Time Slip at Stonehenge?
“I experienced a time slip once at Stonehenge in the 90s! My dad, my brother and I were there visiting on a daytrip when I was 7 or 8, and if anyone has been there before, you know it's situated right next to the A303 motorway. Well, all of a sudden I felt the urge to look to the road where I saw my uncle/aunt's van with all of my four cousins in the back drive by. I pointed it out to my dad who was incredulous until he too saw them. It felt like they drove by in slow motion almost. Thinking of it as a bizarre coincidence, my dad called his brother (my uncle) later that day to report that we saw them. My uncle then said it couldn't have been them because they hadn't been there for over a year. My dad, who's a skeptic, was dumbfounded and could offer no explanation. It wasn't a false identification. They had a very distinctive style van and we clearly saw all of them in it. Super weird! Another important part of this story is that my aunt and uncle's house was over 100 miles away, so there's no chance they would be passing through without remembering they were there."
Source: closetotoast, Youtube Comments
Transcribed by JLB
This week we welcome UFO & cryptid investigator / author Nick Redfern to Arcane Radio.
Nick Redfern is a full-time author and journalist specializing in a wide range of unsolved mysteries, including Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, UFO sightings, government conspiracies, alien abductions and paranormal phenomena. writes regularly for Fortean Times, Fate, Mysterious Universe and UFO Magazine. His most recent books are Women In Black: The Creepy Companions of the Mysterious M.I.B.
- Secret History: Conspiracies from Ancient Aliens to the New World Order
Among his many exploits, Redfern has investigated reports of lake monsters in Scotland, vampires in Puerto Rico, werewolves in England, aliens in Mexico, and sea serpents in the United States. Redfern travels and lectures extensively around the world. He has appeared on numerous television shows, including the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens, Monster Quest, and UFO Hunters; National Geographic Channel’s The Truth about UFOs, and Paranatural; and SyFy Channel’s Proof Positive. Originally from England, he currently lives in Dallas, Texas.
This event is listed at Arcane Radio Presents: Nick Redfern - Ufologist / Cryptozoologist / Author
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