Following a Vintage Ghost Car
“I finished work at around 12 so I have at least 50 kilometers to do to get back home (I live in Ireland). The road back home was unusually empty for a Wednesday night. I've seen very few cars when I drove out of the city on to the country national road. I was going at least a 100 km/h which was permitted on that road as I noticed a black vintage car on my lane in front of me. I immediately slowed down and stayed behind the car going at least 50. It's lights where very dim and I mostly spotted it because of the reflection my lights made off its glossy black paint. At first I got excited as I was trying to identify the vehicle to what it was as I'm a big petrol head. But I couldn't and I also noticed that the car had no reg numbers. On the back at least. I could only see the back of the drivers head. They seemed to be wearing a beige suit with a beige hat. I found this very unusual. I know people drive these types of cars for events and weddings nowadays but this was a bit late for any event. Another interesting fact was that it's winter time and there was no fumes coming from the exhaust pipe and I know that older cars would smoke up a lot but there wasn't a single trace not even the smell of gasoline coming from it.
Eventually the car took a different route for which I had to break sharply as the vehicle didn't indicate which way it was going. I don't even think it had indicators. For some reason I felt very out of place deep inside. Instead of being mad I just felt weird. As if I didn't exist for the man in front of me. It was a very odd sensation. He didn't slow down or try to alert me in any way that he was turning. He just slowed down very suddenly and turned into the old country side roads. He must've easily seen my lights in his rear view mirror and didn't take any attention of it. Strange.”
Source: Youtube comments, Chris Janicki
Beyond Creepy
Unexplained Kangaroo Deaths
Experts have been left perplexed by the unexplained deaths of millions of kangaroos in Australia.
Red and grey kangaroo populations on the Western Plains have been falling rapidly over the last few months due to an unidentified disease that has been causing blindness, internal bleeding, stilted movement and 'massive haemorrhaging', according to wildlife authorities.
"You would see a whole family sitting there but they were all dead," said veterinarian Greg Curran.
"It's a disease, it's not a genetic problem. We haven't been able to find a bacteria, we haven't been able to find a virus. Parasites, they aren't part of it. Given the huge area and different kinds of country and feed, its very unlikely to be a plant poisoning. You've ruled out all the known causes of diseases." Read more at Mystery surrounds kangaroo deaths in NSW
Life On Mars May Be Underground
The search for signs of life on Mars needs a bit of a rethink, scientists argue in a new study.
A popular strategy calls for investigating spots where waterborne sediment accumulated long ago, like the ancient lake-bed environment that NASA's Curiosity rover discovered inside Mars' 96-mile-wide (154 kilometers) Gale Crater.
Here on Earth, such ancient habitats have preserved bountiful evidence of ancient life—but that doesn't mean the same will hold true on the Red Planet, according to the study team, which was led by Joseph Michalski, an associate professor in the Department of Earth Sciences at The University of Hong Kong.
"Mars is not Earth," the researchers wrote in the study, a "Perspectives" piece that was published online today (Dec. 18) in the journal Nature Geoscience.
"We must recognize that our entire perspective on how life has evolved and how evidence of life is preserved is colored by the fact that we live on a planet where photosynthesis evolved," they said. "Even if photosynthesis did evolve on Mars, questions remain as to how successful surface life would have been, and whether evidence of that life could have been captured in the sedimentary record." Read more at To Find Life on Mars, Look Underground
'Unpopular Men' Protest
“Destroy Christmas!” chants Revolutionary Alliance of Unpopular Men as it takes to the streets in annual demonstration.
Christmas Eve is the romantic event of the year in Japan, and so you’ll see countless couples strolling hand in hand down Tokyo’s boulevards as they admire the seasonal decorations. But on the afternoon of December 24 a group of like-minded individuals walked through downtown for a very different purpose.
At roughly 2 p.m., the Revolutionary Alliance of Unpopular Men, as the group calls itself, departed from Yoyogi Park, in downtown Tokyo, on a protest march. The target of their ire: Christmas itself. The marchers at the front of the group carried a banner with “Destroy Christmas” written on it, and the group, which consisted of roughly 15 demonstrators, shouted slogans such as:
“We oppose Christmas!”
“Explode, people with active social lives!”
“Repent, couples!”
“What’s wrong with being unpopular?”
Read more at 30-minute protest march held in downtown Tokyo by dateless men opposing Christmas Eve dates
Please note: this will be the only post today. I'm having issues with the host site and Photobucket. Thanks...Lon
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Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids

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