Join Sean & Lon as we welcome our friend & colleague...investigator / researcher Butch Witkowski to Arcane Radio.
We will discuss the upcoming field investigation 'Searching For The Pennsylvania Dogman'. Butch Witkowski will join Sean & Lon as we detail the team's agenda. The groups currently involved in the field investigation include the UFO Research Center of Pennsylvania, Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research, Anomalis Investigations and members of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot well as other independent researchers.
We will be sharing sighting information with other researchers in order to comprehensively cover all reported areas. This is a serious investigation and we want to be diligent when gathering evidence. The first phase of a broad boots-on-the-ground investigation is planned to begin on October 23-25.
Currently, there are 10 sightings in 6 areas that the group will concentrate their efforts. We are asking any and all witnesses to come forward with information. You can remain will have our strictest confidence.
We will be sharing sighting information with other researchers in order to comprehensively cover all reported areas. This is a serious investigation and we want to be diligent when gathering evidence.
You can contact us at or UFORCOP - Contact. All updates will be posted on Phantoms & Monsters.
The current updates:
Update: Central Pennsylvania Dogman / Bi-Pedal Canine Investigation - 9/4/2015
2nd Bi-Pedal Wolf Encountered - Northwest Clearfield Co., PA
3rd Bi-Pedal Canine Sighting - Central Pennsylvania (Update)

The Facebook event page can be found at
Arcane Radio Presents: 'Searching For The Pennsylvania Dogman'

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The Haunting of Sigma: A Dogman Legend
Astonishing Encounters: Pennsylvania's Unknown Creatures, Casebook 3
Strange Pennsylvania Monsters
Supernatural Lore of Pennsylvania:: Ghosts, Monsters and Miracles (American Legends)