A patrol officer in Katy, Texas came forward with an encounter that he had one night while on duty. He observes a young girl standing along the road but then notices that she has black eyes.
"This occurred in September 2022 in the Woodcreek Reserve neighborhood in Katy. It was approximately 11:30 PM. So I saw this girl standing by the side of the road. She looked like she may have been a preteen. I pulled over because I thought I could help her. She was just standing there and I thought it was weird that a kid would be standing by the side of the road that time of night, so I pulled over to see if I could help.
The first thing I did is I called it in. When I looked up she had moved and she was in front of the patrol car standing in the headlights. She was looking at me. She didn't seem afraid or worried and I thought that was weird, so I told dispatch. I went to get out of the car and just as I was starting to open my door I saw her eyes. At that point, I didn't want to get out of the car. I realized that her eyes were totally black. I mean completely black.
She must have seen that I realized that because she started to approach the car. It took everything I could do not to drive away at that point. I mean, I'm a peace officer of the law. It's my job but it was this visceral thing that just took over. I can't describe it but all of my training had just gone out the window. Everything in me just wanted to get the hell away from that girl, but I stayed.
I rolled down the window. As she approached me I asked her where she lived and she mumbled something. I leaned forward and then she suddenly attacked me! This ungodly voice was then coming out of her. I had no idea how a human could make that voice but I was trying to push her off of me. She was trying to pull me out of the car! I was screaming at her to get off me get off me and then she said something. I can't get those words out of my mind. She said, "We're going to die tonight!" Why would she say that to me?
I struggled to break her grip. Then I heard a loud 'crack!' Then she went limp and she fell onto the road. I thought that I may have seriously hurt her. I quickly got out of the car to see if she was OK. Then, suddenly, she stood up like nothing had happened and she ran away into the dark night. But I could hear her laughing. She was not human, I'm telling you!
When I got back to the station, I told my supervisor what had happened. He told me to ignore it and to not write up an incident report. I still patrol the same area. I believe that she is still out there, roaming in the night. She was just not human!" KJ
Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974 Thanks. Lon
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Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters 'Personal Reports' - cryptid & unexplained accounts directly from the archives of Phantoms & Monsters, and the Phantoms & Monster Fortean Research team. Narrated by Lon Strickler. Join us in the chat, discuss, and ask me questions about the accounts.
Featured in this edition:
There is a distinct group of human-like entities that are part of ufology lore and, for the most part, associated with people who experience UFO and otherworldly close encounters. These are the ‘Men in Black’ or MIB. These entities usually show up, unannounced, at an experiencer’s home, seeking information about an incident.
The presence of these MIB became widely known during reported UFO activity (and the Mothman encounters) in the Point Pleasant, West Virginia area in the late 1960s. The journalist and ufologist John A. Keel began writing about the MIB after they made themselves known to the residents. The descriptions of these MIB were somewhat consistent; pale or olive-colored skin, monotone voice, no emotion or expression, dressed in a black suit and fedora, and driving a large black sedan. There were usually two MIB traveling together.
However, the most disconcerting aspect of their presence occurred after they conducted a brief interview. They would warn the witness, in no uncertain terms, not to discuss or report what they had observed. The message was clear. Keep your mouth shut.
Most experiencers and investigators don’t know what to make of the MIB. Are they quasi-government agents? How do they know who to contact? In most instances, they appear not long after an encounter and before a report is ever made. They truly are an enigma. But I believe that there is another explanation for their presence. Namely, that the MIB are an alien 'clean-up' crew who are used to cover up problematic sightings and encounters.
So, what do you think the Men in Black are? Just maintain an open mind, and formulate your theories to this phenomenon. I will present the reports in detail and attempt to answer your questions from the chat room.
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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974 Thanks. Lon

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