Did the Planet Serpo Exchange Program really occur? Frankly, I have serious doubts about the supposed operation, though I remain open-minded and I'm always open to research. For the most part, much of the information goes against testimony of other abductees and witnesses who I have had contact with during the past 30+ years. Len Kasten's books are interesting and his many interviews are thought provoking...but I'm still unconvinced of the authenticity (I have links to Kasten's books and others after the post). Read this link - PROJECT SERPO - then read the following information. Let's begin:
PROJECT SERPO - The Zeta Reticuli Exchange Program

According to the most common version of the story, an alien survived a crash near Roswell in the later 1940s (see Roswell UFO incident). This alien was detained but treated well by American military forces, contacted its home planet and eventually repatriated. The story continues by claiming that this led to the establishment of some sort of relationship between the American government and the people of its home world – said to be a planet of the binary star system Zeta Reticuli. Zeta Reticuli has a history in ufology (including the Betty and Barney Hill abduction), having been claimed as the home system of an alien race called the Greys.
The story finally claims that twelve American military personnel visited the planet between 1965 and 1978 and that all of the party have since died, from 'after effects of high radiation levels from the two suns'. There is much more information at Serpo.org
Click for video - Project Serpo Zeta Reticuli Exchange Program
The Serpo releases 1–21 - 2 November, 2005 to 30 August, 2006
...here is another take on Project SERPO
The gradual release of confidential documents pertaining to a top secret exchange program of twelve US military personnel to Serpo, a planet of Zeta Reticuli, between the years 1965-78
The original posting by Anonymous, and three apparently independent supporting comments from other list members:
First let me introduce myself. My name is Request Anonymous. I am a retired employee of the U.S. Government. I won't go into any great details about my past, but I was involved in a special program.
As for Roswell, it occurred, but not like the story books tell. There were two crash sites. One southwest of Corona, New Mexico and the second site at Pelona Peak, south of Datil, New Mexico.
The crash involved two extraterrestrial aircraft. The Corona site was found a day later by an archaeology team. This team reported the crash site to the Lincoln County Sheriff's department. A deputy arrived the next day and summoned a state police officer. One live entity [EBE] was found hiding behind a rock. The entity was given water but declined food. The entity was later transferred to Los Alamos.
The information eventually went to Roswell Army Air Field. The site was examined and all evidence was removed. The bodies were taken to Los Alamos National Laboratory because they had a freezing system that allowed the bodies to remain frozen for research. The craft was taken to Roswell and then onto Wright Field, Ohio.
The second site was not discovered until August 1949 by two ranchers. They reported their findings several days later to the sheriff of Catron County, New Mexico. Because of the remote location, it took the sheriff several days to make his way to the crash site. Once at the site, the sheriff took photographs and then drove back to Datil.
Sandia Army Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico was then notified. A recovery team from Sandia took custody of all evidence, including six bodies. The bodies were taken to Sandia Base, but later transferred to Los Alamos.
The live entity established communications with us and provided us with a location of his home planet. The entity remained alive until 1952, when he died. But before his death, he provided us with a full explanation of the items found inside the two crafts. One item was a communication device. The entity was allowed to make contact with his planet.
Somehow, I never knew this information, but a meeting date was set for April 1964 near Alamogordo, New Mexico. The Aliens landed and retrieved the bodies of their dead comrades. Information was exchanged. Communication was in English. The aliens had a translation device.
In 1965, we had an exchange program with the aliens. We carefully selected 12 military personnel; ten men and two women. They were trained, vetted and carefully removed from the military system. The 12 were skilled in various specialities.
Near the northern part of the Nevada Test Site, the aliens landed and the 12 Americans left. One entity was left on Earth. The original plan was for our 12 people to stay 10 years and then return to Earth.
But something went wrong. The 12 remained until 1978, when they were returned to the same location in Nevada. Seven men and one woman returned. Two died on the alien's home planet. Four others decided to remain, according to the returnees. Of the eight that returned, all have died. The last survivor died in 2002.
[Clarification (BR/ Victor Martinez): the paragraph above contains a typo in the original. Twelve team members went, and eight returned – two having died on Serpo and two having chosen to remain; these two were not ordered to return.]
The returnees were isolated from 1978 until 1984 at various military installations. The Air Force Office of Special Investigation (AFOSI) was responsible for their security and safety. AFOSI also conducted debriefing sessions with the returnees.
NOTE: I was told by another source that all of the returnees died within 8 years of their return and that they were kept in isolation. The returnees were never allowed to contact family members...in fact, the families were told that their loved ones were lost during secret operations and that their bodies could not be retrieved. Lon
NOTE: I originally posted some of this information in January 2010...but I have updated most of it for this post. This link is a must-read - PROJECT SERPO. There is an excellent article at News on ‘Project SERPO’ deceptions takes researchers, public on complex paths to truth and International officials met with ETs in November?. Also check out SERPO Release 34: 'Operation TANGO-SIERRA' - Humanoid Infiltration. Much of the film 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' was based on the supposed SERPO information. A member of the USAF, who was familiar with Project Red Book informed a colleague in 1988 that Steven Spielberg, and others involved with the film, received a fair amount of 'technical advice' from military personnel familiar with the Planet Serpo exchange program. Regardless of that statement, I still remain skeptical of the information...Lon
More recently:
Victor Martinez (an alias), a former US government employee who coordinates the email communication activity, says that confidential sources who are current and former US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) officials told him about an unusual meeting.
Martinez reported that his anonymous source(s) stated that on 12 November 2009, extraterrestrials who have been in contact with elements of the US Government for several decades, met with US and international representatives on the remote Kita Island (aka Akau Island by US government).
Kita Island is part of Johnston Atoll, which in turn is part of the United Micronations Multi-Oceanic Archipelago (UMMOA), and is located 750 miles south west of Honolulu.
The source(s) said that the extraterrestrials landed their craft on the island, are from a planet in the Zeta Reticuli star system, and are referred to by US personnel as the “Ebens”. The Ebens met with a total of 18 representatives from the US, the UN, Russia, China, the Vatican, and certain other guests. US representatives included five military personnel, two intelligence officers, one linguist, and one person representing the Obama administration.
Statement: A whistleblower nicknamed "Victor Martinez", that claims to be a former US government employee, with contacts inside the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), alleges that on Nov. 12, 2009, occurred a secret meeting between extraterrestrial entities and U.S. plus international representatives in the remote Akau Island, part of the Johnston Atoll, an U.S. territory in the Pacific Ocean 750 miles south west of Honolulu. Martinez also has been exposing details of a supposed exchange program of US military and aliens, named SERPO. I don't know if this guy is saying the truth, about the meeting or about the program, but definitely there's SOMETHING in this atoll. Some areas were tampered on Google Earth, but are still visible large underwater structures, around Johnston Island, pretty symmetrical to be coral reef.
NOTE: Again...I have my doubts. Let's see what develops in the future. Lon
Secret Journey to Planet Serpo: A True Story of Interplanetary Travel
The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race
They Exist
Space Faring Civilizations: Earth Humanity's Ongoing Involvement with Extraterrestrials