Aliens in Our House
San Antonio, TX - 2017-09-23: It was between 4 am and 4:10 am on September 23rd 2017 when I woke up and went to the restroom.
I frequent the restroom many times each night because of a medical problem that causes me to be a very light sleeper.
I live with my two disabled parents and since noises easily wake and disturb them I have become very adapt to visiting the restroom in the middle of the night while being as very quiet as possible.
The restroom is located down a thirty foot hallway and the hallway goes straight from my bedroom door directly to the restroom door.
On one side of the hallway there are two other bedrooms and on the other side of the hallway is the living room and the kitchen.
The living room has a doorway accessing the kitchen as well as a doorway accessing the hallway right outside my bedroom door.
All the lights in the house were turned off except for a small night light in the kitchen which remains on all night for our cat to eat with.
I did not notice anything different when I was walking to the restroom except one thing.
I thought I had felt a slight electrical type charge in the atmosphere that made the house feel a little different, it did not feel like our house usually feels.
I was in the restroom for maybe three or four minutes before I was ready to go back to my bedroom.
I turned off the restroom light and as I was getting ready to turn the doorknob to exit the restroom when I heard sounds that I misidentified.
At first I thought I was hearing my cat's claws clicking on the kitchen floor as he was walking across it, which is a usual sound in the middle of the night because he eats his meals every night between 3 am and 5 am
I quietly turned the doorknob and exited the restroom.
I was then standing in the hallway closing the restroom door behind me very quietly like I always do.
The sound I misidentified seemed to be getting closer but i didn't think anything about it.
I took one step forward toward my bedroom and I looked to my right.
I thought I was going to be looking at my cat in the kitchen.
I saw an alien about six feet away turning to look at me from the kitchen.
I froze in mid stride and I looked at it for about five seconds while it was staring back at me.
It was a short grey alien between three and four feet tall with a large head that had big black slanted eyes, no ears, a stubby nose and a small mouth.
It's arms were long in proportion to its body.
It was being backlit by the night light and appeared to be a off white grayish color
While I was looking at the alien it began making soft clicking noises with its small mouth.
I was standing there trying to figure out what to do.
I began feeling more electricity in the air and I was trying to figure out if what I was looking at was real.
A feeling of ease came over me and inside my head I heard a voice say to me that there was 'no danger, this might not be real'.
Being confused and scared I wanted to believe the voice in my head because I wanted to get away.
I raised my right hand to see what would happen and the alien raised its right hand back at me.
I started walking down the hallway toward my bedroom and I couldn't stop thinking about going back to sleep.
I got halfway down the hallway to my bedroom door and I remember thinking 'what if there's more than one of those in the house'.
I stopped in front of my bedroom door so I could open it.
As I was reaching out to grab the knob on the door I looked into the living room.
About four feet away from me, standing in the doorway to the kitchen, was a tall alien that was facing towards me and was looking directly at me.
It was basically like the short grey alien except it's torso was much longer making it about six to six and a half feet tall.
I heard a calm and soft voice in my head saying, 'its ok just go back to sleep now'.
I raised my right hand and moved it like I was waving.
The alien raised its right hand and waved back just like the short alien had done.
By this time I was feeling a strong buzzing sensation all over my body.
I remember hearing some more soft clicking sounds coming from the tall alien.
I was overcome with an impulse I couldn't resist that made me reach out and open my bedroom door.
I walked into my bedroom and closed the door behind me.
I got into bed and fell asleep as though nothing had ever happened. - MUFON
Rare White Crocodile in Adelaide River
A white crocodile spotted in the top end has stolen the attention of tourists and experts alike.
The white croc, nicknamed ‘Pearl’, was seen in the Adelaide River by staff and tourists on the Spectacular Jumping Crocodile Cruise on Sunday.
A photo of the crocodile was posted to Facebook by the NT Crocodile Conservation & Protection Society which speculated that Pearl could be the child of Michael Jackson – a famous white-headed crocodile from the Adelaide River.
“Pearl is a extremely rare croc especially given her size. Most crocs with this colouring do not survive long in the wild,” the Facebook post stated.
“Pearl has particularly touched our hearts as it is highly likely she is the offspring of Michael Jackson.” Read more at White croc spotted on tourist cruise in the top end
We Were Abducted More Than Once
Spokane, WA - 2007-03-30: I woke up as I was running on a ship. It had like indoor-outdoor carpet, like a plastic kinda but not plastic. The ship was dull metal color inside it with beige light floor. Had 2 hallways in circular patterns with entry ways to next hall - no doors. Center circle had rooms facing out then hallway doors on both sides of circular hallway. Entryway next to hallway had doors, only outside of circular hallway. I was running to the right. Lights lined the top if the halls like one long light. Really bright inside the hallway suddenly ended and the was a entry on my left. I ran through it. A feminine being was coming from my right. I was going through entry way almost ran into it. I'm 5'5 female. It came only to my breasts about 4 ft. I heard her feminine voice in my head she said 'oh you startled me.' I was in shock, stood there for a few seconds turned around and ran towards my significant other. I could hear him calling me in my head. I ran to the left passed 2 doors and opened the third on my right. He was laying on a sheet of metal - in the room were several beings. One walked towards me - I blacked out. I could hear them talking about me before I blacked out wondering what was going on.
I woke up in my bed at home next to my significant other. He was screaming in my head, we were actually really freaked out and talking with telepathy. We couldn't move our bodies - we were both paralysed and couldn't open our mouths or eyes. We were super scared. Then the phone next to the bed rang and instantly we snapped out of it - both of us. He looked to see who called but the call log was empty. We got up and left our house and went to a motel that was made out of brick because for some reason I thought we'd be safer in a brick building. We were abducted more than once. I know the aliens are not male and females like us - they are masculine and feminine beings. The feminine being wasn't scared at all but I remember being scared if the masculine being that came to me and made me black out. You can call me even though I wish to remain anonymous in this post - MUFON
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