Over the years, I have referred to and posted many of the humanoid reports supplied by my friend & colleague Albert Rosales at Humanoid Sighting Reports & Journal of Humanoid Studies. The following reports are a few of my favorites:

Location: Anza Borrego State Park, California
Date: September 15, 2007
Time: 3:00am local time
Carl and his girlfriend had decided to go on an overnight backpacking adventure. Their destination was Mt. Laguna (unincorporated area of San Diego) however a forest fire in Julian closed off Route 78 therefore they took an alternative route and stumbled upon the Anza Borrego Desert State Park. They arrived at the park at 1700. He had never hiked, or backpacked at the park, therefore Carl went to the visitor center got the information he needed and set on his journey to Culp Valley Campground. Culp Valley campground is approximately 3500 feet in elevation. He pulled into the campground loaded their packs and set off. They only backpacked about 1 mile out due to night settling. They set up a tent about 20 feet north of the trail.
At around 0300am the night moon had sunk behind the mountains surrounding the desert, it was pitch black and Jeremy’s girlfriend was sleeping. Unable to sleep Jeremy just stares at the starry sky. Suddenly he heard a man’s voice, he looked into the direction it was coming from and saw a green light being waved back and forth. He immediately thought it was a park ranger. The light was about 50 yards east from his tent. He could tell that whoever it was using the green light to guide somebody on the trail. The green light was coming closer and closer to the tent...probably not directly to the tent but on the trail about 20 feet away. The tent was set up on a small slope looking downward on the trail. The green light disappeared and Carl panicked. Suddenly out of nowhere a massive amount of light lit up the trail 20 feet from where he was. He was terrified, nobody was talking at this point and he didn’t hear footsteps just saw a massive amount of white light. The light was getting closer to the trail next to his tent. He immediately ducked down and laid low in his tent scared. He then peeked out of the tent and saw 12 to 15 humanoid figures that looked like people, but some were extremely tall and the rest were really very short with large bald heads. The tall figures appeared to be wearing white cloak-like outfits and the short figures appeared to be naked. Terrified and his heart pounding Jeremy watched the beings walk very gracefully and slowly, turning their heads from left to right with each footstep. They were all holding metal rod like implements which emitted a powerful white light. They seemed to ignore the tent and walked “peacefully” by the tent. The witness remained laying down and quite as the beings “walked” by the tent. The light eventually faded as the beings continued down the trail and disappeared. Terrified he woke his girlfriend 10 minutes later because he didn’t want the beings to hear them talking.
He told the ranger the next day about what had happened and the ranger wrote it down in a report, suspecting it was some type of religious cult.

Location: Brisbane, Australia
Date: January 1997
While working in a shopping center the witness says she noticed a woman who had a certain air about her and as she watched her she seemed to glide above the floor. The woman came to her desk and she noticed that this woman's irises were a pale gray color and her pupils were elongated from top to bottom rather than the usual round shape. She couldn't keep her own eyes off the woman's eyes and felt quite mesmerized by watching her. She knew she was asked a question but can't remember what it was or what she answered. She thought to herself "what planet are you from"? Suddenly, the woman moved off and disappeared.
She described the strange woman as having non-styled hair that was just to her ears, fairly straight and a mousy brown color. She wore a cardigan done up to the top button and the dress seemed to just hang on her. She didn't seem to be dressed for the times but more like the style a century earlier. She carried an old fashioned handbag over her arm.
The witness states she has experienced strange dreams in which she has found herself getting out of a ship and meeting a young man about 20 years old with tight curly hair, plaid trousers and a very tight-fitting jumper. She accompanied the young man on a dinghy and sailed to another floating craft. On the top of the craft there was a gray type alien that appeared to be steering it. He wore a tight-fitting gray suit with an emblem on one side. She saw a craft with transparent walls and people walking inside, she thought these people were "workers".
Source: UFO Research Queensland, Australia

Location: Overland, Missouri
Date/Time: June 1982 - 11:30 pm local time
Witness heard his Border Collie barking and whining at something in the garden behind the barn. Witness set out with a flashlight to investigate the disturbance. As he turned the corner of the barn, he nearly stumbled over his dog, which was cowering and shivering next to the building. Thinking that the dog had been hurt, he knelt briefly beside his dog, checked quickly for any injury then stood up and directed the beam of the flashlight toward the sounds of movement in the garden.
At first, he saw a figure that he thought was human with a blanket wrapped around it, bending over and eating a melon. The witness yelled at the figure and it suddenly stood up revealing itself to be a tall human-like creature with dark wings that had been folded around it's torso. As it stretched itself to it's full height of well over six feet, each wing unfolded to a width of what appeared to be seven to eight ft....about fourteen feet from one wing tip to the other. The terrified witness dropped the flashlight and slid down to the ground. The humanoid then emitted a terrible screeching sound and lifted off into the night sky. "Its wings made a sharp, leathery slapping sound as it flew away."
Source: private investigator, St.Louis, MO

Wicomico County, Maryland - Autumn 1980 - Late night
This particular area around Maryland's eastern shore is reputed to be the home of a bizarre entity dubbed the "Cat Man".
Four people parked near a landfill witnessed two yellow eyes looking in the car window. Extremely frightened, they quickly left the area but got curious and decided to return. They returned in two cars this time and parked at angles so they could direct the headlights and be able to see more area.
After an hour or so they noticed something crouched down and moving towards them. The creature slowly moved over to them on all fours. It was black with coarse hair, and had very long claws or nails on each hand. The face was human-like but with feline features and covered in hair. There was a long thin tail that whipped back and forth slowly.
After remaining motionless for a few seconds, it moved to one car and hooked it's claws into the driver side door. It's yellow eyes glowed in the dark as it peered inside. Again terrified, the witnesses started the car causing the creature to fall away from the car as it cried out a high-pitched scream as it ran away. Deep scratch marks were on the car according to the owner.
The witnesses reported the sighting to the local authorities who conducted an investigation. Nothing was reportedly found though this was not the first or last time this creature was seen in the area.
Source: local county authorities
NOTE: Similar sightings have be reported since the area was inhabited by native people. Several half-eaten sika deer carcasses with large claw and teeth marks have been found in the past, usually in areas near the Wicomico River and other waterways.

Location/Date: Lajas, Puerto Rico - January 14 1998 - 5:30 AM
An employee at a cow ranch that belonged to the University of Puerto Rico, Carlos David Vargas Montalvo was doing his usual morning chores of rounding up the cows from the feeding lot. Like usual and without any apparent fright the animals responded to his call and lined up, except for what he thought was one white cow that remained back in the field without moving. Curious he called the “cow” again but again there was no response, he decided to walk over thinking that the animal could be hurt or sick.
As he approached the white form on the ground he kept calling it, when suddenly the supposed cow began to twist and turn on the ground and took out two huge white wings. At this point the stunned Montalvo realized that it was not a cow but a bizarre winged bird-like creature, totally white in color. Stunned the witness watched the creature rise up on his wings and disappeared quickly towards the nearby Laguna Cartagena. A heart patient, Montalvo was in shock for the next several hours.
Source: Terra Clubs Ovni
NOTE: There have been other similar reports throughout Puerto Rico for a number of years. Some of these other witnesses described this cryptid as a 'white winged humanoid'.
I'll periodically post a few of my favorite reports. I want to again thank Albert Rosales for his commitment in compiling the database...it is truly an excellent reference. Lon
Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles & Other Winged Beasts
Lizard Man: The True Story of the Bishopville Monster
Monsters of Texas