The following information was posted at Alburtis Lockridge Historical Society presents a Paranormal Roundtable. This will be a joint effort by Ghost Hunters Inc., Keystone Bigfoot Project, Legend Hunters, Phantoms and Monsters Fortean Research and the UFO Research Center of Pennsylvania. Hope to see you there!:
The Alburtis Lockrisdge Hitorical Society is holding an awesome event in April as one of its fundraisers for the local Boy Scout troop 86 of Alburtis, Pa. This event will be a great chance to meet some professional investigators as well as other groups that participate in the research of the unknown.
A discussion at the roundtable will be an opportunity for the audience to participate and ask questions on the various subjects of the groups being featured. From ghost hunters to Bigfoot hunters, ufo’s, phantoms, monsters and more!
It will be an intriguing night well worth the trip! Below you will find out more on the event and how to get tickets.
"Alburtis PA – Alburtis Lockridge Historical Society will present a Paranormal Roundtable event, taking place at the Alburtis Area Community Center, 220 West Second Street, Alburtis PA 18011 on April 18, 2015, and featuring Ghost Hunters Inc., Keystone Bigfoot Project, Legend Hunters, Phantoms and Monsters Fortean Research and the UFO Research Center of Pennsylvania.
The Alburtis Lockridge Historical Society is proud to bring The Paranormal Roundtable event to Alburtis Pennsylvania for the first time. The Paranormal Roundtable will be audience participation in open forum questions. The discussions will encompass Bigfoot, Ghosts and Hauntings, Crypto zoology, Pennsylvania Legends, Fortean Research, and UFO’s and the cases of high strangeness in Pennsylvania.
Talk with the field investigators and researchers that are out and about in Pennsylvania and else where in the Country.
Tickets are available at ALHS18011.org via PayPal or by contacting alhs18011@aol.com"
"Bring your sightings, strange encounters, stories and questions" Kevin Shoemaker tells us.
And remember, this is the Alburtis Lockridge Historical Society’s big fundraiser for the local Boy Scouts Troup 86! Let’s all do our part and enjoy an evening at the round table!
For more information you can contact either:
Kevin Shoemaker
Alburtis Lockridge Historical Society
407 Franklin Street
Alburtis PA 18011
Phantoms & Monsters: Bizarre Encounters
Phantoms & Monsters: Cryptid Encounters
Phantoms & Monsters: Strange Encounters
Haunted Pennsylvania: Ghosts and Strange Phenomena of the Keystone State (Haunted Series)

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