The witness states that they encountered a winged bipedal canine humanoid in Busse Woods in suburban Chicago. I plan to look into this further. I am somewhat dubious about this report.
"Hi...I listen to your 'Personal Reports' on Phantoms & Monsters Radio. Because of your team's extensive investigation of the Chicago Mothman, I thought I'd write you about something I encountered in the Spring of 2017.
I was driving along Elk Grove Road down to RT 72. Elk Grove Road is a strip of blacktop inside dense the Busse Woods. This was the middle of the day, late morning, but the clouds had darkened everything until it looked like night. It seemed like it was going to rain.
In the darkness, I saw what I first thought was a wolf or a coyote. It was in the middle of the road facing me, crouched over what appeared to be roadkill of some variety. As my car got closer I slowed down and the hairy creature looked up at me. Its eyes lit up brightly reflecting my headlights and then it stunned me into a very long gasp as it stood straight up. It was bipedal, six foot tall, and man-sized. It was humanoid with a canine head with dark fur. It had insane-looking glowing reddish eyes. I reached for my cell phone but then I remembered that it was broken. I returned to staring at this terrifying creature and he stared at me.
All I could hear was my breathing and my own heart beating. The creature stood before me absolutely still. Then suddenly, with a sound like an unfurled flag caught up in the breeze, two immense bat-like wings extended outward and upward from its back. When fully unfolded the wings looked like a large glider. They were immense!
Then the dust on the road was kicked up as the beast slowly lifted up off the road surface. It began to lift like a helicopter! No flapping wings! I watched it rise above the trees. The wings were still spread wide open and I floored the accelerator and got out of there. I was concerned that it might follow me, but I didn't see it again.
I told my friend that night. He stated that maybe I saw the Chicago Mothman. I told him that the Mothman is supposed to be something that's more like a bird and definitely not like a wolf. I have no idea what I saw, but maybe you can offer information. W
NOTE: I contacted the witness. He wrote back and insisted that it was a bipedal canine with wings.
I later talked to the witness. He estimates that the wingspan was over 15 feet, membraned, and bat-wing shaped. The overall color was dark gray to black fur or hair. The head was wolf-like with a long snout. The eyes glowed a reddish color and were quite menacing.
The witness seemed sincere but has been aware of the Chicago area's winged humanoids for several years. I'm wondering why he waited so long to contact me. This encounter needs more research before I consider this to be related to the Chicago wing humanoid investigation. Lon

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974 Thanks. Lon

Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters 'Personal Reports' - cryptid & unexplained accounts directly from the archives of Phantoms & Monsters, and the Phantoms & Monster Fortean Research team. Narrated by Lon Strickler. Join us in the chat, discuss, and ask me questions about the accounts.
Featured in this edition:
A Morea, Pennsylvania resident reports a recent sighting of an 8+ foot tall black upright canine observed by their sister and son. The witnesses state that the beast howled as it crossed the road in front of them.
Also, In the late 18th century, the Pennsylvania Dutch started to settle on the other side of the Mason-Dixon Line in Carroll, Frederick & Washington Counties. Not long after setting down their new roots, tales of the Hexenwolf started to circulate. The description of this beast was similar to the Dwayyo, 'a mammalian biped with features similar to a wolf, but the stance and stature of a human.'
During the last Personal Reports show, there were several requests that I recount my personal Bigfoot encounter. I will describe the incident in detail and answer all questions.
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In this episode of 'V' host, Vincent Richardson welcomes paranormal researchers, investigators, & authors William Nighthawk & Dennis Carroll to the show. We hope to see you in the chat. Please like, subscribe, and comment.
William Nighthawk is a Wicasa Wakan ordained minister for Native American Indian and Metis people. A veteran and 32-degree Scottish Rite Free Mason with over 35 years of paranormal and cryptid creatures research and investigation. He was raised by a dark black witch parent and has lived in both worlds surviving two near-death experiences. William Nighthawk is the founder and owner of Nighthawk High Strangeness podcast channel.
Dennis W. Carroll has 55+ years in the field of study and investigation pertaining to the paranormal and the supernatural, with many personal paranormal experiences. He is a researcher and Investigator of the occult and the supernatural. He also is a scholar of the Bible, Religion, and Demonology. Dennis is a well-known authority on Folklore, Legends, Superstitions, Cryptozoology, and The Occult. He is a published Writer/Author and is currently at work on a series of adventure novels based on supernatural events. He is a speaker and does lectures and presentations on culture, folklore, myths, and legends as well as all things pertaining to the supernatural. Dennis is a Certified Paranormal Investigator (CPI). Supernaturalist, Scholar, Explorer, Legend Hunter, UFO Researcher, Author, Folklore/Historian and Demonology Consultant.
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In this episode of Phantoms & Monsters Radio, we welcome 'Tales From the Dark' Podcast hosts Bob Hicks & Brittani Clark. Please like, subscribe, and comment.
Bob & Brittani started the 'Tales From The Dark' podcast in December of 2020 where they cover all things weird! From Bigfoot and aliens to ghosts and conspiracy theories - nothing is off-limits for our show.
Bob has been investigating the paranormal for the past 15 years and Brittani is a practicing witch and ufologist. Brittani also hosts the 'Tales From The Dark' true crime podcast where she covers the other side of horror by diving into one specific subject per season. The first season of "Black Widow Killers" is out now!
They are also working on a documentary that will be out by the end of this year where they investigated a haunted infirmary and caught what they both believe to be some of the most convincing paranormal evidence they have ever seen.
The podcast can be found at
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A Paranormal Life welcomes Max Hawthorne, who is an author, cryptid researcher, & screenwriter. Bernadette McDaniel (Host)
Max Hawthorne is an American author and screenwriter. Referred to as the “Prince of Paleo-fiction”, he is best known for his Kronos Rising series of sci-fi suspense thrillers, which have garnered both Book of the Year and People’s Choice awards. He is the Amazon #1 bestselling author of the cryptid research book, Monsters & Marine Mysteries, as well as Memoirs of a Gym Rat, an outrageous exposé of the health club industry, and the children’s book I Want a Tyrannosaurus for Christmas. His song, A Tyrannosaurus For Christmas, peaked at #2 on the 2021 World Indie Charts. He has been interviewed by both The Washington Post and Fangoria magazine and has appeared on QVC, Spaced Out Radio, Coast-to-Coast AM, and in A Tribe Called Quest’s rap video, I Left My Wallet in El Segundo.
Max was born in Brooklyn and attended school in Philadelphia, where he graduated from the University of the Arts. In addition to being a bestselling novelist, he is a singer/songwriter, avocational paleontologist, cryptid researcher, IGFA world-record-holding angler, and a Voting Member of the Author’s Guild. Max is an avid sportsman and conservationist. His hobbies include archery, fishing, boating, boxing, and collecting fossils and antiquities. He lives in the Greater Northeast with his wife, daughter, and a pair of enormous Siberian Forest Cats who, when they’re not stalking Max’s toes, sleep on his desk as he writes.
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We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us by email - Thanks. Lon Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.
Red and white lights in the sky over Las Vegas spark UFO reports
HAARP Facility Experiment Bounces Radio Signals Off Space Object to Help Boost Planetary Defense
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