I recently received the following email:
Hi, Lon.
I just read the Phantoms and Monsters blog you sent out January 21. There’s an article in it by a man who believed there were implants in his knee. At the end of the article, the man said that he had woken up with blood on his pillow with no corresponding injury.
I’m 64 and I’ve had odd things happen to me several times. I’ve written to you before about one of them, I think, a “seizure” I had back in the 1990s.
In the past year I woke up once with a relatively large amount of blood at the inner corner of my right eye. What woke me up was the itching caused by the blood drying. I wiped it off and went back to sleep. The next morning I looked carefully where the blood had been and there were no scratches or red marks or any other indication of injury.
In the last 10 years I’ve had a couple of instances of small objects coming to the surface of my skin, also.
I don’t have the means to pursue these events. I did go to my doctor about the seizure, because it gave me a stiff neck that would not go away. My doctor did not believe me, but she did say that “something” had made my neck stiff, and she gave me a referral for some physical therapy. She was curious about the objects that have surfaced on my skin. I saved them but have not taken them to show her.
That’s it – I mostly wanted to tell you about the blood near my eye.
NOTE: Instances of people noticing 'bumps' just under the outer layer of skin and mysterious blood stains are reported more frequently. I'm beginning to wonder if these situations are more than extraterrestrial intervention...possibly a joint venture made up of human organizations and alien groups. There is some indirect evidence to suggest that something more insidious is at play. Susan's 'seizure' and stiff neck, as well as the blood seepage around the eye, may point to directed energy intervention. Directed EM fields and beamed energy, if concentrated enough, can damage small capillaries that result in hemorrhaging. This was pointed out to me by an individual with knowledge in acoustic & electronic weaponry. Other physical effects include sustained headaches, body aches, bruising, weakness, skin lesions and other noticeable changes. Long-term physical deterioration is not readily known. Lon
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