D.B. Cooper Indentified?
A 40-member cold-case team led by documentary filmmaker Tom Colbert and his wife, Dawna, believe they’ve cracked a code that reveals the bandit’s true identity. The FBI abandoned the case last year, citing a lack of credible leads.
A team of investigators committed to solving a decades-old cold case think they have identified the infamous skyjacker known as D.B. Cooper.
The mysterious air bandit took over a Boeing passenger plane in 1971 and jumped out on a parachute in Southwest Washington, never to be seen again.
A 40-member cold-case team led by documentary filmmaker Tom Colbert and his wife, Dawna, believe they’ve cracked a code that reveals the bandit’s true identity.
The FBI abandoned the case last year, citing a lack of credible leads.
But a letter believed to have been written by Cooper and sent to news outlets after the skyjacking has led Colbert’s team back to a likely suspect — Vietnam War veteran Robert W. Rackstraw, who was investigated by the FBI in the late 1970s. Read more at Investigators think letter confirms ID of D.B. Cooper
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Buying 'Dead Souls' on eBay
This is the world of Haunted eBay: a loose confederation of paranormal sales-people passing on their home-cooked mysticism to souls in need. HauntedDollys's business model is quite simple. As she explains over email, her supply comes from either collectors of haunted items who are downsizing, or by taking "ordinary objects" and binding "a spirit to the vessel." ("This is either done by myself or a friend of mine who's a sorcerer," she says.) If you browse her wares, you'll find a lot of items that seem to be reclaimed from your local thrift shop—passed-off ornaments of kitsch, with a vague phantasmagoric glimmer. The real work to being a successful capitalist witch is all in the presentation; creating the perfect pitch to convince the skeptics and lifers that your inventory is more supernatural than the rest.
There's no rhyme or reason to what's deemed to be haunted, though the most popular subdivision of the paranormal eBay trade by far are children's dolls. A search for "haunted dolls" yields hundreds of results. The toys themselves are fashionably Victorian—porcelain faces, frilly dresses, rosy cheeks—and each come with their own autobiographical ghost story. Like Lillian, for instance. For sale by a merchant named Fayetality, Lillian contains the spirit of a dead ten-year old girl who cracked her head open after slipping on icy steps, according to the listing. She can communicate with a potential buyer through "spirit board, pendulum, EVP, spirit dice, and in dreams."
"Please be prepared for paranormal activity if you decide to adopt sweet Lillian," writes Fayetallity. "Be assured—she is an innocent, pure child of white light. Nothing negative will ever arise from Lillian. She is beyond kind. When you feel Lillian's presence, you feel how pure her intentions are. Lillian reduces anxiety, and keeps negative feelings as well as entities at bay. She is truly a spiritual presence that will make a believer." Read more at Meet the People Selling Haunted Dolls on eBay
Have you had a close encounter or witnessed something unusual? If you have, become a part of Phantoms & Monsters. Please feel free to forward an original (non-fictional) account that is well-written with specific details (including photographic evidence attached if available) to lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com for consideration of publication in Phantoms & Monsters. If you want to keep your name and other information confidential...no problem. I'm interested in first-hand accounts of paranormal and unexplained experiences. I have reported and investigated a wide variety of sightings and encounters over the years, including:
* Alien abductions and human experimentation (ex. The Eckhart Family home invasions and abductions as documented on 'Fact or Faked: The Paranormal Files')
* Cryptid and other strange being encounters (ex. 'The Conewago Phantom' - My personal encounter with the 'Sykesville Monster' - Cryptid flying rays - Winged humanoids 'The Chicago Phantom Sightings / Encounters)
* Spiritual hauntings, infestations & possessions (Client testimonials)
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'Phantoms & Monsters' is distributed and syndicated for free to over 25,000 readers daily! Several approved blogs and news services, with written permission, circulate many of the blog posts...especially features with original content.
I also accept well-written and properly documented articles describing paranormal and supernatural events and subjects. All references used in the narrative must be accredited to the original source.
Thanks again for reading Phantoms & Monsters...Lon
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Mothman Dynasty: Chicago's Winged Humanoids

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