Siberian Locals Complain Yeti Eats Too Much
For several years, the local Shor people in Kemerovo Region, Siberia, have reported that something is snatching up the wild leek crop that is a staple of their diet, Itar-Tass Siberia reports. The onion-lovers leave behind abundant large footprints with clearly defined toes, similar to the prints found in the area earlier this year, the news service continues.
Bigfoot sightings are common in this remote section of the taiga and they have received attention worldwide. An expedition headed by director of the International Center for Hominology Igor Burtsev visited the area to study footprints found in Azasskaya Cave, but the effort resulted in little new information.
Local Tashtagol District administrator Vladimir Makuta notes that he has received many written reports of yeti sightings near the cave and the nearby Mrassu River. The witnesses say the creature – thought by some to be a relict hominoid – is 1.5-2 meters (5-6.5 feet) tall and covered in reddish black fur.
Yetis, Sasquatch & Hairy Giants
Abominable Science!: Origins of the Yeti, Nessie, and Other Famous Cryptids
Phantoms & Monsters: Cryptid Encounters
NC politician writes resignation letter in Klingon
INDIAN TRAIL, N.C. -- Call it a politician boldly going where no one has gone before.
On Thursday, David Waddell used the Klingon language to write his letter of resignation from the Indian Trail Town Council in North Carolina.
Waddell says he opted to use Klingon, the language of a warrior race on the "Star Trek" TV shows and movies, as an inside joke. Mayor Michael Alvarez is calling the letter unprofessional.
Waddell says he is resigning at the end of this month. His four-year term expires in December 2015.
Waddell says he also needs to devote time to mounting a write-in campaign on the Constitution Party's platform against U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan.
Worm species can regenerate its whole body
The planarian worm possesses remarkable regenerative capabilities that are second to none.
While it is generally known that some worms possess regenerative abilities, one particular species, the planarian, exhibits such extreme feats of regeneration that it has most of the scientific community utterly perplexed.
An otherwise unremarkable organism, the planarian lives at the bottom of rivers and ponds and measures up to about an inch in length. If it happens to lose both its head and tail in a run-in with a predator however, within a couple of weeks it will have completely regenerated both of them, while the severed head and tail will themselves grow in to two additional complete worms.
The regenerative capabilities of the worm are so advanced in fact that scientists have been able to demonstrate a worm regrowing its entire body from as little as a single cell. Not only that, but the regrown specimen appears to retain the same memories it had beforehand.
To date scientists have been unable to explain how the planarian is able to do this. - NPR
This Week On 'Beyond The Edge' Radio: Matthew Brownstein - 'Starchild Project' / Hypnotherapist
Join Eric, Lon & Sean as we welcome 'Starchild Project' Chief Operating Officer & Hypnotherapist Matthew Brownstein to 'Beyond The Edge' Radio.
Matthew Brownstein is the newest member of the Starchild Project Team, which has been working actively since 1999 to prove the mystery of a 900 year-old carbon dated bone skull that genetic experts and medical professionals feel could very well be another species not yet known to modern science. Matthew is the Chief Operating Officer of the Starchild Project and has joined the team to help with their fundraising efforts to raise the money to sequence the DNA of the Starchild Skull. Matthew worked directly with the skull's caretaker Lloyd Pye, before his untimely death in December 2013. The mission of the Starchild Project Team is to create more public awareness of a skull that could truly change history as we know it. Matthew is also the Executive Director of the Florida Institute of Hypnotherapy and has been in the fields of alternative therapies and alternative knowledge for over 20 years. As a Hypnotherapist he is also very familiar with the phenomena of Hypnosis and Alien Abduction and the profound implications of what it would mean to prove alien life.
The website for the Starchild Project is and major fundraising for the project is happening now. Visit the website for more details.
Help This Skull Help Mankind - Preliminary tests say this 900 year old Skull could be a new humanoid species. Help us decode its DNA so we can unlock the medical breakthroughs it may contain.
The Starchild Skull -- Genetic Enigma or Human-Alien Hybrid?
Everything You Know Is Wrong, Book One: Human Origins
This event is listed at 'Beyond The Edge Radio' Facebook Events and 'Beyond The Edge Radio' Google+ Community & Hangout - Click the links and become part of the 'New BTE!'
The 1962 Twilight Zone Episode that sparked some Alien Abduction Tales?
The Conewago Phantom Screams
Encounter With Black Eyed Kids Terrifies Airman on Texas Military Base
Loch Ness Monster: Tales of Multiple Monsters
The Red Barn Murder and The Screaming Skull of William Corder
The Ancient Alien Question: A New Inquiry Into the Existence, Evidence, and Influence of Ancient Visitors
Aliens in Ancient Egypt: The Brotherhood of the Serpent and the Secrets of the Nile Civilization
Ancient Aliens of the Americas

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