If you listened to the most recent Arcane Radio presentation, our guest Albert Rosales and I were discussing sightings in Cuba and the possibility that new reports will surface when more political restrictions are lifted. You can listen to the podcast at --> Arcane Radio Live Show Archive: 7.27.2015 with Albert Rosales In the meantime, Albert has forwarded several humanoid reports from Cuba:
Location. Near Guines Cuba
Date: 1930 Time: midnight
Medical Doctor and Cuban naval captain, Dr. M.T. Alvarez was driving over a bridge on the road between Guines and La Habana when the car headlights illuminated a short figure less than 2ft tall standing on the road ahead. The naval captain thinking that it was a “lost child” stopped his car and approached the figure, grabbing it under its arms and attempting to lift it. But he was stunned as he realized that the figure was extremely heavy and he could not budge it. Somewhat afraid the witness left the small entity alone and went back into his vehicle, immediately leaving the area.
HC addition # 261
Source: orestes100350@yahoo.es quoting Patricio Bosch, Editora Corripio
Republica Dominicana 2001 also Dr. Sergio Cervera
Location. Meller, Escambray, Cuba
Date: March 1933 Time: evening
On holly Friday 12-year old Onelia Fernandez was collecting mangos next to a river located close to her house. She had been warned to come back home early due to the local superstition dealing with holy Friday. Suddenly her mother notices a strange figure carrying Onelia and dragging her towards the river. Armed with sticks and knives several family members immediately ran to her aid. The bizarre figure accosted by sticks and rocks dropped Onelia, who was now unconscious and flew away across the river. The creature was described as tall, black with large claws and huge wings; it emitted loud screeching noises as it fled the scene.
HC addendum
Source: Hugo Franco Parrados “Bestiario Tropical” Type: E
Comments: Early report of Mothman type creature
Location. La Habana, Cuba
Date: 1944 Time: 09:00 a.m.
Living in the neighborhood of Manrique & Campanario the 5-year old witness was in his bedroom when he saw what appeared to be pinkish smoke forming in the street just outside his window, the pinkish smoke took the form of what appeared to be a television screen about 30” in width. Within the screen he then saw a square-shaped room where he saw several of what appeared to be cushions on the floor, the figure of a man then began to materialize. He could not judge the height of the individual, which then seemed to approach the witness. The witness described the figure as having Asiatic features, shoulder length silvery-white hair. The eyes were slanted, and without pupils. The figure wore a long light gray robe, and his skin was pale. He wore a silvery belt strap around his neck and three silvery stripes on his forearms. The being spoke to the witness in Spanish admonishing like the child that he was, pointing out that he should behave with his parents and respect them always. At this point the witness heard something fall behind him; looking back he noticed that his mother had apparently passed out upon walking into the room and seeing the witness and the humanoid. The figure then faded away while the witness and the housemaid, Isolina Diaz helped his mother recuperate.
HC addendum
Source: Enrique Arias, Contactados Cubanos, Ovnis Cubanos Type: E
High Strangeness Index: 7
Reliability of Source: 7
Comments: Rare report of early “bedroom visitation” from Cuba.
Location. Near Camajuani, Santa Clara, Cuba
Date: March 3 1952 Time: 11:00 a.m.
Juan Gonzalez was on his way to visit his girlfriend and to buy some plantains when suddenly he was covered in a bright light that seemed to pull him up into the sky. He tried to resist but he kept rising up into the sky, all he could see above him was a very bright light, nothing else. Moments later he found himself in a very large and clean room, which was lit up by bright blue lights. Gonzalez remained suspended in mid-air. He then heard a door shut behind him and assumed it was the same one he used to enter the room. Very afraid, he thought he was going to die. Suddenly his clothing and shoes were suddenly removed by unseen hands. Ashamed of being totally naked he tried to cover himself but could not move his hands. He then heard some voices that seemed to approach his location but could not see anything, only bright blue lights. He then fell asleep and later woke up in the same location where he had been originally ‘picked up’ he was now lying on the grass and was fully clothed, including shoes. He then walked to a nearby house and was approached by numerous locals screaming, “He is back, he is back!” Confused, he was stunned when they told him that he had been missing for almost a month, the date was already April 3. However no one believed Gonzalez when he told them what had happened to him.
HC addendum
Source: Rene Batista Moreno, Revista SIGNOS Cuba Type: G
Location. General Carrillo, near Remedios, Cuba
Date: 1955 Time: early morning
Estela Caso was washing some clothing on a field near her home when she suddenly heard a voice from behind her shouting “Tierra, Tierra, Tierra!” (Means Earth!), when she turned around she saw a ‘man’ wearing a strange suit and a helmet on his head. She began to scream and this apparently also startled the tall stranger, who looked down on her intently. Suddenly the stranger pulled a lever on his suit and he rose up into the air at very high speed, a strong gaseous cloud enveloped the witness causing her to have trouble breathing. She was taking to the nearby hospital of “Emma Cabrera” where she was treated by doctors.
HC addendum
Source: Rene Batista Moreno, Revista SIGNOS Cuba Type: E
Comments: Early report describing a flying humanoid, apparently using some type of apparatus. Translated by Albert S Rosales
Location. Near Remedios, Las Villas Province (now Villaclara), Cuba
Date: April 14 1948 Time: midnight
On all Friday all Saints Days, Jose Espinoza got up early in order to arrange some sugar cane carts, which he had left in the fields in order to work on them later. Ignoring his mother’s his mother’s pleas not to go out on such a Holy day because the “Devil himself was out doing his work on this day” Jose headed out to the carts. Soon after climbing on the first cart he began his labors, suddenly he noticed standing on the last cart (there were four carts) a little man, only about one foot and a half in height, fiery red in color, emitting sparks from “horn like protrusions and a tail”. The little man noticed the stunned Jose and produced a small ball of fire which he flung at Jose, he repeated this several times; rolling several balls of fire at Jose, each ball was bigger than the last. Jose barely managed to avoid the fiery spheres, and could not further react to the situation. Finally he reacted and screamed with all his might, “this is the devil!”, and quickly jumped from the cart, running towards his house without stopping.
HC addendum
Source: orestes100350@yahoo.es quoting Samuel Feijo “Mitologia Cubana” Type: E
Comments: Whatever entity Jose encountered he associated it with the devil and this probably caused a deviation on the description of the humanoid.
The Cryptoterrestrials: A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among Us
Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity
Contact with Alien Civilizations: Our Hopes and Fears about Encountering Extraterrestrials
Real Aliens, Space Beings, and Creatures from Other Worlds