; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Police Blotter: 'Werewolf' Reports From Eastern Brazil - 2008-2013

There was a rash of 'werewolf' sightings and encounters reported to local jurisdictions throughout eastern Brazil during 2008-2013.

During the year two thousand and nine residents of Canhotinho, Pernambuco, had their affected routines: Children hardly leave the house at night, adults locked the doors after 22 hours and those who risked breaking this behavior were afraid they are attacked by an alleged werewolf who would be prowling the city.

According to an animal population as this would plaguing the city in 2001 and in 2009 the animal would be back howling and attacking animals at night. There were several reports of people who have seen the monster, or that they are aware of their presence in Canhotinho.

One of the reports that increased the fear at the time was after the attack in a place where the farmer Maria do Carmo Soares, 57, assured to have seen the "werewolf" eating the dogs from his home.

- I was watching television when I got up to go turn off the kitchen light when I saw a strange thing in the gap of the door. I exhale and saw a large animal, all furry, with big ears and all black. He was eating one of my dogs. - Tells the farmer.

She was alone and wept with fear, the other day found her three dead dogs.

- The pieces of them were around the yard. I have never in my life seen a dog being killed like that. I could only find three legs and a head of the dogs. The rest he must have swallowed - reminded her terrified.

In Eliza Holland neighborhood, close to the city cemetery, the reports are even more frightening: A watchman of a school, who asked not to be identified, he said he came to shoot the neck "werewolf".

- First I saw a very strange thing when I was coming to work. Was behind the cemetery, it was like he (the werewolf) turning. The other day, I was here in high school when he saw me and came to attack me. He had big teeth and sharp claws, gave fear, but I shot in his neck and then he ran across the scrub. - ensures.

Some people said that the "werewolf" could be a girl who lived near the cemetery and that the transformation would take place in a pen that is behind her house. To further strengthen this suspicion, neighbors vowed that after the guard shot himself in the creature the girl would have been treated at the hospital with neck pain.


Strange sightings of a creature that locals attribute being a werewolf, is scaring the inhabitants of Luis Correia in Piaui. Many stories are being told, say that the alleged creature is covered with hair, walks on its hind legs and has an agility out of the ordinary.

Even the military police was notified about the appearance of the creature and made efforts to try to capture the animal. As in other cases, the suspicion is that some costumed person is hanging around the place.


In Jaibaras, Sobral-CE District, residents are afraid of a creature that has attacked some animals of the region. According to witnesses, the "animal" would be a being half man, half dog.


Two police reports were recorded in a town in rural Taua, located in the interior of Ceará. According to its residents, a werewolf would be stealing sheep. The fact was attributed to this supernatural creature after a woman had spotted an individual half man and half wolf. A 12-year-old also said he had seen a similar figure near his home. Both reports indicate that the creature smells really bad, and has a grotesque appearance.

Again, police are investigating the possibility of people are working costumed to scare the local population.


Stories over a werewolf woman has been told by the people of Guarabira, Paraiba. According to one account a woman, owning a place in the region, would have had a pig attacked by the creature. The animal was killed with scratches and had her mutilated neck.

The stories say they have seen a disheveled woman walking through the woods and it's at night that occurs the transformation. Dozens of reports reinforce the myth, changing the habits of residents: children are no longer going to school unaccompanied, ladies stopped going to church at night and even the bars are getting empty.

Tell us how we're doing. Improvements, content, additions, etc. Thanks again for watching! Please subscribe. Lon 

PLEASE NOTE: The Arcane Radio YouTube archive has been moved over to the 'Beyond Explanation' channel. All future Arcane Radio productions will be posted at 'Beyond Explanation' henceforth. You may want to subscribe to 'Beyond Explanation' so that you don't miss an episode. Thanks.

'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available in paperback & on Kindle

News & Notes: Unknown 'Protector Friends' Encountered in Woods

A man in Michigan encountered unknown beings that he believes were protecting him while he conducted his daily walk. What could these entities be?

I recently received the following account:

"Recently, I was walking up one of my longer road routes, and at one point, there is a small intersection. A fire road to your right goes up a hill, while going along the paved road will bring you into an isolated wooded area, with only 3 houses spaced out from one another.

In between this wooded area and the random houses, there is a quarter mile patch of dense woods, where from the road you can clearly see a dilapidated abandoned farm house and shed. We have lived in this area almost 6 years (near Traverse City, MI). I sense something was watching.

It happened 4 more times, and although it was a bit scary, I knew I wasn't in danger. But I began to see these beings with my mind's eye. The more regularly I walked that way, and the calmer I was, they were easier to see.

There were usually 4 or 5, at least 10 to 12 feet tall. All of them had different animal skull heads: a steer, a ram, an elk, a moose and an ibex. They had massive bodies (or massive coats) of different colored animal fur, and hand-type appendages that looked like freakishly long human hands.

They were always led by the steer, and usually would circle around me. But never in a violent or frightening way. They conveyed to me they were protecting me. I asked from what, but got no answer.

I noticed not long after encountering these friends, I began to struggle with time slips on my walks. Whether I have some extra weight on my frame or not, 2 of the 3 directions I can walk are radically steep climbs going home. So when I began getting home in less than a quarter of the time, my wife stressed to me to stop taking music.

I listened. One morning, coming back down the route my woodland friends resided in, the ram and ibex appeared suddenly and I suddenly felt afraid. They related with anger they had warned me not to walk this way anymore, and I was not heeding their warnings. If I continued to ignore their pleas, I would be left "utterly alone to (my) peril."

They slowly bent down towards me, and I did not want to look into their eye sockets. But that's all I could do. There was a horribly loud screeching white noise static sound, then silence.

I rubbed my eyes, and quick continued walking home. I felt utterly disoriented, and I couldn't figure out why.

I get home, and as I am walking up our yard, my wife is frantic. She shouts at me "where the hell have you been?" And I defensively told her she knew I always walk in the morning.

Her face conveyed something I was not initially catching. She asked me if I knew what time it was. I said I did not. She told me it was noon. I left for my walk at 7am. A walk that should have gotten me home no later 8:30.

When we discussed everything I had experienced, we both agreed walking that way was really not a smart idea. I do walk outside now, but not for the long walks I did. Usually just trips under 30 minutes.

I have not had any more direct contact with these beings, but I know they are always there, watching over the woods, and observing the humans.

I still have no clue what they were protecting me from. All I know is I will listen to their warnings." J


Your financial support of Phantoms & Monsters and our other pursuits is much appreciated. Despite what many people believe, what I do is not a profitable venture. In fact, most of the financing I receive is used to continue providing you with the results of my efforts. This all depends on you, my readers and followers. 

Please use the PayPal donation buttons on the blog site and newsletter. You can also go directly to PayPal and use my email lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com as the recipient. Thanks again for loyalty and continued support. Lon


Arcane Radio is LIVE w/ chat on the Beyond Explanation YouTube channel

Fortean Research Updates Butch Witkowski, Sean Forker, Marcus Ellis | Arcane Radio 10.30.2020

Join me as I welcome Phantoms and Monsters Fortean Research investigators Butch Witkowski, Sean Forker and Marcus Ellis to Arcane Radio's live SuperChat. We will be giving updates on ongoing investigations and discussing new cases and your questions. Butch Witkowski is a UFO, paranormal and cryptid investigator and the founder of the UFO Research Center of Pennsylvania based in Birdsboro, PA. Sean Forker is a Bigfoot and cryptid investigator, as well as a radio personality. He hails from Williamsport, PA. Marcus Ellis is a Bigfoot and paranormal investigator from central Mississippi. He is also an accomplished musician. The Phantoms and Monsters Fortean Research team website can be found at CryptidHunters.org

This will be a very informative and entertaining show! Join us this Friday, October 23rd at 9PM ET / 6PM PT -  Watch LIVE w/ chat on the Beyond Explanation YouTube channel, or listen live at the Paranormal King Radio Network or at LiveRadio/Paranormal King Radio Network

Listen to our podcast at the 'Beyond Explanation' YouTube channel



Whatever Happened to the Abominable Snowman?

Earth's Magnetic North Pole Has Begun Racing Towards Siberia

Entire 7,600-ton building 'walks' 62 meters

Video: Cops in Texas Encounter Bizarre 'Creature'

Shooting at a Sea-Serpent on the High Seas: Not Advised!

LIVE CHAT 'Ask Lon Anything' Wednesday, November 4th, 9pm Eastern

Black Eyed Kids Encounters! 4 Very Frightening First Person BEK Reports! You are at risk! | BXP A130

Bizarre Cryptid Humanoid Encounters! Four true, terrifying first person reports! | BXP A129

Five Frightening Dogman Encounters! True first person reports from the US and Canada. | BXP A131

PODCAST - Fortean Research Updates Butch Witkowski, Sean Forker, Marcus Ellis | Arcane Radio 10.30.2020

Sioux City Entity: Lon Strickler's Personal 8 Yr Investigation of a Malevolent Spirit | BXP A127

David Eckhart First Recorded Alien Encounter | Original Video

Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid / Flying Entity Sightings & Encounters

Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research Website

Paranormal / Cryptid / UFO Books You Should Read

'Beyond Explanation' is a collection of first-person encounters, directly from the pages of Phantoms & Monsters. Please subscribe & feel free to distribute to your friends and other paranormal enthusiasts. The Facebook page can be found at Beyond Explanation on Facebook - Thanks for your help. I hope you enjoy! Your comments are welcomed. Lon

Would your paranormal / cryptid group like to become an affiliate of Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research? By becoming an affiliate investigative group, we can forward reports to you from your area in which none of our team can physically investigate. If interested, send me an email at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com. The member / affiliate list can be found at Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research Team / Affiliate Groups. Thanks. Lon

'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available on Amazon.com and from our new publisher Singular Fortean Publishing

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Thursday, October 29, 2020

Upright Canine Encounter in Managua, Nicaragua Barrios

A girl, living in the Managua, Nicaragua barrios, encounters an upright canine while walking through the dark passages in the area.

I recently came across the older account from 1987 in Nicaragua:

"My mom used to take me to stay with my Grandma who lived about 3 1/2 miles away, close to Lake Nicaragua which is infested with bull sharks. The area where Grandma lived was under constant construction and the city was deforesting the area to make more houses. Light posts were spread throughout the area where no homes where yet built

There were creeks that went under bridges and one could walk to other barrios, or parts of the neighborhood that were closer to the lake and the mountains. A lot of native people lived there. They cooked rice and beans on the stove and by hand on a comal hand made tortillas. My mother had a knack of sending me to those neighborhoods to buy beans and tortillas which is what I did that afternoon. I had never believed in werewolves or witches or anything supernatural or unknown, but this shocked me to understand the importance of keeping an open mind and to know and respect others who have seen the paranormal.

I was heading with 2 plastic containers to buy the beans and tortillas that afternoon by my grandma's house. I had to go through an area where a creek went all the way to lake Nicaragua, and still had a lot of forested areas there and had encroaching buildings that were being built but not finished yet. The road I walked on was in between the forest and creek alongside. As one got closer to my Grandma's neighborhood the unfinished buildings were apparent with few trees about and the creek became part of a water way. To get across, you had to walk on a bridge to get to the road that lead to the outskirts of the city of Managua, which is where my grandma's house was, in an area called America's # 2.

Anyway, on the way to buy mom's beans and tortillas I had no ill feelings on the road. The sun was still up, it was about 6:30 pm. Since we are near the equator there is still sunlight at that time. It took me approximately one hour to do this. I had no worries since the people around the area knew me. On the way back to grandma's, as I got close to where the new buildings were being constructed it was already dark, and there was a full moon that night. It was around 7:45 pm since I always had a watch with me since I like watches a lot as a matter of fact I still wear a watch today.

Anyway, as I had finished crossing the bridge I came up to a building which had not been finished and had no roof or doors, and it was about 150 yards from the creek and wood line. The moon happened to light the building and leave places dark on the ground and light up the mid level places around 5 feet and up as the moonlight hit the building at an angle. As I walked in front of a door by the road suddenly I heard a growling sound, like a dog growl. I was never fond of dogs since they always seem to chase me, and had one bit me when I was 6. But now I'm grown up and actually like dogs and cats.

Anyway, as I heard this sound, I don't know if it was curiosity or stupidity, I decided to investigate by backtracking and seeing if in fact it was a wild dog with rabies, since rabies at that time was rampant in our country. This way I knew weather to expect an attack or just to get a rock in one of my hands in case it decided to mess with me.

Well, to my horrific surprise, I come up to the door of the building only to be 10 feet from a thing that I only saw in the movies like 'The Howling.' I couldn't believe what I was seeing!

This thing slowly began to rise from a hunched position to where the moonlight hit its face, and mind you, this was a one story building with no roof. This building was at least 8 1/2 feet tall, yet this things head was maybe 5 inches above it! I was having trouble speaking. I was in a state of awe and disbelief.

This thing had pointy black ears and a mid-size snout like a German Shepherd, and it had a yellow glow to its eyes. It had hands like a raccoons, but with a curve to them.

Suddenly my reaction came, and I spoke out loud and said 'NO!' At this point this creature  heard me and immediately turned its head to see me I realized.

At this point I had 2 choices; stay, and hope it didn't eat me, or run the mile left to my Grandma's house. I can tell you the second option was better. I immediately turned and ran in the direction of Grandma's house. I felt the thing behind me but I dared not look. I ran, and the funny thing is I didn't even drop my mom's containers that were with me!

I ran all the way to my Grandma's house and I ran into the house. The good thing was that in those days Grandma always left the door open. I ran inside and ran past my mom and my Grandma. I then rushed to the kitchen and put mom's containers on the counter I took the steak knives that Grandma had and told my mom and grandma it's after me and I'm ready.

At this point my mom and Grandma tried to convince me that I was ok and to put the knives down. I did not put the knives down until I was sure that the monster was not showing up to attack Grandma's house.

I had nightmares and horrible dreams for about 2 years after that.

But this was not the last time I would see something like this creature." Name withheld

Tell us how we're doing. Improvements, content, additions, etc. Thanks again for watching! Please subscribe. Lon 

PLEASE NOTE: The Arcane Radio YouTube archive has been moved over to the 'Beyond Explanation' channel. All future Arcane Radio productions will be posted at 'Beyond Explanation' henceforth. You may want to subscribe to 'Beyond Explanation' so that you don't miss an episode. Thanks.

'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available in paperback & on Kindle

News & Notes: Red-Eyed Winged Humanoid 'Demon' Observed in Schiller Park, Chicago, Illinois

An Hispanic woman and her mother observed, while watching from the window in a bedroom, a red-eyed winged humanoid perched on their back fence of their home in Schiller Park, Chicago.

The following report was posted by Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research member Manuel Navarette at UFO Clearinghouse:

Date of Sighting: October 26, 2020

Date of Submission: October 29, 2020

Time of Sighting: 2100 (approximately)

Source: UFOCH Reporting Line

Witnesses: Two

Location: Schiller Park, Illinois – Suburban Chicago

Current Status: Under Investigation

Sighting Details:

"I had gone to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea and as I was filling the kettle with water I heard my mom scream and then call out to me. I dropped what I was doing and ran to her and found her in her room with the lights off. She told me to keep the lights off and to come to the window and look out into the backyard. I looked and saw a large creature with red eyes and very large wings perched on the back fence. My mother was whispering “Es un demonio” and started praying as we watched this thing. It was perched on the fence and it was looking side to side and kept slowly moving its wings. We looked at it for about a minute before it flapped its wings and flew off."

Translation: Es un demonio = 'It’s a demon'

Investigators Notes:

I contacted the witness and was able to speak with her via phone on Wednesday evening. The witness who reported the initial sighting is a 32 year old Hispanic female and the second witness is a 67 year old Hispanic female. The witness says that it was about 2100 (9 p.m.) in the evening and she had gone to the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea. As she was preparing the kettle she heard her mother scream, which prompted her to drop what she was doing and run toward her mother's bedroom. The witness indicated that her mother has fallen before and injured herself and that is what she thought had just occurred.

Upon entering her mother's room, she found the lights off and her mother standing by the window. The mother told her to keep the lights off and to come to the window and look out into the backyard. The witness did as she asked and upon reaching the window saw what she described as a large humanoid creature perched upon back fence. She described the creature as black with large jet black wings and had human like features. When I asked her to go into detail, she said that the creature looked like what she could only describe as a demon. The creature had human like arms and legs and its head looked almost human with bright red eyes. When I pressed for more detail she advised that it was dark and she was about 25 feet away from where it was perched. She described the creature as looking around and that it was slowly moving its outstretched wings back and forth.

She said they observed the entity for about a minute before it flapped its wings and flew up and out of sight. When asked if she had grabbed her phone to take a picture, she said her phone was in her room and she did not think of going and grabbing it and that she was not going to leave her mother alone. When I asked her if I could talk to the other witness, she said her mother was hesitant to talk but eventually her mother talked to me after assurances that I would not publish her name or address.

The second witness spoke only in Spanish and said she was getting ready for bed when she looked out the window and saw the creature perched on the back fence. She said she was scared and called out to her daughter to come and then started to pray. The witness was convinced that she was seeing a demon that had come to her house and prayed for protection.

When I asked her for a description, she said that the shape of the creature and it’s posture reminded her of the depiction of demon being struck down by Saint Michael, except this one was solid black and with red eyes.

The witness said she was very uncomfortable with speaking about it for fear of the entity returning and that she felt that this creature was on a mission, one that was evil in nature but she would not expound any further.

She did mention that there were people in the neighborhood that she knew practiced Brujeria and that this thing might have something to do with it.

I thanked the witnesses and left my contact information in case they had anything follow up questions or information.

NOTE: it has not been uncommon for Hispanic witnesses to describe winged humanoids as 'demons.' That has be a common description throughout the years during our investigation. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a flying humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated. You can call me directly at 410-241-5974 as well. Thanks. Lon Strickler


Your financial support of Phantoms & Monsters and our other pursuits is much appreciated. Despite what many people believe, what I do is not a profitable venture. In fact, most of the financing I receive is used to continue providing you with the results of my efforts. This all depends on you, my readers and followers. 

Please use the PayPal donation buttons on the blog site and newsletter. You can also go directly to PayPal and use my email lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com as the recipient. Thanks again for loyalty and continued support. Lon


Arcane Radio is LIVE w/ chat on the Beyond Explanation YouTube channel

Fortean Research Updates Butch Witkowski, Sean Forker, Marcus Ellis | Arcane Radio 10.30.2020

Join me as I welcome Phantoms and Monsters Fortean Research investigators Butch Witkowski, Sean Forker and Marcus Ellis to Arcane Radio's live SuperChat. We will be giving updates on ongoing investigations and discussing new cases and your questions. Butch Witkowski is a UFO, paranormal and cryptid investigator and the founder of the UFO Research Center of Pennsylvania based in Birdsboro, PA. Sean Forker is a Bigfoot and cryptid investigator, as well as a radio personality. He hails from Williamsport, PA. Marcus Ellis is a Bigfoot and paranormal investigator from central Mississippi. He is also an accomplished musician. The Phantoms and Monsters Fortean Research team website can be found at CryptidHunters.org

This will be a very informative and entertaining show! Join us this Friday, October 23rd at 9PM ET / 6PM PT -  Watch LIVE w/ chat on the Beyond Explanation YouTube channel, or listen live at the Paranormal King Radio Network or at LiveRadio/Paranormal King Radio Network

Listen to our podcast at the 'Beyond Explanation' YouTube channel



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The Strange Case of the Black Phantom of Scotland

More on the Matter of Spectral Animals and Life After Death

LIVE CHAT 'Ask Lon Anything' Wednesday, November 4th, 9pm Eastern

Black Eyed Kids Encounters! 4 Very Frightening First Person BEK Reports! You are at risk! | BXP A130

Bizarre Cryptid Humanoid Encounters! Four true, terrifying first person reports! | BXP A129

Five Frightening Dogman Encounters! True first person reports from the US and Canada. | BXP A131

Fortean Research Updates Butch Witkowski, Sean Forker, Marcus Ellis | Arcane Radio 10.30.2020

PODCAST - David Eckhart | Alien Abductee / Close Encounters Experiencer | Arcane Radio 10.23.2020

Sioux City Entity: Lon Strickler's Personal 8 Yr Investigation of a Malevolent Spirit | BXP A127

Bat-Winged Humanoid Observed Behind Schaumburg, Illinois Catholic Church

David Eckhart First Recorded Alien Encounter | Original Video

Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid / Flying Entity Sightings & Encounters

Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research Website

Paranormal / Cryptid / UFO Books You Should Read

'Beyond Explanation' is a collection of first-person encounters, directly from the pages of Phantoms & Monsters. Please subscribe & feel free to distribute to your friends and other paranormal enthusiasts. The Facebook page can be found at Beyond Explanation on Facebook - Thanks for your help. I hope you enjoy! Your comments are welcomed. Lon

Would your paranormal / cryptid group like to become an affiliate of Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research? By becoming an affiliate investigative group, we can forward reports to you from your area in which none of our team can physically investigate. If interested, send me an email at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com. The member / affiliate list can be found at Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research Team / Affiliate Groups. Thanks. Lon

'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available on Amazon.com and from our new publisher Singular Fortean Publishing

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