Here are a few creepy encounter stories sent to me by readers. If you'd like to forward your true life experience, feel free to send it to my email at
"My husband worked for 30 years within the Illinois prison system. He had to walk to another housing unit he didn’t work on. This guy was raising Cain with all the line officers, so my husband was sent to quiet him. My husband had never seen this inmate and nobody had told him my husband’s name, in the corrections world everyone goes by their last name like “Lieutenant Smith” so anyway, this inmate was doing something awful on the floor when my husband got to his cell front, he looked up at my husband and said, “Mikey, I’ve been waiting to see you.” My husband said some crap to him because it was startling. He then said, “Is grandma making you food tonight?”
So my husband would go check on his late granny after work each night, on work nights it was after 11 pm and that sweet old gal would have him fried eggs and bacon, etc. Nobody at that prison knew that. My husband will swear he was looking straight at a demon. It still bothers him and that was 1993." C
"I grew up in eastern Massachusetts, 2 miles from the state forest. Used to go running in the woods. I came over the trail to a familiar place, a large pond, beautiful. That day though I stumbled onto about 20 people in hospital gowns just wandering around like zombies. Apparently, the psych ward in the next town left the door open, and these folks just walked on out. I was all alone, not far from a major road, but damn, that was the creepiest thing ever." D
"My parent's friends live near Rich Mountain, West Virginia. We visited in the summer of 2002. I was 12 years old. Scott was my parent's friend. I called him Uncle Scott. He took me to a field about a mile from his house. It was warm, the sun was going down and I couldn’t shake this eerie feeling. It almost made me sick. Scott told me he always felt that way coming here.
As we are standing out looking into a relatively normal field I feel someone tugging my shirt. Turning around nobody is there. At this point, I’m freaked. Scott tells me it was a Civil War battleground and that many people lost their lives here. It was so surreal. The beauty of it eclipsed the horrors that once happened here. I’ll never forget that feeling." S
"When I was pregnant with my youngest, about 21 years ago, I lived with his dad at his parent's home. Our room was a build-on where the carport was. Anyway, one night I was watching TV in the front part of our room when I heard this "THUNK" sound coming from the rear where the restroom and closet (w/locked back door) are, so I got up and walked back there. To my right was the door to the bathroom with a sink, toilet, shower, and a window/window shelf almost 6 feet from the ground.
It was just starting to get dark outside, so I opened the door a little and leaned in to dial up the light (it was one of those dimmer switches) looking from the middle of the floor where there was a bottle of shampoo just standing there, by itself. I looked upwards kinda slowly, to the window, which was now open. What did I see but a skeletal face filling the height of this window, around about a foot and a half, and its eyes were glowing red. I had the feeling it was smirking at me, but I couldn't honestly tell due to it being a skull, sans skin. As soon as my gaze met its eyes, I felt my heart skip a beat, my breath caught in my throat, and my blood felt as cold as ice water from shock. Instantly, I began to back up, dial down the light, and close the door.
Running into the house, I called out for my bf and told him what I saw. He and his brother ran out the back door and to our side of the house, but there was no one and nothing over there. I was in such a weird way though, because part of me felt this urge to laugh. In fact, I fought the urge. It never happened again tho, and I wish I'd known then about Christ like I do now, but I'm so grateful I know now!
It was a strange thing to happen, but I am telling you that it absolutely did take place." M
"We had a three-story concrete house in our district. It was called the "Gangster House" due to local folklore. The reality was it belonged to and was built by a concrete mogul in the 40s. It was long abandoned but we knew local druggies and various groups used it for their various purposes. We had calls there from time to time. I had a recovery once but was never an active victim.
But it was plenty creepy, especially at night. Pentagrams, various graffiti including satanic sayings. Ratty-stained mattresses, needles, and various other things littered the floors everywhere. And yes brass and blood stains. I definitely did not like answering runs there day or (especially) night.
Well, several years later and a couple of years before I transferred to staff, a couple bought the place and, as they often do, restored and refinished this place to the nines. A year or so after they moved in, we got a call from one of the partners and it was serious enough to transport. Now I pause to state, that this place was immaculate and beautiful; not a sign of its previous history.
The other was upfront with me and I was driving. He starts spilling all sorts of stuff about things that were happening at that house. He was convinced it was haunted and all I could do was nod while avoiding questions about what I knew of the place." K
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If you have information about the Chicago Mothman or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please feel free to contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon
Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map
The Serpent's Key • 28 Carlisle St. HANOVER, PA 17331
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Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory. Available on
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