curious.

Each of the contactees told their own experiences and took the occasion to sell their autographed books.

At Adamski’s turn, the “professor” explained that the Venusians were much alike human beings. So much so they had infiltrated our society and were living in the big cities. He also presented a painting with an artistic depiction of a Venusian.

At the end of the first day there was some commotion when the audience noticed the presence of two men and a woman with an exotic appearance. The rumor started that they were disguised Venusians. Those that Adamski had talked about a few hours before.

One of the men used glasses. The three were white and the woman had long blonde hair, but the strangest thing were her black eyes

Dolores Barrios

One of the attendees asked them, without much embarrassment: “Are you or are you not Venusians?”. The woman, smiling, calmly replied. “No”.

"Why are you here?"

"Because we are interested in this subject."

"Do you believe in flying saucers?"


"Is it true that, as Mr. Adamski says, that they come from Venus?"

"Yes. They are from Venus."

Brazilian journalist João Martins was also present and he interviewed them as well, obtaining the following information:

Her name was Dolores Barrios, a dress designer; the names of her friends were Donald Morand and Bill Jackmart [they were musicians]. The three of them lived in Manhattan Beach, California.

Martins asked if he could photograph them, but they refused. They were bothered and tired of being called Venusians. According to Martins, Dolores Barrios looked very much like the painting that Adamski had shown.

Donald Morand and Bill Jackmart

For the rest of the conference the three became isolated and didn’t talk with the other attendees. In the following day, at the end of the meeting, the strange visitors let themselves be photographed.

Nowadays it’s said that Martins photographed Dolores using a flash, surprising her. Dolores was scared and ran to the forest. Soon afterwards, a flying saucer was seen rocketing upwards, but no one was able to capture a photo.

Click for video


NOTE: I'm not going to state an opinion about George Adamski simply because there as a chasm of thought on his theories. It's obvious to me that the 'Venusians' were not from Venus...or is it possible? BTW, I think Dolores Barrios looks a lot like Uma Thurman, who many people feel is a space cadet :) ...Lon

George Adamski and the Venusians

Djinn Hysteria Strikes the Gaza Strip

trueslant - Chalk one up for the survival of local folklore in the Gaza Strip: Residents of the town of Deir al-Balah are convinced there are genies on the lose.

Genies – or djinn in Arabic – are being blamed for a series of fires in Deir al-Balah (عربي).

The Hamas-linked Palpress news agency reports that the town’s residents are convinced that two unexplained housefires on March 29th and April 1st were set by malicious djinn.

Apparently, the rumors of paranormal causes for the fire were so widespread that Gaza police were forced to issue a statement criticizing the “abusers” and “rumormongers” who were spreading the word about the djinn, with policemen telling Deir al-Balah’s residents that the threads on local Arabic-language websites (of course) were bunk.

Here’s the obligatory awkward Google English translation:

Palestine Press – denounced the Palestinian police in the government article (Central Province) have been raised about a “jinn” set fire to a house in Deir al-Balah, indicating that promotes such gossip and rumors, “they are weak people, and some sites forums on the Internet” .

Police said the article: “We will not allow anyone to broadcast rumors to cause confusion among the citizens and will take legal action against the abusers and the rumor-mongers

Belief in djinns has a long history in Gaza. A few years ago, ABC Radio Australia ran an amazing documentary on supernatural Gaza and how folk beliefs from the past took on a new life in the Strip:

Venturing deep into the heart of Gaza, Middle East correspondent Jane Hutcheon uncovers a world of fortune tellers and spiritual healers, a world where evil spirits, or Djinns, take possession of the bodies of unsuspecting locals.

Locals like Fadi Hussein, a former Palestinian policeman who lost his job after he was possessed by an evil Christian Djinn from Israel called George.

Or Nazih Salman, whose problems with the dark side are solved with help of a 107 year old fortune teller.

Hutcheon visits the fortune teller for some advice of her own, and then witnesses a dramatic on-camera exorcism that banishes one man’s demons, leaving him ready to face another day on Gaza’s embattled streets.

Islam’s doctrines leave more official room for the paranormal than either Christianity or Judaism. The djinn have a sura dedicated to them in the Qur’an; in Muslim tradition, they are supernatural creatures made out of either smoke or fire whom posess free will and individual motives, whether good or malicious. Satan (Shaytan) is a djinn according to the Qur’an as well. Archaeological research indicates that belief in djinn reaches back to both the Zoroastrian and pre-Islamic Arab traditions.

Djinn Hysteria Strikes the Gaza Strip

Friday, April 23, 2010

Video: Yowie Encounter - Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia

Click for video

Statement with video: I went into the Bush to do some research around 5.00pm 3rd of April 2010, I didn't expect it to go dark so quickly. I was heading out when all hell broke loose. At least two creatures were around me they made themselves very clear I wasn't welcomed.........No.1 Rule - do not do anything like this by yourself....

Click for video

Statement with video: This is a follow up video to what happened last night 9-4-2010 I made this at 9pm today.....Please, Please, I cant stress enough don't go out on your own. This encounter has woken me up big time to what could have happened to myself or anyone for that matter, out researching on their own....I wont do it again by myself, I just had to share what happened with you guys and put this behind me and continue on researching this beautiful creature we call The Yowie......Cheers...Tony from Australia

NOTE: What do you think? Tony states that he's been looking for proof of the Yowie for 25 years, but has never come this close before. He reiterated that he's never going into the bush alone after dark. This link offers a lot of information Australian Yowie Research...Lon

Video: Yowie Encounter - Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia

Video: UFOs Over Corio Bay - Geelong, Victoria, Australia

Click for video
Video captured by a Highton businessman shows mystery balls of light zigzagging across Corio Bay near Geelong, Victoria, Australia. Businessman Anthony Raduka filmed the footage from the deck of his Highton home about midnight on Monday, April 22nd.

NOTE: very interesting video...UFOs were seen offshore over Corio Bay (refer to maps below)...Lon

Video: UFOs Over Corio Bay - Geelong, Victoria, Australia

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Devil's Tramping Ground - Chatham County, N.C.

The Devil's Tramping Ground is a barren circle in the forest in the Harper's Crossroad community near Bennett, North Carolina. It is the subject of some of North Carolina's oldest legends. For at least the last hundred years, nothing has grown within the 40 foot ring and the phenomenon is thus far unexplained. A United States Geological Survey team could uncover no scientific explanation for the lack of growth within the ring.

Stories about the ring are well known in local communities. These include the disappearance of objects left within the ring overnight, and strange events occurring to those brave enough to spend the night within its boundaries.

Legend says that this is the very place the devil himself can rise from the depths of fiery hell, and come to earth. It's at this place, the devil walks in circles on certain nights and brings his evil into this world.

Hunters who have had rabbit hounds in the area say that dogs refuse to enter or cross the area of the Devils Tramping Ground. Men on horseback say that horses react the same way. They refuse to cross or go in the area of the Devils Tramping Ground.

Over the years paranormal investigators have been to the area of the Devils Tramping Ground many times but have never been able to prove what it is or is not. It is a known historical fact that vegetation will not grow there. Scientists from the US Geological Survey team have been to the area to find out why nothing will grow there but they could not find any reason for the absence of vegetation in the area of the Devils Tramping Ground.

Stories about the Devils Tramping Ground are well known in the area and its said you can carry and place a large rock in the center of the path there and in the morning it will be moved over out of the way. The area is also said to frighten some people and they refuse to go any where near the area.

John William Harden (1903-1985) of Greensboro, N.C., journalist, newspaper editor, author, advisor to North Carolina governors and textile executives, and founder of the state's first full-service public relations company had this to say of the 'Devil's Tramping Ground:'

There, sometimes during the dark of night, the Majesty of the Underworld of Evil silently tramps around that bare circle-- thinking, plotting, and planning against good, and in behalf of wrong.

Click for video

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Information - North Carolina Museum of History

There’s a piece of land 10 miles east of Siler City, in western Chatham County, that’s as creepy as they come. It’s a perfect circle, 40 feet across, lying just off the highway. Nothing grows inside the circle. Dogs and wildlife won’t step inside it, and birds won’t land in it. There aren’t even any rocks or sticks within this unnatural ring. It’s called the Devil’s Tramping Ground.

Early settlers in Chatham County first saw the circle in the 1770s. Since that time some people have planted grass and vegetable seeds in its soil, but nothing has ever come up. Others have put objects inside the circle only to find them gone the next morning. A few brave folks have tried to spend the night in the circle, but something—a noise, a moving object, or a ghostly shape—has scared them away.

What caused this eerie ring on the ground? Over the years stories and legends have grown up about it. An American Indian legend says that generations of Indians danced in the circle at celebrations. The Great Spirit now protects the spot to honor members of the tribe who were driven from their lands by European settlers. Another Indian legend says that Chief Croatan, a great tribal leader, was killed in the circle during a battle and is buried there. The Great Spirit keeps the circle empty to honor him.

One story about the circle is really out of this world. It says that visitors from outer space landed there in a UFO! Another story says that magic treasure is buried deep in the ground. But the best-known legend also explains the name of the circle.

According to this legend, every night the devil walks around in circles thinking up evil plans. At the first light of day, he turns into a bat and flies off to carry out his plans. His tramping throughout the night leaves the ground bare and grim. Some people think that a farmer who owned the land where the circle lies made up this story to keep hunters off his property. Even if this is true, it doesn’t explain the mystery.

There are also believable explanations. One explanation says that the circle is on the site of a molasses mill that used horses or mules to pull the mill wheel. It was their hooves that damaged the ground. Yet other mills at that time didn’t leave such circles.

Scientists finally stepped in to solve the mystery. They found that the soil in the circle has a high level of salt. And they know that the spot was an ancient salt lick for bison and deer. This explains why nothing will grow there, but it doesn’t explain why the area is a perfect circle or why it has lasted so long.

NOTE: I vaguely remember visiting this place back in the 1960's during a family trip. I really don't know that much about it but my relatives who lived near there swear something is going on, ex. disembodied voices, strange lights and apparitions...Lon

The Devil's Tramping Ground - Chatham County, N.C.
