The following information was provided by my friend & colleague, paranormal researcher / author Rosemary Ellen Guiley. You can subscribe to her monthly newsletter at Strange Dimensions -
[Note: In the last two issues of Strange Dimensions, I have featured accounts of interdimensional and time slips that people have experienced while driving. In interdimensional and time slips, the experiencer suddenly finds a familiar landscape has changed to something different. See the May 2015 issues for "The Phantom Running Man of I-675 Ohio," and the June 2015 issue for reader accounts and the Seneca Rocks area in West Virginia
This month I feature two accounts from Kate Dennis about her experiences near the Delaware River in Delaware, and in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.]
Exclusive: The Mystery Running Man of I-675 Ohio
Interdimensional and Time Slips: Curious Episodes in Pennsylvania and West Virginia
About 20 years ago I experienced something strange while driving on Pole Bridge Road near Port Penn, Delaware. I was familiar with the area and had driven it many times to connect with Rt. 9, which runs up the coast through New Castle. At the time there were few houses on the road and it was mostly farm land. There was a bit of patchy fog at the time, which is not unusual for the area because it is not far from the Delaware River. When I reached the small bridge that crosses Augustine Creek on this two lane road, the landscape seemed to change and nothing was familiar. I had never experienced anything paranormal, threatening or menacing on this road before, and I had driven it many times after 10 p.m. Things stayed this way for about a mile, but when I got to the fire station, they were again familiar. I don't know if this was a time slip or not, but it was very disconcerting.
I had an incident approximately two years ago while driving near my house. I was coming down a hill on Route 380 and preparing to exit via a ramp onto the Route 366, a state road that eventually passes in front of my home in Westmoreland County, PA. As I was nearing the bottom of the hill, I suddenly realized that the area around me looked different. I was still on the same road, and the road itself still looked the same, but the surrounding landscape looked different. Right now there are trees along the hillside -- old trees that were there long before the road came through. But, in this altered state, the grassy area along the road was clear of trees with lush green grass. The overpass for Rte. 366 wasn't there.This lasted only about five to six seconds then it switched back to normal.The weather was warm and the sky was clear blue that day.
The experience was frightening only for the fact that I was driving. I also realized afterward that there were no other cars on the road anywhere near me during this time.
My guess would be that if it wasn't an alternate dimension or parallel world that it may have been a time warp and I was getting a glimpse at the same space in the future (since both the overpass and trees were gone).
Dreamwork for Visionary Living
Monsters of West Virginia: Mysterious Creatures in the Mountain State
The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits
The Djinn Connection: The Hidden Links Between Djinn, Shadow People, ETs, Nephilim, Archons, Reptilians and Other Entities
Rosemary Ellen Guiley's Newest Book Release: Guide To Psychic Power
Every person is born with natural psychic ability, also called intuition. You can easily improve your psychic power, and my new comprehensive guide will show you how.
Your psychic power will enable you to sense and evaluate situations and opportunities. It will guide you in solving problems and overcoming obstacles. Every area of life can be enhanced with psychic ability: daily life, relationships, health, creativity, and prosperity.
Guide to Psychic Power is a complete plan for developing all of your psychic senses. Included are ninety-five Keys that will open your psychic door. In addition, the book provides practical advice on how to apply your ability to a wide variety of needs. All of the exercises and applications are based on proven experience.
Don’t let the opportunities of a fast-moving world pass you by. Successful people have an intuitive and psychic edge. Be one of them!
Guide to Psychic Power is available now in hard print at my shop on

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