The Australian Yowie Project has released the following image and information:
We have finally obtained permission to release this photo sent to us by two witnesses in Far North Queensland. For Cultural and Security reasons they have asked for the precise location and identities to be wit-held. In October 2014, two men observed this 'being' from long range walking towards them. They thought it was workman in overalls and decided to wait for him to get closer. It wasn't until it got closer that they realized what they saw and took this picture on their phone before quickly leaving the area.
The description was 8-9ft tall, covered in jet black hair, large stomach and muscular neck and shoulders walking like a man. They observed it (when this picture was taken) from a distance of 70-80 meters away.
Please note, we did not take this picture and the validity of the witnesses have been checked to the best of our ability and believe their story to be 100% genuine - we would love to know what you think?
NOTE: After studying the image, it seemed to me that the entire photo was 'pulled' vertically in order to make the subject look taller. I'm not saying that this is absolutely the case, but I am somewhat suspicious. Below are reconfigured images...what is your assessment? Lon
The Yowie: In Search of Australia's Bigfoot
Yowie Country
Weird Australia: Real Reports of Uncanny Creatures, Strange Sightings & Extraordinary Encounters
AUSTRALIAN CRYPTOZOOLOGY: The Australian Yowie, New Guinea Mermaid, Big Cats and other WildLife Wonders.

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