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Thursday, September 29, 2016

Vanishing Insectoid Encountered in Sequoia National Forest

Ricky in San Diego, California called in to tell of a terrifying encounter he had while camping in the Sequoia National Forest:

“I just want to share an experience I had about two years ago in the Sequoia National Forest. My sister took my friend and I out there and we were deep deep in the forest, far away from civilization. We were having a great time. I'm a believer in the paranormal, Bigfoot, aliens and all that stuff but while I was there, I never had that thought. I was there camping with my family, having a great time.

At about 9 o'clock, everyone decides to go to sleep and my friend and I were left staring at the bonfire. I decided it was a good time to listen to music so I went to my sister's forerunner and I was opening the back to grab my Ipod. And as I opened the back door, I heard something come out of the tree. It didn't come out of the tree. It was almost like it was holding on and it fell. And I heard this huge thump. I could feel it. And as I... I had a flashlight on me. I looked over at the tree I heard the fall from and I swear on my life and I swear to God, honest to God, I saw a 6 to 7 foot tall praying mantis. And as I laid eyes on it, I completely lost breath. I was completely taken aback. It took a step back and it became completely invisible. I could not believe what I saw.

I slammed the door and I ran back to the campfire. I alerted my friend. I woke everyone up and no one would believe me. I was really upset because I knew what I'd seen. So that happened and my friend didn't believe me. He was laughing at me and then all of a sudden I could hear all these things surrounding us and finally when I brought it to my friend's attention, he kinda put his ear to it and he heard it too. Finally I was patrolling the campground with my flashlight and I could just hear these things surrounding us and I heard like this clicking sound, it was like (makes clicking sound). It was really strange. I was so scared.”

Source: Coast To Coast AM - September 27, 2016

Transcribed by JLB

NOTE: These high-order non-terrestrial Insectoid beings have been described as having the ability to either cloak or disappear. Here are several other similar creatures I have reported on:

'Praying Mantis Man' Sighting - Musconetcong River, Hackettstown, NJ

The Musconetcong River 'Mantis Man' Returns

Insectoid Being Encounter Unnerved Witness

Praying Mantis Humanoid Encounter - Greenville, SC

West Texas Insectoids

Praying Mantis-Like Humanoid - Feasterville, PA

Who is God?: Who's Who in the Cosmic Zoo? A Guide to ETs, Aliens, Gods, and Angels

Humanoid Encounters 1970-1974: The Others amongst Us

The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself

Real Aliens, Space Beings, and Creatures from Other Worlds