UFO Abductee Honored With Monument
SHEFFIELD, Mass. (NEWS10) – The man behind the discovery of an UFO encounter is being honored with a monument.
The commemorative monument is dedicated to the official induction of our nation’s first off-world UFO incident.
The monument was installed and funded by a coalition of witnesses present on that fateful night in 1969.
Thomas Reed was one of those witnesses. Reed says he was his family’s station wagon adjacent to the Old Sheffield Covered Bridge in Sheffield, Massachusetts.
Reed says after his mom drove over the bridge, they started seeing lights. The car came to a stop.
The sound of frogs and crickets that had filled the night air just moments before, dissipated.
Lights filled the station wagon, silence, and then a loud bang reverberated through the night air.
“You could see the lights flickering through the trees,” says Reed. “We were all just no longer in the vehicle anymore.”
When Reed regained consciousness, he says his family was in a spacious industrial building.
Something grabbed him from his left, guided him through a door and into a room on his right.
“I ran at that point,” said Reed. “I came into a large intersecting hallway.”
“I was covered with an apparatus,” he said. “I was put back into this room. I could hear my mother’s voice, my grandmother; at least I believe it was them.”
Reed explained that he heard women’s voices calling out to him. The next thing he knew, he was back in his family’s car.
The same night of the encounter, others reported similar experiences to WSPS Radio.
Jesse Stewart, an employee of WSPS Radio, reported hearing from an 81-year-old woman who had been driving out to Stockbridge that evening.
Following a recent call with Reed, Steward says she followed-up again.
“It puts a chill down your back,” Reed explains. “It gives you a little bit of an upset stomach, because it was a strange night for us.” - Witness: UFO abductee honored with monument
NOTE: Frankly...I've had my doubts over this incident. Here are a few links:
Matthew Reed Is Alienated
Thomas E. Reed - Family Abduction
Whatever happened to the Marshall County cop who hit a UFO?
At 1:40 a.m. 36 years ago, Marshall County Sheriff's Deputy Val Johnson was on night patrol along a rural section of State Highway 220 near Warren, Minn., when he drove into a ball of white light.
"I noticed a very bright, brilliant light, 8 to 12 inches in diameter, 3 to 4 feet off the ground," Johnson said in a taped police interview. "The edges were very defined."
Johnson drove toward the light, and woke up in the ditch a half-hour later with burns around his eyes. The windshield and one headlight of his 1977 Ford LTD were smashed. Both radio antenna were bent sharply back. The watch on his wrist and the clock on the dash both ticked 14 minutes slow.
The incident turned Johnson into a local legend and national media sensation. And years later, people are still talking about it.
Johnson's squad car is preserved in the Marshall County Museum with a plaque that says: "U.F.O. Car." People still come from miles around to see it. It's an annual display at the Marshall County Fair.
Sometimes former Marshall County Sheriff Dennis Brekke gives talks at the museum about the car and the night his deputy drove it into a ball of light. Police investigated and never drew any conclusions. Read more at Whatever happened to the Marshall County cop who hit a UFO?
Manta Ray / Triangular Shaped UFO
Nanticoke, PA - On July 5th 2007 my nephew came to my room and asked me to go outside and look at something. I asked him what, but he responded he's not sure, need to look for myself. This was daylight around 8 P.M.
I went into the backyard with him and he pointed in the sky. I saw a profile/underside of a large black triangle motionless and hovering beyond the roofs of the houses. The shape was similar to a manta ray except the outer shape was a near to perfect triangle with straight lines. The under side had 3 red lights towards each corner, this appeared to be propulsion. I could see it pulsated more to a white intensity color as it moved later on. From my view the object was half the length of a standard house looking over the roof line, hard to determine it's exact distance or size. Had to either be very large and real far away, or just large and closer. I'll estimate it at maybe 100 feet wide being the closer/smaller size because I could see some details in the lights/propulsion. There was no observable windows or doors anywhere on the craft, looked totally smooth throughout.
Trying to guesstimate that location it's an old all concrete mining community with coal strip mining and silt banks near it. It's called Concrete City. https://www.google.com/maps/@41.1893841,-75.9760247,163m/data=!3m1!1e3
No, that's not a crop circle in the center, long ago was an old concrete pool and heard stories a kid died in it and was filled.
I affixed my hand to the side of the porch and used my thumb to determine if I saw any movement whatsoever, the object did not move with the wind like a balloon or a kite would do. We stared at it a good while and it started getting dark. I was looking at the clear night sky and the moon when at the south-east side of the moon I noticed a red light appear. As I watched this light it got larger, I told my nephew and we watched it come all the way into earth's atmosphere and join up with the first triangle. It turned out to be another triangle the same. It took this triangle less than a minute from deep space to our location. At this point I realized that I was truly seeing a UFO..and in that sense I mean something not from earth. When triangle two got to triangle one, triangle one moved all erratic, then triangle two did something similar. Triangle one then darted off way into the distance, up down and all different directions and appeared to even come back to the same position as was. The speed and maneuvers were incredible. Triangle two did some erratic movements then shot off back into space, following the same pattern it came from. Again it took less than a minute and was totally out of sight on a very clear night sky. Triangle one then started to do what appeared to be a search pattern. Slow hovering and can see the triangle tilting in different directions as it moved around. After around two minutes of this triangle one darted off into space the same path triangle two took. Also out of sight less than a minute.
I have no video or images of this event. I did not want to leave and miss anything plus most likely nothing was charged. Always assumed it was possible other life exists than our own...we exist after all. I believe my nephew and I witnessed the proof that it's not only possible but a reality. - MUFON CMS
NASA debunks 'Blood Moon Prophecy' asteroid predictions
The space agency remains adament that there are no apocalyptic asteroids due to hit us next month.
The Internet has been awash over the last week or so with claims that a large asteroid is heading towards us and that it will strike Puerto Rico sometime between September 15th and 28th.
Chief among those responsible for the rumor is self-proclaimed prophet Efrain Rodriguez whose predictions are based on the so-called 'Blood Moon Prophecy' - a series of four blood moons that have been occurring over the last 18 months with the last one due on September 28th.
NASA's Near-Earth Object Office however has emphatically denied that anything is going to happen.
"If there were any object large enough to do that type of destruction in September, we would have seen something of it by now," said manager Paul Chodas. "In fact, not a single one of the known objects has any credible chance of hitting our planet over the next century."
The September doomsday claim is just the latest in a long line of "end of the world" predictions that have arisen over the last few years with December 21st 2012 being the most infamous.
As it stands there is practically no chance that next month's event will be any different. - Asteroid 'headed to destroy Earth' almost certainly isn’t real, NASA says
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Water Horse Of Lake Champlain II (Volume 2)
North American Lake Monsters: Stories
Shipwrecks, Monsters, and Mysteries of the Great Lakes
Three Men Seeking Monsters: Six Weeks in Pursuit of Werewolves, Lake Monsters, Giant Cats, Ghostly Devil Dogs, and Ape-Men