; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

'Spirit of Death'

Yankton Sioux Tribe (Ihanktonwan Nation) - South Dakota - 2007: I was a police officer on a Rez. One night I get a call for a man found in another person's garage, which was separate from the house. When I arrived there was an elder man standing with a younger 20-something year old. The young man, who I will call "John," had his head down. I asked the elder what was going on? He told me he found this stranger in his garage running the chain saw. While he was sitting in his house he heard a chain saw running outside. He went out and found this guy running it in the garage. I questioned the younger man but nothing really made sense. He told me he came there to protect them. I asked from who. He responded, from the man coming to hurt them. He appeared to be a little disoriented but did not smell of alcohol. I thought maybe he was on some drugs. I recognized him as a young man I grew up with.

I put him in the police car and began transporting him to the jail. I didn't cuff him, but I did search him. On the way to the jail he starts pounding on the plastic shield between him and I with his fingers spread wide open. He yells at me "I have five fingers! I have five fingers! See this? I have five fingers! I wasn't going to hurt them! I was there to protect them!" I asked from who? He said "from the flying man with stripes with hooves for feet." "What flying man with stripes and hooves for feet," I asked. "He was there to kill them!" "Where is he," I responded. "He's at their house!" He was scaring the crap out of me, so while he was yelling I managed to find a phone number to his house from a friend. I called his house. They said he went to chop wood early in the morning. He took a 6 pack of beer but that was it. They haven't seen him since and it was already in the early morning hours of the following day.

John continued talking about this flying man with wings. He was going to kill John's family if he didn't go over to this man's house with the chain saw. Now he was really creeping me out, so I called the jail before taking him there. I wasn't sure they would take him in a mentally unstable state. It turned out I was right. They didn't want him. I had to take him to the hospital first. I decided to call my uncle, a spiritual leader. It was about 2 A.M. I left a message after he didn't answer. He called right back. I told him what was going on. He told me the man he was talking about is the 'spirit of death.' John was threatened by him because he was drunk. While at the house of the elder man he was going to kill the family with the chain saw, but didn't for whatever reason. I took John to the hospital. They cleared him of everything. They didn't find any drugs in his system. I managed to calm him down after talking to him during that 2-hour long round trip on the Rez to the hospital.

I saw him a week later after that and he was walking down the street like nothing had ever happened, normal as normal can be. Some time after that we had a ceremony because a lot of stories were floating around the Rez about a tall shadow man being seen. It turned out to be the same ghost I dealt with that night through John. We chased him away from the people that night through our ceremonies. However, he's as old as time itself and afraid of nothing. He respects one thing, bravery, because he is afraid of nothing. Someone must stand up to him, preferably, a veteran who's seen death and is brave. Love and prayer will keep him away. He has no face, but can dawn three faces like masks. He has an emotionless face for death; a smiley face for partying with the party life; and an angry face when he causes people to kill each other. He can take the form and wear the clothes of any time period he is in. His influence is powerful unless you can do the things above to make him leave.

Source: Anonymous post, Indigenous Ghost Stories, 2/2014

Voices in the Stones: Life Lessons from the Native Way

The Journey of Crazy Horse: A Lakota History

My People the Sioux, New Edition

The Lakota Sweat Lodge Cards: Spiritual Teachings of the Sioux

Daily 2 Cents: Huge Unknown 'Bird' in Northwest Indiana -- Vancouver Hotel's 'Lady in Red' -- 'Blue Book' UFO TV Drama

Huge Unknown 'Bird' in Northwest Indiana

Interesting sighting of a huge unknown 'bird' in northwest Indiana in the early 2000's...not too far from Chicago:

“My brother and his family lived in a more rural setting than myself. Often times I would spend a Saturday evening with him and his family relaxing under the many stars I never saw being closer to the city. It was tranquil quiet and the sky at night was lit up like fireworks with stars. One summer evening as it was approaching 11 PM or so we were talking and out of nowhere an enormous bird/owl/thing came off the roof of his 3 car garage and flew over us. As I looked up to the starlit sky it was completely blacked out by this thing and the sound of wings in air could be heard. My sister-in-law ran into the house but I strained to see what it was. It had an enormous wing span. It's silhouette just massive, maybe 7 feet or so across. I remember thinking that's too big for a bird, even an owl. My brother came out asking what all the fuss was that his wife was yelling at him to go see. I explained what I saw and he knows I am not a fabricator. I say what I saw. He said and I quote," Hell of a time for me to go to the head, huh...I missed it." So, to this day, when I'm out at night, I look up a whole lot more. This world has unexplained events everywhere. It was in NW Indiana in the early 2000's.”

Source: Youtube Comments, RenegadeTimes

JLB - Beyond Creepy


Vancouver Hotel's 'Lady in Red'

An elevator mechanic in Vancouver may have inadvertently photographed one of the city's most famous ghosts: the legendary 'Lady in Red.'

Scott Graham was working at a neighboring building last week when he snapped a photo of the historic Hotel Vancouver with his cell phone.

When he later looked at the photo, Graham noticed something amiss about the image as there appears to be a distinct red 'presence' lurking in one of the hotel's top floor windows.

Some suspect that the mechanic may have captured a glimpse of an infamous ghost dubbed the 'Lady in Red' who is said to haunt the Hotel Vancouver and has been seen on multiple occasions by guests and staff.

A subsequent investigation by the Vancouver Sun found that the area where the anomaly appears is actually closed to the public at this time due to maintenance, meaning that it is unlikely that the 'apparition' was simply a hotel guest wearing red.

For his part, Graham is skeptical that the oddity is the actual 'Lady in Red' as the self-described skeptic told the newspaper that "it's probably just some person wearing a red shirt that’s somewhere where they're not supposed to be."

Then again, perhaps the same could be said of the spirit some believe still lingers atop the Vancouver Hotel. Read more at 'Lady in Red' ghost sighting? Vancouver man shares spooky photo


'Blue Book' UFO TV Drama

History – the TV outlet formerly known as The History Channel – is moving forward even further with their efforts on producing scripted series, and it seems that they may have landed a doozy. The channel, in conjunction with A+E Studios, has announced that they will be bringing to the airwaves ‘Blue Book,’ a series about UFO encounters “inspired by real-life events” and produced in part by legendary Hollywood creative Robert Zemeckis.

History is giving the show a straight-to-series order, meaning the show should be fast-tracked into full production in order to find its way on-screen as quickly as possible. Despite the title seeming a little vague, the series will be scripted yet will revolve around events grounded in reality. The show will follow the exploits of a college professor who is investigating true investigations into UFO sightings that were conducted by the US Air Force in the 1950s and 1960s.

About his involvement in the show, Zemeckis said:

“Rarely have I been associated with a project that is a perfect fusion of historical fact and extraordinary entertainment. We are grateful for A+E Studios’ and History’s support for what I know will be a fabulous series.”

A+E Studios president Paul Buccieri said:

“Blue Book is inspired by the true covert events of an era in American history shrouded in mystery. Robert Zemeckis and the creative team have shaped an incredibly compelling narrative, building upon History’s unique, growing brand of fact-based scripted programming.” - Robert Zemeckis Heads To TV With New UFO Drama ‘Blue Book’


Hey folks...I just wanted to thank everyone for their continued support. It's been quite busy lately...seems that something is happening daily. Anyway, I want to mention that donations are truly appreciated. Your contribution allows me to devote more time and effort into gathering and presenting the most up-to-date information. You can use the donation button below or go directly to Paypal.com using my email as the recipient lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com Thanks again...Lon


Today's Top Links

Unexplained Roaring Noises Terrify Nottingham, England

Mystery of the Flickering Red Lights in the White House Grips the Internet

Busting myths of European racial purity

We Need a "Cunning Idea" to Make Time Travel a Scientific Reality

Deeply Bizarre and Cursed, Mysterious Sites on the Internet

The Mythical Creatures Bible: The Definitive Guide to Legendary Beings

Nightmare In The Woods: One family's strange and terrifying encounter with Bigfoot in the Northeastern United States.

Phantoms & Monsters: Strange Encounters

Phantoms & Monsters: Cryptid Encounters

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'Phantoms and Monsters' was establish in September 2005 as part of PM Media
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Monday, May 29, 2017

Truck Driver Observes Large Bat-Like Humanoid Gliding Over Cicero, Illinois

I received an email on evening of Sunday, May 28th from another flying humanoid witness in Chicago. I immediately contacted the witness by telephone. Below is the email (some information is redacted):

My name is Billy B. I drive a semi with a large carrier company in Chicago. On March 22nd, I was at a delivery location at Cicero Ave. and 290 expressway in Chicago. I was picking up a load of bread there. I noticed a flying object at around noon in the airspace to the south coming from Midway Airport. The object looked like a man with wings - like Batman. I thought it was an experimental drone or secret government military test. After seeing the picture by the Indian statue (8/22/2011 - 63rd and Pulaski Rd in Chicago, IL sighting), I am convinced it was the thing these other folks have seen.

I have 3 witnesses for that day and the text to prove it happened. I absolutely swear it was this "Mothman". The object was gliding over me and disappeared in the clouds. It is very loud by the expressway and I have had no recollection of screaming. Shortly after I saw this thing, I had a litany of strange health problems that are documented. My eyes are even messed up, like the movie and other claims. I have all the documentation to prove my story.

I hope I am not considered a freak after this but this sighting can be proven well before the other sightings were reported. I have nothing to gain by reporting this so call me if you have questions. The health issues are very odd and serious. I have had several MRI tests and a lumbar puncture due to the pressure behind my eyes. Now, these issues could be due to some other disease that has no diagnosis.

NOTE: I called Billy B. as soon as I received the email. He explained that this figure was the size of a large automobile, and looked exactly like the 8/22/2011 sighting (refer to the interactive map...click sighting number 1 for the photo). He also mentioned that it was in Midway International Airport airspace.

Billy B. has forwarded documentation proving the bizarre medical problems he has endured since the sighting...eventually traced to a rare condition in his eyes. As well, he forwarded documentation on his mother's death, which occurred unexpectedly approximately 3 weeks ago. I have no proof that these incidents are related to the sighting, but it is noteworthy nonetheless and part of the record.

Billy was very forthcoming and answered all my questions without embellishment. I truly believe he witnessed what he described, which he believes was a winged living being because of the way the figure naturally moved...Lon

UPDATE: I have been struck on how believable the witnesses have been...especially those who I have personally interviewed. I have tested them...trying to see if they'd embellish the sighting. Nope...they have distinct descriptions and stick to it. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a flying humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area or nearby? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Phantom', 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'Chicago Man-Bat.' Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated. You can call me directly at 410-241-5974 as well. Thanks...Lon Strickler #ChicagoPhantom

Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles & Other Winged Beasts


The Mothman Prophecies: A True Story

Return of the Prophecies of Mothman

Daily 2 Cents: Silver Bridge Disaster Divers Claim 'fish as big as a Volkswagon!' -- Carroll County's 'Cry Baby Bridge' -- Pale Face in the Window

Silver Bridge Disaster Divers Claim 'fish as big as a Volkswagon!'

Rebecca in California called in to tell of a weird story she heard when she was a kid:

“I lived in Ohio at the time the Silver Bridge fell that linked Point Pleasant, West Virginia to Gallipolis, Ohio. I lived outside the town of Racine, Ohio which is about 25 miles away from where the bridge fell. I was just 10 years old at the time and everyone from many counties from both Ohio and West Virginia were in shock. It was a very cold night in December and many on the bridge were not only people coming home from work but those who had been out Christmas shopping as well. The Ohio River was so cold, it may have had ice on it. Not to mention the snow on the ground.

It seemed like in the 1960s and 70s, when we would get the winter snow, it wasn't just a little bit like they get now but a foot or more. Anyway, I remember the following day that the adults were talking about seeing a big-winged creature, not knowing what it was or what to think of it. I know that some had said something about a bird-like creature and they had mistaken a Sand Crane for what they saw but the creature was much bigger than any Sand Crane or any birds in the area. I also remember hearing about when the divers who were brought in to search the icy cold waters of the Ohio for bodies. Some divers that had gone down saw fish that they described were as big as a V.W. with eyes far apart like car headlights. These same divers refused to ever go back down in the water. The fish I later learned were catfish. How they got that size, I have no idea.”

Source: Beyond The Darkness - May 22, 2017

JLB - Beyond Creepy


Thunderbirds in Illinois

I recently received the following account:

I saw an oddity but, being a town girl, thought it was a normal event. Until now.

Several years ago, I was driving out to my rural property, which required that I drive on a somewhat blind curve. Upon doing do, I had to brake for a couple of huge black birds. The wingspan of each took up more than a lane of traffic. They were each about the size of a Cessna. They were so heavy that I had to wait a bit until their huge bodies could get airborne. Having been to a "birds of prey" event beforehand, I recognized that these birds had no feathers on their heads, so were carrion-eaters such as vultures. Also, they were eating remains of something dead in the road. I continued on, and when my yard work was done, I drove home and they had returned. Nothing seemed out out of the ordinary at the time.

Years later, my community (Henry, IL) was being visited by vultures: a flock by the barge-loading dock at the IL river, and a flock about a block from my house in a really large pine tree. One late afternoon, I looked out and saw a vulture in my driveway, and attempted to get a photo. This bird took off as quick as a robin- UNLIKE my huge birds from before. I did an online search and was to find out that the turkey vulture is the largest bird of prey. This is what was in my driveway- tiny compared to what I'd seen.

Upon more searching, there was a story about an 8 year old boy who was taken away by a giant bird-also in Illinois, but closer to the Mississippi river. His mother chased the bird and he dropped the boy. There were other witnesses, according to the story. The story mentioned the Native American legend of Thunderbirds. (the witness is referring to the 1977 Lawndale, Illinois Thunderbird Attack)

I am inclined to believe them! RB, Henry, IL


Carroll County's 'Cry Baby Bridge'

I recently received this information:

I too have experienced this mist/haze on this bridge. We sat and watched it outside of the car. It was center of the hood. Didn't take it long to move in my direction. The cloud came in the car window and went straight down my throat. My friend witnessed it. If he didn't see it himself, he wouldn't have believed it. He since has passed on. I know what I experienced that night. I know I'm not crazy! What the hell happened to me that night in 1990.

Video - Crybaby Bridge - Roops (Adams) Mill Rd in Westminster, Maryland

The Crybaby Bridge is located near Westminster, MD (Carroll County) on Adams Mill Rd. The local legends attributed to this particular bridge range from a young woman who became pregnant and was afraid to tell her family to the location being used by the KKK to drown black babies in the 1800s.

The KKK story may be closer to the truth. This particular area of Carroll County, MD was notorious for large KKK rallies during the l890's through the 1960's. Since I once lived in the area, I've investigated many of these old rally grounds. The presence of lost earthbound entities is usually quite prevalent. The Cry Baby Bridge is no exception...I have been there several times. Lon


Pale Face in the Window

I recently received the following account:

Hi Lon,

I have an encounter to report that I thought you might find interesting, as it happened in PA. I grew up in a suburb of Erie, on a busy road about 1/4 mile from the shores of Lake Erie. Although our house fronted the road, the other three sides of it were rimmed with thick woods, giving it the feel of a country house.

I was ten years old at the time, so this would have been almost 50 years ago. Some time in the middle of the night I was awoken by the sound of tapping on my bedroom window, which was closed. I looked over at the window and could see the dark outline of someone or something with its face very close to the window. It seemed to be looking at me.

I dove under the covers in terror, telling myself that it was a bad dream and that I should wake up. Only it wasn't a dream, and I was awake. Whatever was outside my window continued its occasional knocking for several minutes, and then the knocking became a little louder and more persistent. I couldn't make sense of what was happening, because my bedroom was on the second floor, and I did not have a balcony. How could someone be standing outside my second story window?!

I came to the only logical conclusion I could muster -- it had to be a witch. To my ten-year-old brain, nothing else could hover in mid-air other than a witch. After what seemed like an eternity but was probably only a few minutes, I bolted upright in bed and screamed at it to leave, then dove back under the covers. In those brief few seconds that I faced it, I could see that it had a very pale, almost white expressionless face, two beady round dark eyes, with no obvious nose or mouth. Picture a white smiley face with two black dots for eyes, but no smiling mouth. It sure didn't look a witch, but that was the only explanation that made sense to me at that time.

I don't know how long I waited under the covers, but it felt like an eternity. The knocking stopped, and when I finally got the nerve to look at the window again, it was gone. I told my parents about it the next morning, and of course they told me it was a dream. I knew without a doubt that it wasn't.

Over the years I've scoured the internet, looking for stories of similar encounters. To be honest, the stories that strike me in my gut as the most similar are those of large bird/people. Since you have received numerous reports recently of large flying cryptids in the Chicago area, I thought there may be a Great Lakes connection. Who knows? Life truly is stranger than fiction.

Keep up the good work, Lon. KH


Hey folks...I just wanted to thank everyone for their continued support. It's been quite busy lately...seems that something is happening daily. Anyway, I want to mention that donations are truly appreciated. Your contribution allows me to devote more time and effort into gathering and presenting the most up-to-date information. You can use the donation button below or go directly to Paypal.com using my email as the recipient lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com Thanks again...Lon


Today's Top Links

Ogopogo: A Cousin of Nessie?

What Could a Mysterious U.S. Spy Know About the JFK Assassination?

Mysterious stone pillars emerge from northern New Mexico forest

Mysterious ‘SOS’ Found in Remote Western Australia

UFO BOMBSHELL: Could this memo solve Roswell 'flying saucer' crash mystery?

DNA of the Gods: The Anunnaki Creation of Eve and the Alien Battle for Humanity

Divine Encounters: A Guide to Visions, Angels and Other Emissaries

The Anunnaki Chronicles: A Zecharia Sitchin Reader

Phantoms & Monsters: Unexplained Encounters

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Sunday, May 28, 2017

'Large Black Flying Man' Sighting - Calumet Park Neighborhood in Chicago

I just received a telephone call from a witness in the Calumet Park neighborhood of Chicago.

The woman and her boyfriend noticed a large black figure above a group of trees in the vicinity of 127th & Ashland Ave. at approximately 7:30 PM on Saturday, May 27th. The witnesses state that they first thought that it was a black helicopter because of the size, though the distance was not determined. The object then rose further in the sky and became apparent that it was a large human-like being with wings.

They described it as black in color and it was flying without moving it's wings. They were shocked at the size as it silhouetted itself across the moon, which was visible in the late clear evening. There was still considerable light, but too dark to get a discernible video or photograph with their cellphone, though there was an attempt to capture photographic evidence.

They determined that it was not a plane or glider, but a living being of unknown origin. The description by the woman was that is looked like a 'large black flying man with wings.'

The woman (who did disclose her name to me) was disturbed by this encounter. She searched the internet and discovered my posts on Phantoms and Monsters. She was surprised by the previous sightings in Chicago, which she was not aware of. She plans to be vigilant during the next few evenings and will be making inquiries of possible sightings by other witnesses.

I found that the witnesses were very credible and made no attempt to embellish their sighting. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a flying humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area or nearby? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Phantom', 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'Chicago Man-Bat.' Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated. You can call me directly at 410-241-5974 as well. Thanks...Lon Strickler #ChicagoPhantom

Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles & Other Winged Beasts


The Mothman Prophecies: A True Story

Return of the Prophecies of Mothman

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