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Saturday, May 30, 2020

Unknown Hairy Creature (Possible Bigfoot) Charges Hunter in Georgia Woods

Possible Bigfoot in Rural Georgia

A hunter in rural Georgia encounter an unknown biped hairy creature that dropped all four and charged the eyewitness. Was this a Bigfoot...or something else?

"I come from a family of hunters. It was not uncommon for my mom and stepdad to go out early morning and not come home until well into the night on occasion. In rural Georgia, it is fairly common for land owners to lease out their acres for hunting to different folks depending on the seasonality, and they type of hunting they are doing, and deer season for archers begins at the end of the summer.

My mother has this story that I loved to hear as a child that as an adult, had a horrifying twist. One afternoon, my parents struck out to hunt for the day. The land they leased that particular year ran alongside a power line route. These routes are clear cut through woods and create a man-made field. A hunter can set their tree stands up in the thickets surrounding these fields and wait for grazing animals to come by.

Around dusk, my mom started to look out for my step dad to come and pick her up. He would usually help her get situated in her stand, then go and find his on setup further down the trail. As the sun began to sink, she saw him walking down through the power line clearing. My stepdad is a brolic type man that has a wide gait in his walk. He swings his arms a bit as he walks (I mean it’s kind of similar to a caveman to me). Even in the low sinking light, she could make out his silhouette and could see that he was zig zagging from side to side of the clear cut field. He’d obviously forgotten where they had set her stand up and was trying to find her, so she stood up and waved her hands to get his attention. At that moment, the creature she thought was my stepdad noticed her. It dropped down to all fours and darted into the woods, making a strange low growl as it did. She waited for what seemed like an eternity for my step dad to come and get her. She was terrified and in tears.

This was a story shared many times in my childhood when I asked for a scary hunting story (they have plenty of them). It’s not that I didn’t believe my mom, but we all know that the night can play tricks on us and heighten our imagination, so when I asked for this story in my teenage years imagine my surprise when my step dad spoke up.

A man of few words, and a lack of imagination, he raised his head at the dinner table. “I’ve never told either of you this, but I think I probably should. That night, the creature wasn’t running away from your mother. I was walking along the line of the woods towards her tree stand when I noticed it. I smelled it before I actually saw the thing. It had a pungent odor, almost skunk like and it seemed to be a little over 6-foot tall covered in thick, course hair. It saw me about the same time as I was drawing back an arrow to take aim. At first, it growled then dropped to all fours and sprinted towards me as I released the arrow, knocking it in the arm. I was shaking and just missed the intended hit. The animal veered to the side and kept running.”

To this day, I wonder what that creature was." RS

Hey folks. I do understand that everyone is tightening their belts during the Covid-19 situation. But I ask that you may consider supporting Phantoms & Monsters through a donation. Yes, I do receive some funds through books and advertising. But it is far from enough to cover expenses, especially since and other affiliates have lowered royalties and CPM because of the Covid-19 lockdown.

If you are interested in helping out, you can use the PayPal donation buttons on the blog and newsletter or go directly to and use my email as the recipient. You can also make a donation through Facebook Messenger. Thanks for your continued support. Lon

Click Here For Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available on and from our new publisher Singular Fortean Publishing

A review of 'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' by Linda Godfrey

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Friday, May 29, 2020

Bigfoot Scares Hikers in North Michigan Lower Peninsula

Bigfoot in North Michigan

A man and his younger cousin take a hike in the north part of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan when they encounter what they believe was a Bigfoot.

I haven’t really talked about this much because when I do I get made fun of. People laugh and then they think of me differently. I work in tech now so I want my reputation to be more on the side of logic, decisiveness, and efficiency. I don’t want to be “the Bigfoot guy” or have whispers happen so I just don’t talk about it. But, whenever I see my cousin and I say “do you remember?” She knows what I’m talking about and says 'yes.'

I grew up in a northern part of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan in a fishing village. Our family was from a state south of Michigan so it was a good day long drive to them and vice versa. The house that we lived in at the time was on the edge of a state forest and I loved to just hike around. I felt like I knew the area pretty well. I’m familiar with being in the woods. I’ve dealt with wild animals before. I’ve been to parts of northern Canada where there are no roads so you have to fly in. I’ve chased wild bears and gotten way too close to moose than I ever should have. I’m no Bear Grylls but I’m also no city slicker.

The day this happened was the same day that my older sister was graduating from high school. My cousin and I were about the same age. All the other kids in the extended family were at least 4 years older or younger than us so we were default friends during family gatherings.

We decided to go on a hike. I wanted to show her what real woods looked like since she was from a much more urban area. So we went off. I forget what time we left but we had to be back by like 5 pm or so to make it to the graduation. We were hiking around, up and down hills, noticing the half buried barbed wire fences from when it used to be grazing country. I’m telling her about that and that’s why not all of the trees are huge. They were all planted a few decades earlier so they aren’t fully mature yet. And then...

I forgot where I was.

I wasn’t sure how to get back. So we turn and head where I think I should be going to get back but that doesn’t take us there. It’s been a while. We need to get back to make the graduation. I know that we are in state forest territory so if we walk in the wrong direction we won’t see any civilization for dozens of miles. Can’t hear any cars since we are so far away from roads otherwise that would help.

After what seemed like forever we stumble into a clearing. Like, mowed grass. It’s on a hill that looks like it would be good for sledding in the winter. The hill has a drop off on either side that has plenty of trees. So there would be trees rooted in the drop off area that would have branches at ankle level on the hill depending on how high up the hill you were.

And that’s when it happened.

We heard this sound like when you are close to a horse that’s breathing heavily and it stopped us in our tracks. It seemed unnatural. It was not the kind of sound that you would expect to hear in that moment. It was creepy. We were not close to any animals that we knew of. We were in a clearing.

And then we saw it.

About a 1/4 way up the hill one of the tree branches from the drop off lifted up and I saw it. It saw us. It was just the head but it was plain as day. Large, hairy and snorting. And just like that it went away.

We were terrified so we ran. The mowed hill was a part of a farm and we found the driveway which lead to a road which lead to another road that I knew and we got back to my home in time for the graduation.

Nobody believed us. To this day, nobody believes me.

I know that old farmers and hairy old hippies are just a part of the tapestry of culture in that area. I know them. I’ve spent time sitting around their fires while drinking and telling stories to each other. This was not them. This was not a person. This was not a bear or any other animal that I know. This was something that I’ve never seen before and I hope to someday see again.

And that is why I believe in bigfoot." RM

Creepy Ghosts Experiences in Indiana & Texas


2 haunting encounters by experiencers in Indiana and Texas. Always learn the history of a house before you move in!

"In 2003 I bought and moved in to a new to me house in Floyd's Knob, Indiana. It was a neat little Cape Cod and perfect as a bachelor pad. Soon after moving in, I started to hear noises in the house. Most of them centered around the back door. The house was small and my bedroom was on the other side of a wall from the back door. Lying in bed I’d only be about 6 feet away from that door. The noises started as what sounded like someone trying the door knob to see if it was locked in the middle of the night. It would wake me up and the sound was unmistakable. Between my bed and the wall that separated the bedroom from the back door was a window that over looked the back porch. Several times when I heard the noise I’d look out the window, expecting to see a prowler, only to see nothing.

Later I’d hear noises in the basement. Several times I went to the basement with rounds chambered expecting to find an intruder only to find nothing. It was a daylight basement with no doors to the outside so if there was someone in the basement, they’d have to slide through small tilt in windows (hard to believe) or come past me through the house. One day there was a huge crash in the basement. Something big fell. At the time the basement was unfinished and all I had down there was a stack of storage totes neatly arranged. If something fell, it would be obvious. I went to check and nothing was out of place.

Over the years the trying the door handle sound at the back door turned into unmistakable knocks at the back door. The way the house was situated made the back door the one we primarily used. So hearing a knock at that door was not unusual. Many times I heard a knock and went to answer only to find no one there. One day I answered an empty door after a knock. As I turned away and was maybe 3-4 steps back toward the living room there was a knock again. Again, no one at the door. I considered neighborhood kids playing a prank but there really were none in the area and the rural nature of the property made that unlikely in my mind.

I found out, soon after moving in, that my elderly neighbor and her recently deceased husband had built the house I lived in. She was a lovely old lady and we’d visit on occasion. I jokingly, to myself, referred to my “ghost” as Mr Scott knowing he built the house and assuming he came home to rest.

In 2009 I got married and my wife moved in with me. She was aware of the stories but wasn’t a believer. Soon after moving in, she started hearing the noises in the night at the back door. At the time I was working night shift and she called me a couple times in the middle of the night quite spooked. On one occasion I encouraged her to call the sheriff, though she never did.

The climax for us came not too long after she moved in. She had a friend that was coming over to visit and the friend had called and said GPS was saying she’d be there at something like 630. At 630 there was a knock at the back door, the dog barked and got up and went to the back door, and my wife noted that it was the exact time her friend had said she’d be there. You guessed it, no one at the door. Just as my wife answered the empty back door, her phone rang. It was her friend and she was lost. GPS would occasionally send people to the wrong end of our road and this had happened to her friend.

We ended up kind of making peace with whatever was going on and not being bothered by it. We lived there until 2016 and over the last several years stopped experiencing anything until the last few weeks after we had sold the house but before we had moved out. The knocking came back, as if to say goodbye.

This is where it gets fun. Another single guy bought the house from us. At the closing, we’re sitting at the table with him, our respective realtors, and the lawyer. At some point the buyer says he has a list of questions about the house and do we mind answering them. Sure, no problem. It’s questions about the fuel oil furnace, who do we use for trash service, basic stuff. Then he asked, “Have you ever seen a ghost in the house?“ I’d love to have a picture of the face my wife and I made at that moment. We were saved by the 3 other ladies in the room laughing and poking fun at the buyer. It bought me time to collect myself and consider my answer. He defended himself saying he was an EMT and had been in several houses when people had passed and didn’t want to be a part of that. I looked him in the eye and honestly answered I had never seen a ghost in the house and he was satisfied with that.

Last year, my son’s Cub Scout pack toured the local fire station where the buyer of that house is now the chief. He gave the tour. We had known he had since also sold the house and we struck up a conversation. He told us how much he had enjoyed the house but he had also gotten married and his new wife had a bigger house that they had moved in to. I told him, I know you’d asked if we’d seen a ghost and I answered you honestly that I’d never seen anything, but did you ever hear anything? He laughed and said oh yeah. He’d had the same experiences with the back door and the basement. He also said he heard a huge crash in the attic. He said as a fireman he’d heard that same crash in house fires and it meant the roof is coming down. He investigated to find nothing out of place. He said his wife made fun of him when he told her the stories before she spent much time in the house but ended up being a believer as well before they sold the place.

Hope you enjoy. Thanks for reading to my long story." CL


"I havent thought of this in a long time. In high school either in 2006 or 2007 myself and three of my friends were hanging out at our friend Jake's house which was in the country outside of Carthage, TX. We would stay up all night in those days. This particular night the four of us went walking in the woods at one point we all heard someone or something walking. We heard the crunching of leaves that sounded just like the crunching of leaves beneath our own feet. We all stopped and called out "Hello??" We got no reply and thinking our imagination had gotten the best of us we nervously laughed it off and continued walking. It could have been a deer or any sort of critter. As we continued on we walked 2 by 2. I was walking directly behind my friend Jake and all of a sudden I bumped into him because he had stopped abruptly. He said "Did y'all see that?!" We all looked around and we didnt see anything unusual. He said "I saw a woman wearing a white dress."

Now at this point I think he's pulling our leg. And I'm like "come on man, are you messing with us." He said "NO!" Feel my arm. Well it was a warm night and every hair on his arm and on the back of his neck was standing up. I think he was telling the truth as we have been friends for many years and if he was joking he would eventually have said so. The rest of us never did see anything. But I believe HE SAW what he said he saw." LR

Hey folks. I do understand that everyone is tightening their belts during the Covid-19 situation. But I ask that you may consider supporting Phantoms & Monsters through a donation. Yes, I do receive some funds through books and advertising. But it is far from enough to cover expenses, especially since and other affiliates have lowered royalties and CPM because of the Covid-19 lockdown. If you are interested in helping out, you can use the PayPal donation buttons on the blog and newsletter or go directly to and use my email as the recipient. You can also make a donation through Facebook Messenger. Thanks for your continued support. Lon

Click Here For Lon's Suggested Reading List - Books & Films / DVDs

'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available on and from our new publisher Singular Fortean Publishing

A review of 'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' by Linda Godfrey

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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Bigfoot Stalks Forest Ranger After Being Shot Near Zuni Pueblo, New Mexico

zuni mountain bigfoot

A native forest ranger in the Zuni Mountains, New Mexico shoots at a Bigfoot while with his family. The Bigfoot stalked him continuously afterwards.

I recently found the following account:

"This happened to my dad’s family when he was a kid. I’m not too sure how old he was or the exact date this happened. But what I know is that it was a night in the fall, sometime in the early 80’s.

My dad and his parents were on their way to Gallup, New Mexico to see a movie. They’re located in Zuni, New Mexico and the drive to Gallup is 32 miles heading north. My grandpa was a forest ranger at the time, and worked in the Zuni Mountains. He was using his ranger truck to get to town. (Now I will tell this instance mainly from my dad's perspective. He’s the only person that’s ever explained this to me. My grandma is eerily bothered so much she doesn’t like talking about it. My grandpa is dissociative with the family, so I’ve never had the chance to ask.)

Anyways, they’re about half way to town, it’s dark out, large ponderosa trees cover both sides of the road. In the midst of driving my grandpa stomped on his breaks. My grandma is sitting passenger and my dad in the back seat. At this moment my dad is confused, he’s facing towards the back window, passenger side. He sees my grandpa quickly reach over the back seat to grab his rifle off a gun rack. Heard him open his door and fire one shot. My grandpa hit it and it screamed. My dad now looks over the seat to see it running to the right of the road (east) and it takes one large step over a cattle guard and disappears into the woods. They drove away and proceeded to watch the movie, without discussing anything about what happened.

Now my dad says (according to grandma and grandpa) that the Bigfoot was hairy, but not like you’d expect. Its hair was fringed and balding. They said it had pale blue skin and looked fatigued. When my grandpa shot it, it dropped its jaw for a couple of seconds. It’s 'jaw dropping' looked grotesque, like it couldn’t have possibly made its mouth any wider. Then came the scream. The scream is the eeriest part. They all said they’ll never forget it. It was loud, gross and had meaning. After screaming it lunged to its left (east), took a step over the cattle guard and ran into the forest. The jaw dropping is what makes my grandma not talk about it. She says it’s the scariest, most ugliest thing to have witnessed.

Now after they got back home, it started haunting/following my grandpa. That night my grandpa got no sleep, my grandma didn’t either and that’s how she knows. She pretended to be asleep but the both of them heard things around their house that night. Movement, noise against the walls and a overwhelming feeling like something is out there in the dark.

My grandpa continued his work as a ranger but soon quit due to constant run ins with this thing. When he was out in the forest, he knew it was watching. He could smell it, hear screams, hear knocking. It made disturbances in the road just for him. It would toss branches in the road to and from destinations, like it knew his schedule or where he had to be. It scared my grandpa so much he hasn’t gone back since, and since then it hasn’t bothered him. All while this was happening my grandpa experienced one wild ride as a ranger.

I believe he’s seen UFO’s, strange murders, and very odd occurrences all in that forest (I.E. people acting too jolly, rituals, lost people). He’s written down all everything that’s happened. It’s in a binder at his house but I really want to read it. My dad has and says it’s nuts, but my gramps now has cancer and is a shut in from it. Hopefully I get to see him soon or I get my hands on that book. Zuni is truly a place of mysteries. WEIRD sh*t goes down there all the time." GB

Tall Boney Humanoid Harassing Livestock in Rural Northern Utah

tall boney humanoid

A young man and his uncle encounter a tall boney humanoid that was harassing the livestock in the barn. This occurred in a rural area of northern Utah

I recently found the following account:

"It was mid May several years ago, when my family took a trip down to my uncle's farm, in Utah, not far from Salt Lake City. About 90 miles, I’d say. The area was remote, and was a ways away from the nearest town. When we arrived, it was about 3:00 in the afternoon, and the sun was shining bright as ever. My uncle sat on the porch, and waved to us as we pulled into the front gate. We usually go down there every 2 years and stay for about a week or two. It’s pretty much the same back home in Michigan. The livestock, the fields, hot summers, it all feels like I’m at home.

At first, nothing seemed out of the usual. It was just your average 2 story farmhouse, with a big barn and sprawling fields for miles. It was really peaceful. I got out of the car, and got my bags out of the back. My uncle lived in Utah his whole life, so he has a bit of an accent. “Hey there!” He shouted from his chair on the porch. “Hey uncle Ron.” I said with a smile. “How you been, boy?” He asked me. I walked up the steps, and set my bags by the door. “Pretty good, how about you?” I asked. “Well, I was about to go hunting, forgot y’all was coming today. Your welcome to come with me, if that’s alright with you ma.” He said. I nodded. Hunting was pretty normal in Michigan. I usually get a buck or two during rifle season, so I’m fairly good, you could say.

“Hey mom, is it alright if I go with uncle Ron to go hunting?” I asked from the porch “We’ll only be a couple hours.” He added. She sighed, and looked at us for a second, “Yeah, that’s alright.” She said. “Here, you take mine, I’ll go get another one.” He grabbed his rifle he had leaning against the wall, and handed it to me. “Make sure she ain’t loaded.” He said, before he headed inside. I pulled the bolt back slightly, and checked if it was loaded. Once I seen it wasn’t, I held it freely. “You two better be back before 11:00, because we all know that your uncle likes to take his time.” She said, as she walked up the stairs. “Okay mom, I’ll make sure.” Just as I said it, my uncle came out the door, letting the screen door slam behind him. “Alright, let’s get going.” He said. “I told the boy to be back by 11.” Said my mom, before my uncle walked off the porch. “Will do.” He said with a smile.

Behind his house was a thicket of woods. Had to be about 100 acres. We entered the tree line, bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to get ourselves a buck. Had a blind about a quarter mile in, so we had a little bit of a walk. And as we did, I felt eyes on us. It was unnerving, but I didn’t think much of it. Once we made it to his blind, we got inside, and zipped it up. The time out in the blind was very uneventful, until about 9:00. The first thing we heard all day, was the scratching. Me and my uncle looked at each other, and he whispered, “Its gotta be a buck rub.” Right as he said it, the scratching stopped, and my uncle raised his gun.

He looked out of the hole in the blind, only to see nothing. “Don’t you think we should head back?” I whispered. He checked his watch, then nodded, “Yeah.” We both got out of the blind, and made our way back home. I felt eyes on me again. This time I asked my uncle if he felt them too. “It’s probably just nothing.” He said. I shook it off, and relaxed a little. We got back to the house at about 9:30, right after the sun had set. I waked up the steps to the house, and walked in. My mom was at the table, talking to my aunt Denise. She looked over at us, and smiled. “Hey guys, how was it?” She asked. “Uneventful.” I said. My uncle walked in behind me, “I’ll take the gun.” He said. I handed it to him, and he walked upstairs.

“Go wash your hands, your aunt made dinner.” Said my mom. So that’s what I did. When I was done, I sat down just as my uncle came down the stairs. “What did you come back for.” Asked my mom, looking at my uncle. “What do you mean, you said be back by 10.” He said. “No, I mean earlier, I heard you open the barn door. I looked out the window just as you went back into the woods.” She said, confused. “We didn’t, go in the barn.” I said to her. She looked at me with a look of confusion. “Huh?” said my aunt. “You didn’t come back?” “No, we were in the blind the whole time.” Said my uncle. Then it hit me. The sudden realization, that something was out there with us.

“I think you were seeing something.” Said my uncle. “Yeah, mom, you did just get a concussion.” I said, remembering last week, when she fell and hit her head. I shook that off too. Just like the feeling of being watched. Maybe I chose not to believe it, so I wouldn’t think that there was something ACTUALLY out there with us. We all passed it off, and ate dinner like normal. The next day was as normal as ever. Nothing happened until the third day. It was sunset, and me and my uncle sat on the porch. “How you doing in school?” He asked. I looked over to him and said, “A’s and b’s. Average.” I said.

He opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, he was interrupted by the squealing of the pigs out by the barn. He always kept his rifle with him outside. “Go out to my truck, and grab the shotgun off the rack. Might be a whole pack of coyotes out there.” He said, jumping up out of his chair. I ran to his truck, swung the door open, and grabbed his shotgun. It was a 12 gauge, slug round, nothing I was to aware of at the time. Me and my uncle ran out to the barn.

We both froze in our tracks. What was out there, harassing those pigs, wasn’t a pack of coyotes, but a damn thing from hell, or so it looked like. Bony clawed hands, skinny, with a boney rib cage. The damned thing seemed to stare into your soul, with it huge eyes. It loomed over us. It had to be about 7 to 8 foot tall. Out of sheer fear, I took a shot at it. And another. Before it took off into the woods. We stood there in shock. The pigs were squealing, and running in circles. They were just as scared and confused as us.

I looked at my uncle Ron. “What the hell was that?” I asked. “I’m not sure, but it had to be what your mom was talking about.” We checked the pigs, and a few had minor lacerations, but none of them were dead. We checked the area the thing stood, but found nothing, not even blood. I’ve never wanted to leave somewhere more than right then. Once we got inside, my mom and aunt were eager to hear what happened. When we told them, they were as shocked as us. I had a hard time sleeping that night. Feeling that same feeling of being watched. The next day we left. I’ve only been back to Utah a couple times, and my uncle hasn’t seen anything out of the usual, but one things for sure, I won’t forget about that night, under a clear Utah sky." ZC


"In my hometown there’s a forest that’s pretty big, with trails around the edges where people walk their dogs but no one really goes inwards to the depths of it. Once a month or so I go there birdwatching. There’s also a small river which, in dryer months, is basically just a dip filled with mud and leaves. I walk along it on my way in and again on my way out.

About two years ago I was walking along the riverbank in May or June when ahead of me I saw what looked like a pale, hairless, nude person digging around in the mud. I got a bit closer and realised the thing didn’t appear to be human. It was quite tall, its skin being a light-medium gray and it had no facial features that I could discern from a distance, but with what looked to be large, sunken eyes. It was squatting and using its hands to rifle through the mud. Its arms were very long compared to a human and it was very thin.

I watched it for about thirty seconds or so when it looked in my direction and I think it saw me, because it paused and seemed to be staring at me for a few seconds. It then turned around, disappearing quickly but casually into the trees on all fours. I hadn’t seen it before or since then.

I left just after because I was apprehensive and worried it might be something aggressive, but there wasn’t anything in its demeanour that made me feel threatened. It was like watching an animal foraging and seemed calm the whole time.

A lot of the encounters I’ve read on here seem to be about creatures that have a menacing energy, but this thing just seemed to want to go about its business uninterrupted. If anyone has any idea what I might have seen, I’d appreciate it if you could let me know." BM

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Join me as I welcome Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research members Butch Witkowski, Amy Bue & Danielle Auclair to Arcane Radio. This will be an update on ongoing cases and research by the group. If you have questions, be sure to go into the chat and post. - This will be a very informative and entertaining show! Join us this Friday, May 29th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT on or the direct link at or at LiveRadio/Paranormal King Radio Network - Meet us in the chat room...just click the banner or go to

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'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' is now available on and from our new publisher Singular Fortean Publishing

A review of 'Winged Cryptids: Humanoids, Monsters & Anomalous Creatures Casebook' by Linda Godfrey

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