; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

CHICAGO MOTHMAN: Reddit User's Thoughts on the Phenomenon

A Reddit user posted their thoughts on the Chicago Mothman phenomenon. What do you believe? Have you watched the recent Unsolved Mysteries episode 'The Mothman Revisited on Netflix?'

"Apparently, Chicago has a Mothman.

This first came to my attention a few years ago, when it was in the news that two O'Hare airport employees had reported seeing a man-sized flying creature with red eyes cruising around the runway. I guess if you're going to cruise around in the air, an airport's as good a place to do it as any.

Then, I found this - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map

Somebody has plotted on a map 170 alleged sightings of a Mothman-like creature in the Chicago area, some of which have multiple witnesses, all of which have happened in the past 15 years.

It might be a really well-perpetrated hoax or ARG, but it's convincing.

The sightings started back in the early 2010s when the first several were reported on a blog called Phantoms and Monsters. Fair enough. A cryptid blog that perhaps has a vested interest in creating a belief in the supernatural in the Chicago area.

Then it gets weird.

The latter sightings are very detailed and convincing narratives claiming to be from people like airport employees, security guards, and union representatives who were staying in downtown Chicago for a unionized workers' conference.

Some of these accounts are written by narrators who sound so RELIEVED to have found the index of Mothman sightings because they thought they were losing their minds before finding out other people had seen the same kind of thing.

It's to the point that I'd be wondering if someone was flying a particularly well-put-together Mothman drone around the city, except that one of the most recent reporters was a security guard who claimed to have encountered the thing inside a building he was patrolling and said he saw it just dematerialize when it saw him looking at it.

The most recent sighting was just two weeks ago and is from a guy in a small town outside of Chicago." OO



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This episode will contain a few of the more bizarre, unexplained, and somewhat creepy reports that I have received since the previous ‘Weirdest of the Weird’ episode.

Every so often I will set aside an exceptional account which I will then present to my listeners. Again, please feel free to comment on the accounts and let me know your opinions.


Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

This blog and newsletter are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Work 3.0 United States License.

Registered trademark PHANTOMS AND MONSTERS ® / PHANTOMS & MONSTERS ® - USPTO #90902480 - Lon D. Strickler

© 2005-2024 Phantoms & Monsters - All Rights Reserved

Real-Life Experiencer Discusses the BIGFOOT CONSPIRACY

I received the following submission from my friend, author Scott Harper. You can find one of his Sasquatch encounters at Growing Up With Sasquatch:

"As most of you probably know, I grew up in Ohio. While there, I had three sightings of a sasquatch, along with other interactions/encounters with them. So, sasquatch has long been an interest of mine. I've spent a lot of time reading books on the subject, as well as watching televised documentaries, films, YouTube videos of sightings reports, etc. I've also talked to a lot of people regarding the subject of sasquatch. My most recently published book—which was co-authored with my wonderful wife Desirée Lee—is titled "Hidden Tribe". It deals with the topic of sasquatch, too. I'm also working on a series of historical articles for the Bigtruth sasquatch blog that focus on encounters with sasquatch prior to the Patterson/Gimlin footage that was shot in 1967.

Given my own personal experiences, and the sheer amount of time I've spent learning more about the topic, I feel that I am fairly knowledgeable about sasquatch. Over time, and many reports of sightings, and encounters others have had with them, too, I've also noticed a disturbing pattern. I don't want to come off sounding like a conspiracy theory nut, but I say with all honesty, and seriousness that I firmly believe that there is a cover-up going on where sasquatch is concerned. I believe that the United States government, military, logging industry, and probably the oil industry as well given the Alaskan pipeline, all know, and accept that sasquatch is a real, living species. What do they do with this knowledge? Cover it up. Why? Money.

Remember the spotted owl fiasco from several years ago? Remember how it affected the logging industry? Imagine what will happen when sasquatch is finally, publicly, acknowledged to be real? They'll almost certainly be considered an endangered species. Where do most sasquatch seem to live? In the forest. Where are most of the sightings recorded? In the Pacific Northwest. Logging is big, big business here. Just imagine what having an endangered species such as the sasquatch acknowledged as living in the forests where logging is so huge would do to that industry. The logging industry would be basically shut down—at least for a while. That will have a devastating effect on all industries that use wood. Everything from construction, to furniture manufacturing, to the paper industry. Which means the entire publishing industry would have to make sweeping changes, too. Along with that would come change to the transport, and delivery services that move the cut-down trees, construction materials, paper, published books, furniture, etc. The Alaskan oil pipeline would, I'm sure, be affected by the acceptance of sasquatch as a living species, too. Everything is connected. Everything would be affected.

Looking closer at the impact to the construction industry, not having wood to frame buildings, or build walls, alternatives would need to be found. One very good one would be hempcrete. This is an excellent building material. It mixes hemp with lime, or sand, to form blocks. Hempcrete is naturally insulting, fire retardant, if not flat-out fire proof, and doesn't rot, or attract insects like wood does. It would be a logical alternative to wood for construction. However, turning to hempcrete would open the door to other hemp products, such as paper, fuel, health food, medication, clothing, and many other industries for which it is currently illegal. Why is it illegal? Because it would do to these industries about what publically accepting sasquatch as a species would do to the logging industry. It's in the best financial interest of the people involved with those industries that hemp remain illegal. Hemp grows faster than trees. It takes less water. It gives more product yield per acre. No one financially invested in any industry it would affect wants it to be legalized. Again, everything is connected. Everything would be affected.

Those changes would, I'm sure, result in a lot of people losing their jobs. Business people who have millions of dollars invested in these industries would be hit hard right in the wallets. They'd likely lose millions, if not billions, of dollars due to shut-downs, and changes that would need to be made. Of course, they don't want that to happen. They don't want to suffer the loss of that money, or the power, and prestige that come with it. These people know that sasquatch are real. Given encounters I've heard over the years, it seems that logging trucks hit, and kill sasquatch sometimes as they're moving along dark forested roads. Most sasquatch sightings actually occur when one of the creatures cross the road in front of a vehicle, by the way. Whether these are young, inexperienced sasquatch making a mistake, underestimating how fast the trucks are moving, or what, I don't know. But it seems that, sometimes, sasquatch are struck down by logging trucks. Going on details on this topic I've come across in reports over the years, what happens after accidents like these are that the driver involved is told not to speak of what happened to anyone if he values his job. The body of the sasquatch is then moved somewhere else, or even burned on the spot to get rid of it. The powers that be in the United States government, and these industries do not want a sasquatch body to fall into the hands of someone who can use it to prove beyond doubt to the public at large that sasquatch are real.

Given the financial stakes for the people in charge, they'll go to great lengths to make sure that sasquatch remains unaccepted as a living species. They throw out misinformation. They try to suppress sightings, and other information on the topic where, and when they can. Employees are told not to talk about the subject, or else lose their jobs. Most reports that point to a cover-up conspiracy on this matter are made many years after the encounter took place because the person making it waited until they retired before coming forward. This way they don't run the risk of losing their job by doing so.

The lengths that those in charge will go to in order to keep sasquatch relegated to the realm of folklore go well beyond threats of job loss, or covering up a road accident, though. According to a couple of reports I've read over the years, there have been times when military units have been deployed with orders to kill every sasquatch they can find in a given area. It seems to me that the powers that be in the United States government, and big business—and those two are often intertwined—would rather see sasquatch eradicated as a species, than acknowledge it. They would rather commit genocide than lose the money, and power, that having sasquatch accepted as a real, living species would ultimately cause.

That angers me greatly. I want the conspiracy to end. I want sasquatch publicly accepted as a real, living, endangered species. Yes, when this finally happens it's going to cause a huge upheaval in a lot of ways, in a lot of areas. A lot will change. I think, though, that when things settle back down, the changes that will have been made will be for the better. I may be wrong; I try to be optimistic. Still, regardless of what ultimately happens, I want sasquatch acknowledged as a real species. Whether they are non-human animals, or some ancestor of ours, I don't know. Personally, I think they're closer to apes than humans. Regardless, though, I want them publicly accepted as a species. I've seen them. I've had encounters with them where I didn't see the creature, but I know it was there. I know for a fact that these creatures are real. It's way past time for them to be accepted as such by the scientific community, the United States government, the general public, and everyone else. It's past time for the conspiracy, lies, and cover-ups to end." Scott Harper

NOTE: Scott Harper is also a member of the Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research team. Lon 



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This episode will contain a few of the more bizarre, unexplained, and somewhat creepy reports that I have received since the previous ‘Weirdest of the Weird’ episode.

Every so often I will set aside an exceptional account which I will then present to my listeners. Again, please feel free to comment on the accounts and let me know your opinions.


Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

This blog and newsletter are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Work 3.0 United States License.

Registered trademark PHANTOMS AND MONSTERS ® / PHANTOMS & MONSTERS ® - USPTO #90902480 - Lon D. Strickler

© 2005-2024 Phantoms & Monsters - All Rights Reserved

MOTHMAN in The Philippines: A Family's Encounter With the Unknown

In the early sixties, the small suburb of San Juan outside the city of Manila was visited by several UFO sightings, and later what is now referred to as Mothman.

I received the following submission:

"I now live in southeastern PA which was the hotspot of a UFO flap in 2008. Just a few miles away from my current residence, we had one of the greatest UFO encounters. However, I will leave that for another day.

In the early sixties, the small suburb of San Juan outside the city of Manila was visited by several UFO sightings, and later what is now referred to as Mothman. I was born and raised in that little suburban town about three miles from where these series of “sightings” took place.

When I was about a year and half old, my parents moved to a townhouse apartment in the small hamlet of Little Baguio near San Juan. It’s a picturesque Spanish-type suburb with stucco houses with red tile roofs inhabited by the well-to-do, with tended gardens. In between these homes ranch-style and townhouse type apartments were randomly scattered. It was in one of these apartments where the haunting of my father started.

As my mother and uncle faithfully recounted, my father would retire to his study as a writer of books and poems to sit at his typewriter in the fading twilight after dinner. Outside his den, a creek could be seen running the length of the house through a huge jalousied window. One evening, according to their recollection, a distinct hum could be heard. As my father paused from his typing, he glanced out the fading light of the twilight to behold a nine-foot being standing with a black cape in the shadow of a large tree perched at the edge of the creek. The creature was jet black, with the cape glinting in the starlight like leather. As my father backed away from his desk to observe the creature, he noticed a face take form with red eyes in a mask of menace. The creature had horns like a goat and long face that exuded deep horror.

My uncles who were close to my father recalls the night my father had ran from the room in fear - he had believed he was hallucinating the events, only to find the creature hanging one night like a bat from the breadth of the expansive den window. It was looking down at him in menace. As they ran to the room, they were overcome by a sense of foreboding and sadness. Upon arrival, the creature had already disappeared, to be replaced by a full moon and the sound the water in the creek.

One night, several months later, my father refused to sleep, fearful the creature would enter his dreams. My mother set up vigil with a live-in servant, a young woman who believed the creature was a demon. As my father finally slept with my mother sipping tea in the next room, a yell ensued from the maid who had entered my father’s den to check on a scratching noise. As my mother rushed into the room, she finally sighted the creature. It hung, bat wings spread, the breath of the window which was about 10-12 feet in length, glaring pointedly at my mother as she approached.

Fearful but determined to confront the creature which haunted her husband, she reached for a cross on the opposite wall and charged the window with it, praying the “Our Father” as she approached.

In the darkness, the creature folded into itself, cloak and all into the ground under the window and disappeared.

The local priest was consulted and blessings were attempted on the apartment and on my father. However, oppressed by the continuous haunting, my father finally committed suicide as a means of escape.

That same night, my mother tucked my belongings with me and fled, never returning to the apartment. The creature followed us to my grandmother’s house where a priest held mass and blessed the house and all of us. At some point, the sightings of the creature finally stopped (it was only my mother and the maid who saw it.) but other ghosts continued to haunt the town – a scene of much bloodshed in WWII when the Japanese invaded the town.

That was my first encounter with the unknown."

The author, Anna, is a high school counselor at a suburb outside Philadelphia. She writes screenplays, is an abstract and figurative artist, and has traveled to over 26 countries in search of paranormal events.

Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles & Other Winged Beasts

Humanoid Encounters 1995-1999: The Others Amongst Us

Humanoid Encounters 2000-2009: The Others Amongst Us

The Book of Mothman



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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
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Thanks. Lon

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This episode will contain a few of the more bizarre, unexplained, and somewhat creepy reports that I have received since the previous ‘Weirdest of the Weird’ episode.

Every so often I will set aside an exceptional account which I will then present to my listeners. Again, please feel free to comment on the accounts and let me know your opinions.


Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

This blog and newsletter are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Work 3.0 United States License.

Registered trademark PHANTOMS AND MONSTERS ® / PHANTOMS & MONSTERS ® - USPTO #90902480 - Lon D. Strickler

© 2005-2024 Phantoms & Monsters - All Rights Reserved