The following information was provided by my friend & colleague, paranormal researcher / author Rosemary Ellen Guiley. You can subscribe to her monthly newsletter at Strange Dimensions -
My article last month on "The Phantom Running Man of I-675 Ohio", about a hooded humanoid figure that mysteriously appeared and ran alonside a vehicle entering the freeway late one night, elicited responses from readers about other weird highway experiences. Paranormal investigator Cheryl Alsippi, an occasional contributor to this newsletter, sent in a fascinating personal experience involving a possible interdimensional or time slip while driving in the Pennsylvania countryside:
I had an incident approximately two years ago while driving near my house. I was coming down a hill on Route 380 and preparing to exit via a ramp onto the Route 366, a state road that eventually passes in front of my home in Westmoreland County, PA. As I was nearing the bottom of the hill, I suddenly realized that the area around me looked different. I was still on the same road, and the road itself still looked the same, but the surrounding landscape looked different. Right now there are trees along the hillside -- old trees that were there long before the road came through. But, in this altered state, the grassy area along the road was clear of trees with lush green grass. The overpass for Rte. 366 wasn't there.This lasted only about five to six seconds then it switched back to normal.The weather was warm and the sky was clear blue that day.
The experience was frightening only for the fact that I was driving. I also realized afterward that there were no other cars on the road anywhere near me during this time.
My guess would be that if it wasn't an alternate dimension or parallel world that it may have been a time warp and I was getting a glimpse at the same space in the future (since both the overpass and trees were gone).
REG: This experience is similar to one I recorded in Big Book of West Virginia Ghost Stories, The (Big Book of Ghost Stories)
Time Distortions
Seneca Rocks vicinity, Pendleton County
Seneca Rocks is a craggy area near Seneca Caverns, located near the confluence of Seneca Creek and a branch of the Potomac River. Nearby is an unincorporated community that bears the same name, located along West Virginia Route 28 and West Virginia Route 55. The area, which is within the Monongahela National Forest, has a reputation for being haunted.
A prominent Seneca legend tells the story of Princess Snow, who was the daughter of Chief Bald Eagle and White Rock. She had many suitors for marriage, and challenged them to a test: Whoever could climb to the top of Seneca Rocks would win her hand. Seven tried and one made it, marrying the princess and becoming the next chief of the Seneca tribe.
Time and dimension slips have been reported in the vicinity of Seneca Rocks. One veteran trucker, Laken Eubank, Jr., described what he called a “Twilight Zone” unexpected journey. He had picked up a load of lumber in northern Virginia in his 60-foot tractor trailer and was heading along Route 55 through West Virginia on his way home. The route would take him over a steel-covered bridge at Lost River, then to Baker, then to Moorefield, then to Seneca Rocks, then heading off on Route 33 toward Elkins, then 1.5 hours left to home. But something weird happened that changed his route.
Eubank was driving along Route 55, somewhat tired and a bit distracted, when he suddenly realized it was taking him much too long to reach Moorefield. Baker to Moorefield is about 30 minutes, and when he looked at his watch, more than three hours had passed. What was more, he no longer seemed to be on Route 55, even though he had taken no turns off of it. Instead, he was on a strange road with unfamiliar hills.
At first, Eubank assumed he had somehow turned off Route 55 without realizing it. He consulted a map and saw that he had gotten completely reversed and was on a different road heading back to Virginia. The only way to course correct was to continue on, pick up Route 28 to Seneca Rocks, or back track and find where he had made the wrong turn. He opted for picking up Route 28.
But things were still not right. The longer he drove, the “weirder it got,” as he put it. He noticed that the road was unusually smooth with no potholes or rough places, no guard rails, no yellow center lines or white side lines. The road was so narrow and curvy that he had to drive in the middle every time we went around a bend. Strangely, he was all alone on the road – not a single other vehicle coming or going in either direction.
Then he noticed other details. There were no road signs, mail boxes, utility poles or wildlife. As his anxiety mounted, he saw a sign for Mathias and felt relieved – he would come into civilization. But there was nothing – no houses, buildings or people. He drove on and then came to a sign for Lost River. Again, no signs of anything. Worried, he pressed on. The drive was taking forever, and he was getting tired. According to the map, he had about 30 minutes to go to reach the intersection of Route 28 to Seneca Rocks.
After about a half an hour, Eubank at last saw signs of civilization, and then, to his amazement, a sign for Moorefield. When he entered town, he was back on Route 55. It had taken him six hours to drive what should have been a three-hour trip.
Later, Eubank tried to recreate his mystery journey, but could not find the same road with no signs of civilization again.
Eubank related his experience to a trucker friend, who said he had heard similar stories in the past concerning the same stretch of road, and there was “something weird about it.” The friend said that once he had a bizarre experience of time and space displacement. He was driving his pickup truck to pick up Route 28 going toward Seneca Rocks, about 15 minutes away. He was almost instantly transported there. In the time it takes to snap fingers, he was in Seneca Rocks. He was so startled that he had to slam on his brakes. He slid off the road and nearly crashed his truck. Shaken, he went into a store to get a soda and calm down. When he looked at the clock on the wall, he got a shock – he had gotten to Seneca Rocks 15 minutes early, and his watch was 15 minutes slower than the clock on the wall.
REG: I wonder how many time and space displacements taken place on Earth on a consistent basis?
Dreamwork for Visionary Living
Monsters of West Virginia: Mysterious Creatures in the Mountain State
The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits
The Djinn Connection: The Hidden Links Between Djinn, Shadow People, ETs, Nephilim, Archons, Reptilians and Other Entities

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