I recently received the following account from an eyewitness. The Yadkin River, which runs through several counties in North Carolina's piedmont, is well-known for Bigfoot / cryptid sightings:
I was canoeing on the Yadkin River with a friend last week. We were about 1/2 downstream from the canoe launch at Shoals Rd. north of East Bend, NC about 8am. I noticed something dark and hairy hunched down in weeds and bushes on the north bank of the river. As we passed it stood up and ran into the woods. We got a good look at it and sure it was a Bigfoot. About 7 ft tall and very thick hair all around the body. Surprised how agile it was because the bank from the bushes into the woods was very steep.
We turned the canoe around and got closer to the river edge. It was very muddy and I think the Bigfoot had been in the river.
Not much more to say. I believe there is a group of them in the area because I have heard of others on the river seeing Bigfoot, usually in Davie County. Our sighting was in Yadkin County and the state park nearby has had sightings also. Thanks - JM
In July 2011, I started receiving emails in reference to strange sightings along the Yadkin River. I posted one engrossing account, which resulted in other incident reports. I'd be interested in further accounts from the area...as well as anything else you can offer:
I live in west-central North Carolina. I live at a location that is very close to the Yadkin River in Davie County. The river’s flood plain comes to my property line in a valley with no houses and heavily wooded – however two roads to cross to get to my house. The river’s edge is primarily undeveloped, with almost a 300 yard flood area clearance on both sides for miles and miles. This river floods regularly, but not very muck lately. There are high voltage power lines running across the area as well. Now that the stage is set, let’s go. We have also put a game camera out to see if we could catch anything on is. We so far have caught a fat pregnant deer, several raccoon and a grey fox. That pregnant deer has twins now have been in our garden. The deer are pretty thick around here.
This is not a hot bed of Bigfoot sightings. But I have been hearing something very large walking in the woods beside my house. My dog has been kicked by something and knocked out for a few seconds. All we heard that night was a thud as it sounded like he was kicked in the side. We saw nothing as it was around 11:30 pm on a moonless night. A few moments later, he was up chasing a scent down the neighbor’s field. My son grabbed his flashlight and looked around down at the wood line and caught a pair of large red-orange eyes reflection. We went down later to investigate where they were. There is an opening right where he saw the eyes. We determined that whatever it was had to stand about 4 feet tall or so if it was standing in the field and 9 feet tall if it was standing in the woods as the opening has a steep drop off to the tree he used as a reference spot. The last explanation is that whatever it is was in the tree at that level. We are hunters and spend time in the woods often. We have never seen a pair of red-orange eyes around here. Not sure what a bear’s eyes look like, but we have no bear population around here.
I often stay up very late and go outside to look around with the flashlight around 3 or 4 in the morning. I have heard on three occasions a very loud knock following my spotlighting around. It sounds like two large rocks being hit together, not like a rock hitting a tree. They have come from three different spots down in the back yard in the woods. The knock sounds are only heard about once every 8-12 days. Kind of like what ever it is only passes through this area on some kind of schedule. Not sure if that sounds logical? I have only on one occasion heard what I would call a howl. It was in the distance and was NOT a coyote. Not even close. It was a different tone and lasted too long.
I would love to hear a logical explanation for all of this.
Not long after I posted Ken's report, I received the following narrative:
Concerning the 'Bigfoot on the Yadkin River in Davie County'. I live several miles up river from where this event took place. I am approximately 4 miles from the Yadkin River but at night on occasion I have heard the tree knocking, the howls but I have never seen one or saw a track. I have a tendency to stay out of the woods at night in the summertime due to copperheads and Poison Ivy.
When I first started hearing the howls it happened on a regular basis from about 10:00P.M. to 1:00A.M. or 2:00 A.M. At first I thought it could have been some type of owl but that didn't match up. One day I was looking at an investigation that had been done in upstate New York when they started to play the howling sounds that had been recorded from a possible Bigfoot encounter and it was exactly like I heard. My dogs also have been at times seriously pissed at something in the woods across the road from my house and keeping them from going after it is almost impossible.
Please do not reveal my name or contact info if you publish this letter. The next time I hear the sounds I will post it on here if you would like for me to.
Best regards. K
I received another summary on the same day:
I read your piece about an unknown animal or possible Bigfoot in Davie County. I live between Advance, NC and the Yadkin River and I can say that I have experienced related noises that include wood knocking and weird howls. I also caught a glimpse of a large man-like beast in the Eureka Mills area last Fall while canoeing. This thing rose up from the brush in a clearing. I was about 50 ft. from the bank and it was another 50 ft off the shore. It dashed off so quick I barely saw it, but I know it wasn't a deer, bear or human.
I have heard stories of sightings but people around here kind of keep these things quiet. One of my friend's neighbors down the road from me had a heavy metal sliding door ripped off his barn a few months ago. He said that one of his goats was carried off also. He called the local police who came out and saw large footprints in the mud. That incident never made any news. There is something moving up and down the river as far as I'm concerned. M
Bigfoot: Exploring the Myth & Discovering the Truth
Monsters of North Carolina: Mysterious Creatures in the Tar Heel State
Mysterious & Strange Stories in the North Carolina Mountains
Weird Carolinas: Your Travel Guide to North and South Carolina's Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets
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