By Stephen Ellis - By now, readers of this series on Live, Die and Live Again should be in agreement on a few key points: 1) The consciousness or mind we hear in our heads does not emanate from our body or brain. 2) Our mind or consciousness does not die when our body dies. 3) Contacting the mind of someone else (whether they are alive or dead) is very difficult to do…and is not done by television psychics. The empirical proof set forth in earlier parts of this series is overwhelming.
How then can we contact a mind that exists in a dimension other than the one in which we live? Let’s look at the options”:
We know (or at least it is quite evidentiary) that the thoughts we have in our heads come from a different dimension: one that our five senses cannot detect. We know (or at least it is also evidentiary) that when we sleep, the brain sleeps and our dreams come from that different dimension. It becomes logical that a good way to contact that “different” dimension would be to try and communicate when we are asleep. But when we sleep we can’t control where our thoughts go…unless…there is someone you trust sufficiently to allow that person to “guide” your sleep.
This is precisely what hypnotism accomplishes.
When someone is hypnotized, the hypnotist puts the subject to sleep. Not an ordinary sleep like when you go to bed at night, but a “deep” sleep. A sleep where your mind is in control of what you do, what you say, etc. Where all five of your senses are directed by the hypnotist to go far beyond what our senses can do in a waking state. In simple terms, the hypnotic subject is entering a different dimension. At first glance, that may seem “far-out”, but look at what happens when someone is hypnotized:
From the viewers’ standpoint, the subject looks the same and people see him (her) as they would anyone else. But from the subject’s standpoint, they are in a completely different dimension.
Have you ever seen a hypnotism show? The subjects are asleep. The hypnotist tells them they are watching the funniest movie they have ever seen…and the subjects start to laugh almost uncontrollably. The hypnotist then tells them that the movie is not funny…it’s very sad…and the subjects start to cry. The hypnotist then tells them to open their eyes and they will see the entire audience is naked. The subjects open their eyes and the look of shock is clearly on their faces. Then the hypnotist reverses everything and tells the subjects that the audience is fully dressed and that they are naked. The subjects contort themselves to cover what they believe is their nudity.
It’s all very entertaining, but a look at the reasons underlying this is in order:
The subjects are in a deep sleep, but when the hypnotist directs them to open their eyes…they do so. But even with their eyes wide open, the subject’s mind overrides the five senses we know as reality. Optic nerves, ear drums, etc. are over-ridden. The subject sees what the hypnotist tells them to see; hears what the hypnotist tells them to hear, smell, taste and touch are all at the direction of the hypnotist. The subjects’ eyes may be open but if the hypnotist says that the audience is naked…that’s what the subjects actually see. The normal five senses that make up life as we know it are no longer functioning.
A subject is given a raw onion and is told that it is an apple. The subject takes a bite out of the onion…but to the subject it tastes like an apple. The sense of taste is gone and is replaced by the hypnotists’ command. In fact, all of our senses…which put us in the reality of Life’s dimension are gone and the new senses and perceptions of the mind are brought out by the hypnotist.
The only logical explanation for this is that while the body still appears in life’s reality, the mind is now in a totally different dimension. And, there is some question about the dimension the body may be in:
Sometimes, when putting on a hypnotism show, if I had a lightly built girl as one of my subjects, I would tell her that her body is made of steel with no joints. I would then have some members of the audience place her head on one chair and her ankles on another with no support for the middle of her body. I would then sit on the middle of her body and her body would not bend or give-way in any maner. I have seen some hypnotists actually stand on the midsection of a subjects’ suspended body and jump up and down. I never did this because I was concerned that I might injure the subject’s body when she awakened.
There is a common misconception that when you are hypnotized you will not do anything you would not do in a normal waking state. It’s important to remember that when you are hypnotized you are not in your normal waking state. In your dreams, there is really very little you would not do.
I hope this makes every reader aware why it is so important to trust a hypnotist thoroughly before allowing him (her) to hypnotize you.
In the next part, I will explain how hypnotism helps communication with the deceased and helps recall past lives.
If you are interested in the subject, I suggest you read my book, “Explaining the Unexplained”. You can download a Kindle of it for about $5.00. Hard and soft-cover copies are available at Barnes & Nobel and at Amazon.
NOTE: I do not endorse or impugn any of the narrative posted by the author. It has been posted solely as the opinion of the author without any input by myself (unless I was quoted). The narrative has been published, as received, without any edits. Stephen Ellis - author of Explaining the Unexplained

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