This Bigfoot incident occurred 20 miles from Coquille, Oregon near the North Fork of the Coquille River in Coos County. It was the Autumn of 1949. Another encounter is also described.
The witness stated that an unknown pounding was heard on something like a log:
"That sound brought one of my brothers into the house to alert the rest of the family to "come hear this."
We went outside and stood in the driveway, and heard the most frightening guttural roar you can imagine! This accompanied the pounding on the wood object. This lasted several minutes. The evening was clear, warm, and without wind. I do not remember a moon. Neither brother could explain what was happening and I recall being scared out of my wits!
When the sounds subsided, the family returned inside. The incident was not discussed in front of me again. As a child, I was privileged to live in this remote beautiful area and be allowed to run free.
Sometime later, a boyfriend and I observed what we were told must have been a bear in a thicket of alder trees near the house. The feces found there later contained crawdad shells and berry seeds, with a horrible odor. But the creature we saw was not a bear. The hard dry ground showed no tracks. Our fathers were loggers and we were well-versed in the local wildlife. While this all happened a very long time ago, I still get cold chills remembering those sounds.
Years later, my fiance and I were driving north on Oregon Highway 101 near Cape Perpetua, north of Florence, OR. The highway was narrow, two-lane, with the Pacific Ocean on the west and steep rock cliffs on the east. I was watching the moon over the ocean, turned sidewise, facing the ocean. A very large black creature rose from a cleft in the cliff and towered over the little car we were in. My fiance yelled, "What the hell was that?" I only caught a glimpse of the thing through my peripheral vision, but it was huge and very fast. I suppose we surprised it as much as it surprised us. It terrified me.
My fiance searched for a place to turn around as he wanted to go back, and I refused to let him. We were armed with what suddenly seemed to be a very small weapon, considering the size of the creature!
When we returned home, my fiance told his father about the encounter. His father told us of the rancher at the foot of the Capes (Also on Highway 101) who had been riding to check on his cattle when he heard a cow bellowing in agony. His horse became nervous but he forced it on and found a very large hairy animal chewing on the live cow. He carried a 30.06 rifle and shot the creature. It stood up and ran off on two legs. He followed until he lost the trail of blood in the rocky terrain. This is the first time I have ever heard of someone shooting and wounding one of these creatures. It is also the first time I've heard of this creature eating the meat of any animal
Our encounter was in the late evening with clear skies and a full moon. My fiance saw the creature in the headlights and had a great view of it. He knew it was not a bear and didn't think it was a human in a fursuit. Facial features did not have a snout and the arms were too long for a bear's front legs. I was too terrified to grasp any features. I have never felt fear like that before or since.
NOTE: This old account was listed as a Class A report at the BFRO. I remember seeing another recollection of the encounters, presumably by the original eyewitness. Lon
Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974 Thanks. Lon
Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters 'Personal Reports' - cryptid & unexplained accounts directly from the archives of Phantoms & Monsters, and the Phantoms & Monster Fortean Research team. Narrated by Lon Strickler. Join us in the chat, discuss, and ask me questions about the accounts.
Featured in this edition:
The 'Chicago Mothman' is back! A Little Village woman and her father had just left a grocery store and crossed the street when they observed a red-eyed bat-winged humanoid looking directly at them. They fled in terror. This is the 10th winged humanoid incident reported in Chicago's 'Little Village' community.
Also, a Memphis, Tennessee police officer recalls his bizarre encounter with a 'lizard humanoid' while on a special assignment in the late 1980s. A very interesting and detailed description of the creature. As well, San Bernardino County, California residents are now coming forward with their personal upright Dogman encounters.
I have received several requests for me to recount my 1988 red-eyed winged humanoid encounter at Camp Conewago in south-central Pennsylvania. I will describe the incident in detail and answer all questions.
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In this episode of 'V' host, Vincent Richardson welcomes UFO, cryptid, & paranormal researcher & investigator Bryan Bowden to the show. We hope to see you in the chat. Please like, subscribe, and comment.
As a child, Bryan experienced some unusual events that drove his curiosity and would later propel him into becoming a boots-on-the-ground UFO, cryptid, and paranormal researcher and investigator. Since 1977 he has used his spare time to explore those areas of interest, traveling the world in pursuit of the Truth, His experiences in the paranormal realm cover the gambit of the goblin universe, from encounters with Sasquatch, Dogman, and spirits to several UFO experiences, each has been the driving force in his quest for more knowledge and ultimately Answers.
He is the Chief Information and Technology Officer and Director for the Bronxville Paranormal Society BPS and has brought an entirely fresh perspective and process to the paranormal field and investigations culminating in revolutionary results.
Bryan is the creator, producer, and co-host of the critically acclaimed "Beyond The Realm" Radio Show; He started the Paranormal Center and is a former member of the board for the Pine Bush UFO Festival and Conference. He has conducted several successful CE-5 events, all of which have brought contact to the many who attended.
Bryan is currently a member of IRVA the International Remote Viewers Association; the Founder and Director of the NYSUFOP - New York State UFO Project, NYSSO - New York State Sasquatch Organization; and the NYSDP - New York State Dogman Project. He was the former Director of the North American Dogman Project - New York State Chapter; and is The North American correspondent for Outer Limits Magazine. He is the co-host of “Inside The Goblin Universe” radio program with Ronald Murphy, and host of NoBoBuMe (which stand for -Nobody But Me). He also has several appearances on Dave Scott's Spaced Out Radio SOR, and also has appeared in numerous newspaper articles, independent films, television series, and a variety top tier podcasts.
Bryan Bowden has been a speaker and presenter at many conferences throughout the United States. He has appeared in a season of Red Earth Uncovered, (a Canadian series) and also appeared on Into the Unknown, (Jersey Devil episode) hosted by Cliff Simon, He filmed for the UFO documentary “Star Children of Pine New York”; along with filming for a 2-hour UFO Special for the Travel Channel and Discovery+ called “Alien Invasion Hudson Valley UFO” and is on Season 2 of UFO WITNESS.
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In this episode of Phantoms & Monsters Radio, we welcome paranormal investigator, intuitive, & writer Richard Moschella. Please like, subscribe, and comment.
Richard Moschella is a paranormal investigator, intuitive, and writer from Morris County, New Jersey. He is the owner and team leader of the New Jersey Paranormal Project an organization he founded back in 2007, his goal was to research and investigate spirit. Though the New Jersey Paranormal Project has gotten to work with some of the best experts in the paranormal field, spiritualists, and mediums.
The New Jersey Paranormal Project can be seen on YouTube and anyone can view the case files and be a part of the investigation. Richard is also a writer, author, and lecturer. His latest book is titled 'Case Files of the Paranormal.'
Richard's website can be found at
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A Paranormal Life welcomes Lily Nova, who is an Astrophotographer, UFO / alien contactee, & experiencer. Bernadette McDaniel (Host)
Lily Nova's journey as an Astrophotographer turned from fueling her love for space by taking photos of the night sky, to being visited by extraterrestrials, and documenting close encounters with UFOs.
UFOs began visiting Lily Nova during COVID while she was out shooting astrophotography. She began documenting these close encounters with her camera, accumulating evidence, and investigating the phenomena.
Since then, she has been exploring the universe in ways she could never imagine possible. Lily now initiates contact with these otherworldly beings and has become a channel for their messages. They have taught her many curiosities about the universe, spirituality, how to develop psychic gifts, and what it truly means to be human. Lily has discovered so much about who we are, and where we are heading as a species.
Lily's website can be found at
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We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us by email - Thanks. Lon Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman' or 'O'Hare Batman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.
Prince Harry Recounts Meeting with Psychic Who Shared Message from Princess Diana
Monster hunters fear Nessie has swam out of Loch Ness after appearing in strange place
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