posted this video recently:
Dog Captures Bigfoot on GoPro
Here's the description:
Wow! With so many GoPro cameras out there, this sort of stuff is bound to happen. The dog doesn't appear to be shaken up by the encounter -- perhaps he wasn't aware of the thing. The thing walking pass the camera seems huge! Here's what the uploader wrote: "I was with a group of people scouting exchange 30 for the hood to coast race. One of the other volunteers had strapped a gopro to their dog. We found Sasquatch!!"
Official website of the Hood to Coast Race
NOTE: though the dog did not react to the supposed Bigfoot, I feel that this doesn't take anything away from this video. Is it authentic? I'm not going to commit either way...but it is interesting because the being does seem to have considerable size. Lon
Raincoast Sasquatch: The Bigfoot / Sasquatch Records of Southeast Alaska, Coastal British Columbia & Northwest Washington from Puget Sound to Yakutat
Bigfoot: Exploring the Myth & Discovering the Truth
Saesq'ec: A Controversial Account of a Bigfoot Attack
Rusty Wilson's Canadian Bigfoot Campfire Stories

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