Over the years, people have sent me short reports of encounters with Fairies and Fae Folk. I gathered a few to post since many of my readers have expressed their joy in reading them.
"I was driving with my wife and two kids in the car through the Perthshire, Scotland countryside. A thing that I presumed was an autumn sycamore-type leaf ‘flew’ across the road and stopped in front of the windscreen. It was then it put up its hands crossed in front of its face which looked panic-stricken. I never heard or felt an impact so don’t know what happened to it. It was all the same colour, an orangy pink. The wings were in two parts like a butterfly and it was naked, skinny, and looked male, although I didn’t see any genitalia. The top of the head looked elongated and flat across the top. It all happened in a split second.
I haven’t told anyone. Nobody in the car was paying attention. We had been out for a long drive. They were all chilling, listening to various tech devices. It wasn’t an autumn leaf. It was in the middle of the summer. And leaves don’t have bodies and faces and arms and expressions etc. I have seen a ‘skeleton’ of a fairy on the internet. It looks fake but it is the closest I have seen. Never believed in them. Still don’t really. It was weird. It looked like a very wee human with wings."
Captured on home CCTV security in Flintshire, Wales 2017
"I was sitting watching the water on the bank of a local creek. Suddenly, what I assumed was a dragonfly came around the right side of my head and paused, hovering, directly in front of my eyes, for approximately five to ten seconds, just long enough to see exactly what I was looking at – and it wasn’t a dragonfly. It was the exact shape, size, and proportions of a dragonfly, with the very same wings, but it was a tiny woman with pale skin, and long brown hair, wearing an ivory silk shift.
Perhaps twelve inches from my face, she hovered, looking back at me as intently as I looked at her. Then she flew off, again, in the very same manner as a dragonfly. If she hadn’t come as close as she did, and paused so long, I’d have mistaken her for just that. I sat there a moment longer in astonishment, then jumped up to run and tell my family what I’d just seen. And, of course, sadly, no one could possibly believe me."
"The event took place in rural Quebec, Canada in a private home. The owner of the house was a former teacher in that area. She went to do some gardening around the house. It was just after dinner, on a summer’s day. Once ready to work the ground with gardening tools, she suddenly saw three small gnomes coming out of the ground, staring at her for maybe a second or two, then running out as fast as they appeared. The event lasts only a few seconds. However, she had time to notice the following details. They measured about thirty centimeters, they more or less look alike, and seemed old with grey faces and grey clothing. She doesn’t remember if they had caps or not. But their skin seemed from old-age persons. Very agile, they disappear from the fern plantation between her house and the next one. She never saw them again since then. Only her sister and a friend were told about this event. Today that lady is very old but still remembers this adventure."
"I opened a large wardrobe in my sister’s room and inside was another world. There was a green field, tall green plants, and colorful creatures that didn’t seem surprised to see me. I saw mostly animals but they were not like our animals, about the size of a rabbit but purple and blue. There was one ‘man’ climbing on one tall green plant. Faint music like a bell orchestra and nature sounds. I’m not sure if it was a ‘fairy’ experience. It might be, it was odd and of course, no one has ever believed me. I’ll let you decide if you want. Fairies are natural creatures, perhaps more advanced than humans. I have no idea if this is related, but I am forty years old and still appear to be in my early twenties. I also have the agility and energy of a younger person. Good genes, a result of my encounter, or something else, I don’t know. There is also a bit of strangeness about my conception. I have often wondered if my parents are entirely my parents."
"I saw in the far distance a fallen tree and what was left of it was shaped in a perfect triangle, and it looked like a tee-pee with an entrance at the front. I made a comment to my sister walking ahead. I asked her if fairies lived there. She laughed and said they certainly could. It would be perfect for fairies, I said.
As we got closer, still far off in the distance, a light could be seen at the entrance. A tiny light. My sister did not see it and continued walking the trail as I stopped to take pictures of this. I waited for the spot of light to move but it didn’t. So picture after picture I took. It was the most glorious few minutes. I told the fairy thank you for letting me see her. It was a magical moment. An intense spark of light. I had the sense of fairies the moment I walked into the trail through the woods. I would have to ask my sister for the name of it. When I saw the wood structure in the distance. My very first thought was that it would be perfect for fairies. The whole woods was perfect for fairies. The feeling never left me the whole time we walked this trail. I didn’t see the fairy house until almost the end and it made the day very special to me. I have always believed in them. Little people have a place in our reality, I believe only those who believe or need to know they exist ever get to see them."
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We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us by email - Thanks. Lon Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.
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