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Thursday, May 25, 2023


I have compiled a group of possible Men in Black encounters, as well as other incidents involving unusual men dressed in suits. Some of the accounts are very bizarre.

"A few years ago on Easter weekend the weather was warm and sunny, so my family and I decided to walk in the woods. There were 4 adults and 2 small children in our group. We drove to a historic earthworks site that is supposed to be the location of an old native Indian village but all that is there now are mounds. This is in rural Ontario with no large towns nearby, just farms and a few patches of bush. The site isn't managed so there was no one else there.

We had to park by the main road and walk down a long country lane to get to it. As we were walking, one of the adults in our group noticed a camera mounted high up on a tree along the lane. They saw an electric cable running down the trunk and followed it along the ground to a small wood-lined pit with what looked like a car battery inside. We left it alone and continued to the earthworks.

We finished our walk and made our way back to our vehicle, but now there was another car parked right beside ours with two men in it, watching us. They appeared to be in their late 30's or 40's. Very clean-cut. Wearing white dress shirts with ties and sunglasses. Black suit jackets and hats. The car was a dark gray, spotless, and expensive looking (I can't remember the type), the windows were rolled up and they didn't speak to us, just watched us.

We were all joking and laughing until we saw these guys. They gave us an uncomfortable vibe, so we quickly and quietly got in our vehicle and left.

They were government office workers, but couldn't figure out where they came from because it was a holiday weekend, there is no large town close, and our walk was only about 30 minutes. And what was the camera's point in such a remote area with nothing but ancient earth mounds? It's still a mystery to me." BD


"One time some guys in black suits with ties showed up at my door they said they wanted to talk to me. I was pretty sick at the time and really wasn't interested in entertaining any strangers. They said something about being elders which I thought was really weird cause they were pretty young looking. But I told them I was sick and didn't even have time to mow my lawn. Wasn't getting out of bed to talk to them. They said they would mow my lawn. I said do whatever you want I'm going back to bed. I lay down and they left. About an hour later they're back and mowing my lawn still dressed in their suits and ties. Very weird. They finished up, left and I never saw them again." G


"I saw a UFO that looked about the size of the moon, gliding across the sky. I thought at first it was a Chinese lantern. Other neighbors said they saw little lights streaming off of it. If that wasn’t weird enough, things got even creepier.

As my friend and I talked outside of his house late at night after that sighting, a humanoid figure came into the doorway, the being inside the house. All I could see was the silhouette, and we thought it was my friend's wife. It stood in the doorway a moment, then went back into the house. When my friend went inside his wife was annoyed that he woke her up; she’d been sleeping the whole time. When I began living with them, this couple told me that within 6 months I would encounter supernatural things. They told many ghost stories. I think they were plagued by a demon or something, as they fought all the time." EP


"So I don’t know if relates but when I was a teenager in the mid-1970s, I had a very vivid “dream” that I was abducted by aliens from my bedroom. I’m not going to get into my beliefs here.

But, at the same time, there was a house in our neighborhood that looked too “perfect.” The grass was always trimmed despite no one ever seeing yard care, the house looked “perfect” in a very odd way. Like it was a movie set. Two different men in dark suits would come and go in their “perfectly normal” looking 4-door dark grey sedan. In a neighborhood that was full of life, that house and the men were an odd blank. Most of us kids (and some adults) thought they were FBI or something." A


"I attended a community center for children in Brooklyn, NY. I had to be no older than 6 or 7. The center would take all the children on trips throughout the summer. So one of our trips was to a place in Manhattan similar to the Discovery Zone or a Chucky Cheese but even bigger. I never could quite remember the name of the establishment. I’m guessing that it was so long ago. Along the walls were interactive tablets for the children that had games and learning applications. My brother saw it and he was glued there the entire time. There were ball pits and tubes. As far as I could see they looked like castles to me. Three separate sections. One section seemed to be closed off, I assume that the lights were dim in this particular area.

I followed a group of the older kids to see what they were up to and honestly, I had a crush on one of the girls so I planned to let her know while we were there. I found her and the group of older kids at the top of one of the tub towers making out. It had me really bummed so I left out on my own I decided to go to the rather dim section. There was a huge padded hill at the bottom a ball pit with a rope above it so you could slide across. I rolled my body down the ramp.

When I looked up, right in front of my face, a young boy lay face down not moving at all. At his feet and at his head were two men dressed in all-black suits completely bald with black shades on. What scared me the most where how pale they were. They looked exactly alike. All I know is that I didn’t want to be the next kid that they got. I took off running and found my brother, as I frantically tried to explain to him what I had just seen.

Before I could even get it out they made an announcement on the loudspeaker and the next thing I knew my entire group had got kicked out of the place. They told the counselors we were too rowdy which was completely untrue. The counselors thought it was a 'race thing.'

I never did tell anyone. I guess out of fear. But I kept it in mind. There were no Men in Black movies made yet nor was the internet what it is today." AM



Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

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Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters 'Personal Reports' - cryptid & unexplained accounts directly from the archives of Phantoms & Monsters, and the Phantoms & Monster Fortean Research team. Narrated by Lon Strickler. Join us in the chat, discuss, and ask me questions about the accounts.

Featured in this edition:

At the end of 2019 & in early 2020, it was apparent that O'Hare International Airport was becoming an important location in the Chicago winged humanoid phenomenon. Cargo truck drivers, security officers, airline pilots, & airport workers were coming forward with reports of sightings & encounters with red-eyed, bat-winged humanoids throughout the property.

In this episode, I will describe the early reports and incidents at O'Hare in detail and answer all questions from the chat room.




New footage emerges of suspected UFO sighting over California military base

'Groundhog Day' syndrome made a man feel like he was reliving the same events

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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
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Thanks. Lon

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