Phantoms & Monsters: Strange Encounters
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'Phantom & Monsters: Strange Encounters' is a collection of personal encounter reports submitted by regular people who felt compelled to find answers about their unexplained experiences. A variety of paranormal and supernatural incidents are covered, including phantoms / apparitions, humanoids / other beings, unexplained phenomena, aliens, UFOs, monsters & cryptids. I keep an open mind when reading and discussing witness accounts since I truly understand how they feel...because few people believed my extraordinary encounters either.
You can find both books ('Cryptid Encounters' & 'Strange Encounters') at Books by Lon Strickler on Amazon.com. Kindle format. Don't have a Kindle device? No problem. Free Reading Apps: Your Kindle purchase can be sent automatically to your Android, iPad, iPhone, PC, Mac, BlackBerry, or Windows Phone 7 device. DOWNLOAD A 'FREE APP' HERE!

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