The witness was with a friend and driving back to Arizona after visiting California. He observes a bizarre-looking creature that seems to have rotting flesh and other physical damage!
The following account was forwarded to me:
"I'm 18 and my friend (also 18) wanted me to take a few days off of school and go to California for Universal Studios. I live in Arizona, near Phoenix, and have never been to California. I had no problem with going to California so I got my parent's permission to go. I spent a day at his house because we would have to leave the next day to make it and not waste a day just wandering around a hotel or a random place. So we take about a day to drive and we make it, so we spend about a day there. On the drive home on Interstate 10 near Loma Linda, CA, it's night time and there is a long line of cars. It was because of people out of state visiting.
I look out the window and see a figure that was over 6 feet tall, skinny, looks like a coyote but really sick looking, just crouching behind a bush or something but I do know it started poking its head out to look at me. It looked as if it had little to no ears on it which kind of caught me off guard and it had white eyes like undead zombie white eyes.
Something happened that made it turn its head and I saw that it had sunken eyes. It had black or brown skin with hairs that looked fake and matted-down fur on its face and head. Its neck looked like it had a gunshot hole hanging down from it, a rotting piece of flesh hanging down. The cheeks were torn and rotting as well with blood on its bottom and top jaws and only maybe 10 teeth (some were slightly damaged but some were broken or almost entirely missing). Most were either slightly covered or somewhat covered in blood.
This creature stood up slowly and looked at me. While doing so without moving an inch and walking in an almost straight path. I didn't mention what I saw to my friend. Since then, I've tried to sleep but just stayed up watching YouTube. I have not spoken to anyone else about this since it happened.
Any idea of what I saw? Was it a zombie or an unknown humanoid?" E
Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974 Thanks. Lon
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If your art is approved by me I will promote it with your name and link. It must be original, print-ready, and sized for clothing & merchandise. You can choose your favorite cryptid or paranormal subject to include in your artwork. The design does not need to include the Phantoms & Monster trademark or name. I will select up to 5 different designs, and each will be fully promoted on the blog, the Phantoms & Monsters online shop, YouTube, social media, etc. I will include your name, website, contact, or whatever means that you wish.
All great legends are based on a real event. Subsequent events simply add to the legend. This seems to be the case for the Lizard Man of the Scape Ore Swamp, a phenomenon that crescendoed into a national story. It remains the namesake for the small town of Bishopville, South Carolina. I will talk about that incident during the presentation.
But is the lizard man or reptoid phenomenon a reality? Is it a figment of someone's imagination... or is it a flesh & blood, corporeal being?
I have received hundreds of accounts from experiencers over several decades. Every account is different, some more terrifying than others. I'll let you decide whether these are extraterrestrial or interdimensional humanoids... or a species of cryptid that occasionally makes itself known to unsuspecting witnesses.
So, listen to the reports, and form your conclusions about what these Lizard beings are. If you have questions, feel free to post them in the live chat. I will do my best to answer everyone.
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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974 Thanks. Lon
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974

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