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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

'WEREBOY' Observed in Rock County, Wisconsin (VIDEO)

In a video titled 'Part II: We called him 'Wereboy,' Wisconsin investigator Donna Fink told of her 2012 sighting of a strange werewolf-looking boy and a strange white van.

“I just want to show you where we first saw the were boy/shapeshifter/skinwalker. I don't know what he was but we were here in Rock County (Wisconsin) between Milton and Whitewater and driving along here on a Sunday afternoon. A bright sunny day, 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The weekend before, we had gone into the woods, our Bigfoot research area, and while we were in the woods we heard a loud buzzing rhythmic sound like a transformer-type sound, really loud, kept hearing it. Couldn't figure out what it was and then we heard a branch crack, a really big one. But then as we were coming out of the woods, there was a mud hole, as we had entered, there were no tracks in the mud hole when we entered. But when we exited, there were two wolf prints and I have pictures of that. And it was strange because we saw no wolf anywhere and it's only one square block of woods by a farm and it was really strange.

Then the next weekend we're coming up to our Bigfoot research area again and as we're driving on the left shoulder of the road, we see what looks to be a 'Wereboy.' He looked normal at first until he looked up at us. The reason why he looked odd was that he had huge teeth and matted hair like he'd been living under a rock or under a bridge or something. When we saw him, we both screamed at the same time (NOTE: Donna is driving around in her vehicle showing the locations) and made a U-turn, so that we could go back and get video and pictures of him because he was so weird-looking that he could not be completely human. 

His teeth were very big and flat, twice the size of human teeth. The shocking thing about his teeth, though, was that they were yellow, green, and brown-streaked. His eyes were a little bit darkened around the rims. He had a normal nose and a little bit of a brow ridge. His hair was shocking though and that's the first thing that we noticed when we were driving along because his hair was very long if it was wet and combed. But the way we saw it, it was all matted into a ball at his shoulders. It was matted all over his head and the kid looked like he had crawled up from under a bed of leaves that he'd been under the last two years. It was shocking. He had his head down when we first saw him walking along the shoulder right here and we were headed in the other direction. He had on clean clothes, though, which was really strange. He had on a plaid shirt, a navy blue hoodie that was partially zipped up, and blue jeans which were all completely normal but then on his feet, he had like flip-on tennis shoes, like the canvas flip-ones you used to wear when you were a kid or whatever but they were all perfectly clean. His hair was not. His teeth were awful, worse than a dog that you'd let go for years. Shocking! Big flat teeth perfectly straight. You could see the upper row and the lower row of teeth. They were together. He was in a grimace.

But the weirdest thing was he had like somewhat of a muzzle but not a big one, more like a chimpanzee muzzle. You know how a chimpanzee's mouth sticks out just a little bit and then with the big teeth or not-so-big teeth. But this guy had great big teeth and he looked at us as though: 'I know you and you know me and you know what I am.' And we both screamed and we made a U-turn. We were going to go down the road and pass him by because I was almost afraid that he would turn into a wolf. I know it's crazy but that's what went through my head...that he would turn into a wolf and jump into the back of the pickup truck and do something bad to us. So I didn't want to stop and pull over where he was because I did not want to be that close to him. He frightened us.

So what we were going to do was go down by the cemetery, turn around, aim our car out and if he walked by, which was what he was going to have to do... we got the video cameras out, we got the cell phones out. We were ready to take a video of him and pictures. We were in a prime position to get pictures and video of him and somehow we were thwarted again because who would pick him up? Nobody in their right mind would pick that kid up, although somebody did which I find really strange. He was still walking along on the shoulder on the right, bright sunny day, you could see everything, and we're thinking, we're so smart we're going to get video this time, we're not gonna let this go.

So we're thinking, he's going to come walk along here and we're going to pull in here by this cemetery on the right but, see, these two trees right there, the big ones, and there's another big one. So we pull in here and then you make a u-turn in this driveway here. We just turn around in this driveway so we're aimed in the right direction for him to come walking by and get perfect video and perfect pictures. Well, that wasn't to be. Why did we think we could do that? I'm telling you, you get a camera out and these things just disappear. We were going to pull up and get more videos and pictures.

As he went walking by here, he was going to come down here, and when he got to this point, we were going to pull up there and get pictures and video while we were still in the locked vehicle so he couldn't get at us. We were sitting here and we see a white van coming from this direction going that way, the opposite direction. He was walking and my girlfriend said. 'They're going to pick him up!' and I said, 'They're not going to pick him up. Who would pick him up? Take a look at him. Nobody is gonna give that kid a ride.' And I thought we were just secure in what we were going to get on this kid and that van, it was a white, like, a double-decker panel van, completely brand-new, no markings on it whatsoever. I don't know if there was one man in there or two. The one man was in just a regular shirt, no uniform or anything, and they made a U-turn and stopped by that tree over there. The big tree is right in the middle as you can see in the video right now. And they made a u-turn, pulled up along next to that kid and I don't know if they... the one guy got out, the driver did, and I couldn't see if there was another guy in the van because of those two trees right there. But they pulled over and the door opened on the side of the van and I don't know whether they put him in or he got in on his own and they made another u-turn and went back this way so what we did was pull out here right behind them, and we went 70 miles an hour down this highway all the way into Whitewater and we could never find or catch that vehicle again.

We looked down every side street. We looked down each driveway. We looked down in every direction we could and we should have been right on that truck's tail and that truck disappeared. That van disappeared completely with that whatever that was, shapeshifter. That's something just inexplicable to me.”

Transcribed Source:



Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
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A Paranormal Life welcomes Hadley Vlahos, registered hospice nurse, content creator, & afterlife author. Bernadette McDaniel (Host)

Hadley Vlahos is a registered nurse, author, nonprofit founder, content creator, mom, and wife. I have been a nurse since 2015 and have worked in hospice and elder care since 2016. I share stories on social media @nursehadley about my life as a mom and nurse as well as uplifting stories from my patients as I hear their great advice that they want to leave this world with. By doing this, my followers' lives change for the better, and my patients can live on through everyone who hears their stories. My book, “The In-Between” with Penguin Random House will be in stores this summer and is a collection of patient stories that changed my perspective on life and the afterlife. I am currently pursuing opening a nonprofit hospice house which I hope will eventually become the new standard of care for hospices nationwide.

Please join us in the chat, so that you may ask questions. Don't miss this opportunity.


Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters 'Personal Reports' - cryptid & unexplained accounts directly from the archives of Phantoms & Monsters, and the Phantoms & Monster Fortean Research team. Narrated by Lon Strickler. Join us in the chat, discuss, and ask me questions about the accounts.

Featured in this edition:

The reports of winged humanoids, referred to by many witnesses as the 'O'Hare Mothman or Batman,' continue at the airport. Cargo workers, air traffic controllers, & other airport personnel are well aware of the phenomenon and openly discuss it amongst themselves. The O'Hare management and the airlines start to crack down on reports reaching the public by threatening suspension and termination. 

In this episode, I will describe the reports and incidents in detail and answer all questions from the chat room. Because there is so much important information yet to be discussed, there will be at least another episode presented in the coming weeks.





So many accidents occur here, it's called the 'Bermuda Triangle' of Yosemite

First UK Crop Circle of 2023 Found

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This blog and newsletter are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Work 3.0 United States License.

Registered trademark PHANTOMS AND MONSTERS ® / PHANTOMS & MONSTERS ® - USPTO #90902480 - Lon D. Strickler

© 2005-2023 Phantoms & Monsters - All Rights Reserved

HELLHOUND Encounter! Was This a Harbinger of Death?

An encounter with a supposed 'Hellhound' frightens the witness and his girlfriend. She recalls when her uncle had a similar encounter not long before he passed away. Was this a harbinger?

I received the following account:

“I live in Texas, near Fort Worth. A couple of years ago, I was driving my girlfriend of the time home late one night. We stopped at an intersection near her neighborhood where I decided to look down to change the song playing on my phone. When I looked back up, I saw a large black dog run right in front of my headlights. My girlfriend said, 'Whoa, did you see that?' I replied, 'Yeah, it was just a dog.' 'No, that dog looks weird,' she said. Right there and then it passed in front of my lights again. I was terrified when I noticed it had no features but more like a solid black mass in the shape of a dog. It ran past my window and I noticed it had what seemed like smoke coming off of it. 'What the F is that?' I screamed. It circled around and went past my girlfriend's window going directly into my car's beam of lights again. As soon as it cleared them, I floored it and sped off down the street. We both couldn't believe what we had seen.

When we got to her house, we sat in the car and tried to process what had happened. She broke down in tears and revealed to me that an uncle of hers had seen the dog we had just seen shortly before he passed. She said what we had seen was exactly what he had described to her family. He said he felt it was death coming after him. I comforted her as she cried and tried to play tough but deep down I was absolutely terrified. Was it there for her or for me?

A couple weeks later I was driving alone one night down a dark country road that I would usually cruise on the weekends. Everything was normal when I noticed something moving just out of the beams of the light of the car on the edge of the road as I drove. I slowed down and was shocked to see what was revealed by my headlights. It was that dog again but this time it was running alongside my car as I drove. I was terrified when I suddenly remembered that the speed limit on this road was 70 mph. This thing was keeping up with me. It was exactly like I had seen it before. A large black mass with smoke coming off of it. As I glanced back and forth between the road and it, I slammed on the brakes. When I turned to look at it, its head was backward, not turned, and it was looking right at me with glowing white eyes. I'd never been more afraid in my whole life. I immediately did a U-turn and hauled my butt back into town. I was shaking the entire way home.

Was what I saw a Hellhound or something else? Are these things associated with death? My grandfather passed shortly after these events. I've spotted the dog a couple of times since then while driving but only for a brief moment as I passed it.” R



Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

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A Paranormal Life welcomes Hadley Vlahos, registered hospice nurse, content creator, & afterlife author. Bernadette McDaniel (Host)

Hadley Vlahos is a registered nurse, author, nonprofit founder, content creator, mom, and wife. I have been a nurse since 2015 and have worked in hospice and elder care since 2016. I share stories on social media @nursehadley about my life as a mom and nurse as well as uplifting stories from my patients as I hear their great advice that they want to leave this world with. By doing this, my followers' lives change for the better, and my patients can live on through everyone who hears their stories. My book, “The In-Between” with Penguin Random House will be in stores this summer and is a collection of patient stories that changed my perspective on life and the afterlife. I am currently pursuing opening a nonprofit hospice house which I hope will eventually become the new standard of care for hospices nationwide.

Please join us in the chat, so that you may ask questions. Don't miss this opportunity.


Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters 'Personal Reports' - cryptid & unexplained accounts directly from the archives of Phantoms & Monsters, and the Phantoms & Monster Fortean Research team. Narrated by Lon Strickler. Join us in the chat, discuss, and ask me questions about the accounts.

Featured in this edition:

The reports of winged humanoids, referred to by many witnesses as the 'O'Hare Mothman or Batman,' continue at the airport. Cargo workers, air traffic controllers, & other airport personnel are well aware of the phenomenon and openly discuss it amongst themselves. The O'Hare management and the airlines start to crack down on reports reaching the public by threatening suspension and termination. 

In this episode, I will describe the reports and incidents in detail and answer all questions from the chat room. Because there is so much important information yet to be discussed, there will be at least another episode presented in the coming weeks.





So many accidents occur here, it's called the 'Bermuda Triangle' of Yosemite

First UK Crop Circle of 2023 Found

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This blog and newsletter are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Work 3.0 United States License.

Registered trademark PHANTOMS AND MONSTERS ® / PHANTOMS & MONSTERS ® - USPTO #90902480 - Lon D. Strickler

© 2005-2023 Phantoms & Monsters - All Rights Reserved

Secret 'PLASMA' MONSTERS of Tibetan Monastery

I received the following account:

"There is a creature known to Buddhist monks, but you will probably never hear of its name. They have sheltered it in secrecy for thousands of years high atop a mountain monastery in Tibet. Such creatures are made of a kind of plasma. They look much like translucent jellyfish and transverse space between planets.

The reason you will never hear of it is that it is a guarded secret of the ancient black masters. For many thousands of years, the order has occupied the monastery which is built into the rock of the mountain. They rarely venture from it. The impoverished peasants below hold and have always held them with great regard. It was the greatest wish of all families that one of their children would be chosen to become one of these monks.

Once every 12 years the monastery would open the compound gate to choose which children would be accepted into the teachings. Boys between the ages of 5 and 9 would hike, with their families, the long path up the mountain. The families were not allowed to stay so the children were then left at the gate. The boys would wait outside, in silence and stillness, until the monks would come and choose. They would be made to wait days without food or water. Most would leave and wander home. Once the monk opened the gate and chose those who were deemed worthy, they would be taken within the sanctuary walls. If the parents did not see their child returning from the mountain they knew their son was accepted. Sadly, however, he would never be allowed out or to see his family again until he was in his 20s.

While this was hard on their families, they knew that their child would be taken care of and, later in life, be able to take care of the family and bring them honor. In a world of abject poverty and starvation, this was the greatest wish and hope of these parents.

The child would be dressed and prepared and led by a monk up to one of the higher building rooms. The monk would “unbind” ropes that locked two wooden doors and place the boy inside standing before the altar. He would then lock him in alone. Spaces in walls close to the ceiling let in only light. The alter ran the length of the room carved into the rock, five feet high and twelve feet deep. In the center of this “step,” a round hole 5 feet in diameter had been bored out. The hole in the stone was perfectly cylindrical 20 feet down and concave at the bottom. Of course, the boy could not see this or the hole itself, only the thing that protruded from it. A clear gelatinous-looking dome-shaped monster seemed to sit on the altar, as the rest of its body tendrils rested within a hole. While the creature had no eyes of its own, it appeared as if someone had penciled Asian eyes onto its mass, and they stared at him.

The boy stood frozen crying at the sight. The creature did not move toward him yet somehow drew the soul and life force from the child’s body killing him. As his tiny body collapses to the floor, the plasma monster encases his soul in a clear sphere from which it could not escape. It looked like a tiny spark of light inside a glass ball. A tendril moved up from the hole and wrapped around it pulling it beneath. The plasma monster sits upon them, all the while feeding off the trapped soul’s energy.

There are thousands of these balls in the well. The ones at the bottom are dead and used up, resembling grains of black sand at the bottom of the glass ball. Further up the hole, the souls are newer and still have some life left. It takes a few hundred years of draining and feeding before the soul is completely dead. Many believe the soul cannot be killed, and for the most part, this is true. Yet, this is one of the true monstrosities capable of such an atrocity.

Those parents never knew the fate that awaited their child when they brought him to the monastery. They never knew the horror and suffering that beset him. They will never know how his soul suffered for hundreds of years until it was finally wholly consumed.

I know you think this is a fairy tale, that these things are not possible. The truth is these plasma “monsters” are real, however, in their natural state, they are harmless gentle giants that move through the vastness of space between planets, not on them. This “monster” was captured and contained by the evil black order that masks honorable and noble monks. They, who through ritual and ancient rites, entrapped and enslaved this plasma being down here for thousands of years, in its own prison, as an instrument of their black fare.

I do not know why they would need this entity to harvest souls for them when they are capable of extracting souls on their own. All I know is that there is a monster with Asian eyes in the monastery on the mountain. In fact, there are many of them." - IT



Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

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A Paranormal Life welcomes Hadley Vlahos, registered hospice nurse, content creator, & afterlife author. Bernadette McDaniel (Host)

Hadley Vlahos is a registered nurse, author, nonprofit founder, content creator, mom, and wife. I have been a nurse since 2015 and have worked in hospice and elder care since 2016. I share stories on social media @nursehadley about my life as a mom and nurse as well as uplifting stories from my patients as I hear their great advice that they want to leave this world with. By doing this, my followers' lives change for the better, and my patients can live on through everyone who hears their stories. My book, “The In-Between” with Penguin Random House will be in stores this summer and is a collection of patient stories that changed my perspective on life and the afterlife. I am currently pursuing opening a nonprofit hospice house which I hope will eventually become the new standard of care for hospices nationwide.

Please join us in the chat, so that you may ask questions. Don't miss this opportunity.


Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters 'Personal Reports' - cryptid & unexplained accounts directly from the archives of Phantoms & Monsters, and the Phantoms & Monster Fortean Research team. Narrated by Lon Strickler. Join us in the chat, discuss, and ask me questions about the accounts.

Featured in this edition:

The reports of winged humanoids, referred to by many witnesses as the 'O'Hare Mothman or Batman,' continue at the airport. Cargo workers, air traffic controllers, & other airport personnel are well aware of the phenomenon and openly discuss it amongst themselves. The O'Hare management and the airlines start to crack down on reports reaching the public by threatening suspension and termination. 

In this episode, I will describe the reports and incidents in detail and answer all questions from the chat room. Because there is so much important information yet to be discussed, there will be at least another episode presented in the coming weeks.





So many accidents occur here, it's called the 'Bermuda Triangle' of Yosemite

First UK Crop Circle of 2023 Found

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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
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Thanks. Lon

This blog and newsletter are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Work 3.0 United States License.

Registered trademark PHANTOMS AND MONSTERS ® / PHANTOMS & MONSTERS ® - USPTO #90902480 - Lon D. Strickler

© 2005-2023 Phantoms & Monsters - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

'SHADOW MEN' Terrorize Family For Over a Decade (SKETCH)

A group of 'shadow men' appears continuously throughout a family's home. Each member seems to have had unique encounters with these entities for over a decade.

"When I first saw the shadow men it would have been about eight years old. My family of five had just moved to a three-bedroom house around the time when my youngest brother was eight months old. I should mention that this house was in a well-populated neighborhood, not in the countryside. This house had a large basement that was split long ways into two sides. One side had a laundry room in the far back, a bathroom, a round mirror right outside of the bathroom on the opposing wall, and what we called the toy room right next to the stairs. The other side was the family den. The stairs to the basement separated these two sections.

I hadn't been in that house for more than a week when I had first seen it. I was in the basement getting something, either a toy or a book, I don't recall. It was around late afternoon. The light was streaming in from the egress windows. At first, I thought it was my father, but I quickly realized that this figure was not only a head taller than he was but thinner too. It also didn't have a reflection. If I had to give an estimate now I'd say it stood maybe six and a half feet tall. It wasn't thin like some depictions I've seen. The one I saw that day had the typical fleshed-out proportions of a man.

At this point, only a few seconds had passed. I just stood there staring at it. I had a pit in my stomach and I knew even though I couldn't see its eyes, it saw me too. I cannot emphasize this enough. This wasn't a human. I was alone in that basement. The light coming from the windows didn't seem to cast any shadows onto it. There's no face, no clothes, and no indication of a three-dimensional form. The thing almost looked like it was a hole cut from the fabric of reality itself. The sense of dread and fear that filled me was something I'd only experienced while facing these creatures. I can't explain it but something deep down told me that it was male. Something also told me that was evil. It said nothing. It just stood there. I took a step back and suddenly it charged at me taking incredibly long strides. The way it moved made it contort. The legs especially looked like they were getting longer. It reached out to me! The hand was as big as my face. It was only three feet away from me. It moved at incredible speed. I started to scream and I ran up the stairs. I ran out of the basement so fast that I actually fell when I reached the main hallway.

I told my parents. My father was skeptical and obviously looked, but found nothing. My mother said nothing about it. A few days after the encounter, in the evening hours, my sister and I saw one sitting on the sectional couch in our living room while we were walking to the kitchen for a snack. It was sitting where my mother would sit in the corner of the sectional. His legs were long. The minute it noticed us my younger sister saw it and screamed. It left the couch in one human-like motion and ran through the wall. My mother was in the kitchen and my father was at work.

That very night I saw one at my baby brother's nursery window pressing his face on the glass. I knew this one wasn't a person either. My neighbor's backyard porch light was on so this one, much like the first, was completely black like a shadow. My dad went outside with the flashlight. My neighbor joined in the search because they thought it was a pervert trying to spy on us kids. Nothing was found, no footprints at the window, no one fleeing the scene, and no prints on the glass pane.

During the next three years, my sister and I would mention these continued sightings to our parents. Each time I was told it was nonsense and to stop terrorizing my siblings with 'ghost stories' and lies. My younger sister mentioned her own sightings that I had never witnessed. I don't know the details.

My mother eventually caved and admitted that she saw them too, primarily in the basement. She begged my sister and me to stop talking about them so my brother wouldn't be frightened. She even took us downstairs to pray over the space so that they'd maybe leave. Well, right around the time my brother learned to talk, he mentioned playing with 'the dude.' The dude would play with him often, apparently when no one else would. He described it as a tall dark figure but this one is apparently neutral toward him. He mentioned him for years until he turned nine, then he stopped talking about 'the dude' completely.

My parents divorced when I was about 12 and my mother and her new husband had two more sons. The older of these two boys (M was about four) he started talking about what he called the shadow man. The shadow man was neutral toward M.

I'm now in my 20s and I've kept seeing them throughout my life. It's pretty infrequent now admittedly. When I see them there's still a great dread when they just drift into the walls without approaching me. I added a quick illustration to this email of the shadow that I saw the first time. It seemed to ooze pure evil. I hope this story helps someone out there realize they aren't alone. Since then I've come to terms with these experiences."

Transcribed Source:



Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

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A Paranormal Life welcomes Hadley Vlahos, registered hospice nurse, content creator, & afterlife author. Bernadette McDaniel (Host)

Hadley Vlahos is a registered nurse, author, nonprofit founder, content creator, mom, and wife. I have been a nurse since 2015 and have worked in hospice and elder care since 2016. I share stories on social media @nursehadley about my life as a mom and nurse as well as uplifting stories from my patients as I hear their great advice that they want to leave this world with. By doing this, not only do my followers' lives change for the better, but my patients can live on through everyone who hears their stories. My book, “The In-Between” with Penguin Random House will be in stores this summer and is a collection of patient stories that changed my perspective on life and the afterlife. I am currently pursuing opening a nonprofit hospice house which I hope will eventually become the new standard of care for hospices nationwide.

Please join us in the chat, so that you may ask questions. Don't miss this opportunity.


Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters 'Personal Reports' - cryptid & unexplained accounts directly from the archives of Phantoms & Monsters, and the Phantoms & Monster Fortean Research team. Narrated by Lon Strickler. Join us in the chat, discuss, and ask me questions about the accounts.

Featured in this edition:

The reports of winged humanoids, referred to by many witnesses as the 'O'Hare Mothman or Batman,' continue at the airport. Cargo workers, air traffic controllers, & other airport personnel are well aware of the phenomenon and openly discuss it amongst themselves. The O'Hare management and the airlines start to crack down on reports reaching the public by threatening suspension and termination. 

In this episode, I will describe the reports and incidents in detail and answer all questions from the chat room. Because there is so much important information yet to be discussed, there will be at least another episode presented in the coming weeks.





UFO hunter believes aliens are mutilating sheep

Earth may have debris from alien star systems trapped in its orbit, new research suggests

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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

This blog and newsletter are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Work 3.0 United States License.

Registered trademark PHANTOMS AND MONSTERS ® / PHANTOMS & MONSTERS ® - USPTO #90902480 - Lon D. Strickler

© 2005-2023 Phantoms & Monsters - All Rights Reserved