In response to one of my flying manta ray cryptid reports, a reader responded with a sighting she had in 2015 above the Missouri River in Great Falls, Montana.
"Hi, Lon. I saw a flying manta ray also. It was magical and I rarely talk about it because I don’t want anyone to say I’m crazy. It had an electric pulsing blue outline which is the only thing that made it distinguishable from the night sky. Appearing to be swimming but in the sky. It looked as if it swam through a black hole or a time warp or something. It slowly started to disappear as if walking through a door and pieces of its body would be invisible.
It was in the Fall of 2015 in Great Falls, Montana where Malmstrom Air Force Base is located, above the Missouri River. It was seen between midnight and 3 AM. But it was WELL above the height a plane would be flying and was MASSIVE! Incredible!
It didn’t look like it was flying. It looked as if it was underwater swimming based on the way the outline of it moved. It slowly disappeared as if it was going into a portal or something." LKA
Angels: Who They Are, What They Do, and Why It Matters
Alchemy & Mysticism
Daily Guidance from Your Angels Oracle Cards: 44 cards plus booklet
DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor's Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences
Healing with the Angels: How the Angels Can Assist You in Every Area of Your Life
Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974 Thanks. Lon
Would you like to design artwork for Phantoms & Monsters, Phantoms & Monsters Radio, or Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research?
If your art is approved by me I will promote it with your name and link. It must be original, print-ready, and sized for clothing & merchandise. You can choose your favorite cryptid or paranormal subject to include in your artwork. The design does not need to include the Phantoms & Monster trademark or name. I will select up to 5 different designs, and each will be fully promoted on the blog, the Phantoms & Monsters online shop, YouTube, social media, etc. I will include your name, website, contact, or whatever means that you wish.
According to First Nations legend, the Thunderbird is said to have a wingspan the length of two canoes with the ability to deafen people with the sound of its flapping wings.
In March 2010, the late Jc Johnson of Crypto Four Corners contacted me about an incident where twenty-four sheep were mutilated at a farm near Hogback, New Mexico, on the Dine' Navajo Reservation. The livestock owner explained that there were large talon marks but very little blood and no evisceration. The prints on the ground were only seen in the corral, not anywhere else on the farm. Was this an attack by a large flying predator? Why were the carcasses left intact?
Jc mentioned that a large cryptid bird or pterosaur may have been responsible for this act. That theory is not as far-fetched as it may initially sound. For many generations, people in New Mexico and parts of Texas say they've seen birds so big they seem prehistoric. There is convincing anecdotal evidence that many of these legendary winged creatures are connected to modern sightings.
I believe that many of these winged cryptids are corporeal beings that can manifest on our plane of existence. Their point of origin and means of conveyance is speculative. But this is the reason why we research and investigate this phenomenon. The search continues.
So, listen to the reports, and form your conclusions about what these monstrous birds are. If you have questions, feel free to post them in the live chat. I will do my best to answer everyone.
SHAPESHIFTERS: MYTHS or REAL BEINGS? - Please Join Us For LIVE CHAT! - Q & A - Lon Strickler (Host)
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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974 Thanks. Lon
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974

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