My Alien Encounter
New Bedford, MA - I first saw UFOs on July 2, 2012: and a few months later, I saw some translucent being in like the early fall of the year 2012. I watched this being for maybe 2 through 5 hours, but I didn't time it. The first UFOs that I ever saw, on July 2, 2012, where bluish, greenish, and violet. I saw like 8 UFOs that night.
Anyways, I am a blogger, and I made a blog about the UFOs I have seen, and also the being that I saw in the year 2012. The following is from My blog that I made almost a year ago:
First off, I saw My alien in August of 2012. I have been seeing the UFOs (every day except when its cloudy out) for exactly 5 months now, since September 8th of 2013.
Ill now explain My alien encounter: It must have been August of 2012, and it was very windy out that day. It was bright and sunny outside and it was warm because it was the summer. To make a long story short, I noticed a certain tree was blowing funny, it was windy outside. I ended up getting My BB gun to look more closely at the anomaly- the tree that was blowing too much. I sat on My bed and looked outside at the tree. At first I didnt notice anything peculiar. I was just looking at the said tree with a 4 power scope attached to a Daisy air rifle. Then after a few minutes, something appeared in My scope. It was a ~3 foot circle, greyish green, with 2 "eyes". They werent eyes but they were letting light pass right through the holes and they were positioned in the middle of the greyish green circle. Im going to call this circle with the two "eyes" a "face". So I proceeded to stare at this "face" with My BB gun, sitting on My bed in My abode.
A few minutes later came splashes of light through the forehead of the "face". It wasnt producing any light, rather, it was producing holes that the ambient light could pass through. Circle after circle of light was passing though, every second or so: this lasted for maybe a half an hour or so, but I didnt time anything.
Next the whole "face" thing disappeared and something else was there. What appeared was the alien itself, translucent or transparent. I honestly didnt know what I was looking at, at that time; I was dumbfounded by the whole encounter to be candid. Anyways, I noticed the alien moving around and looking at Me. It was hard to observe because the alien was translucent or transparent. I saw the aliens face, body, arms, maybe a leg and foot, and his nose from the side view. The alien was about 15 yards from Me, on top of My neighbors roof the whole time. The alien didnt move from on top of My neighbors roof, but it was moving in place. I saw the alien moving his head around, looking at Me; and its a good thing he was moving his head because I wouldnt have been able to discern it otherwise. I saw the alien moving its hand and arm back and forth to its head very fast.
Ohh yeah, and later I did a calculation, and the alien must have been 3 or 4 feet tall. If two roof shingles/caps equal a foot.
It was a very spiritual experience for Me and I think about My alien encounter every day; and I bet you would think of aliens too if you literally saw one like I did. Weird, I know, but it still happened.
The whole time I was watching the alien was a long time, maybe two through four hours. All I know is that it was daylight out when I first started watching the alien, and I stopped watching the alien when it got dark out and I couldnt see the alien good. Its hard to watch a translucent alien at night even though it was about 15 yards away.
So thats what I remember of My alien encounter and I will never forget it, even though its a little vague now.
Next, the UFOs.
I see UFOs on a daily basis, except when its cloudy outside. I first noticed the UFOs on September 8th of 2013. But I did see UFOs one day on July 2, 2012, but I didnt see those for more then a few minutes.
Anyways, I first noticed the UFOs that I see every day (practically) on September 8th of 2013. I noticed a "star" that started out higher in the sky, then the next time I went to smoke a cigarette it was lower and to the right; then next time I went to smoke, it was gone. The next day I critically observed this "star" and I noticed it was moving in place; I figured it must be a UFO. I then noticed more and more "stars" move over the next few weeks until I drew the conclusion that all the "stars" in My sky are actually UFOs.
The UFOs disguise themselves as "stars" in the sky but they actually move. The UFOs move in every direction, but you cant discern if they are moving closer or farther away. The UFOs are above the clouds. The UFOs are lite up, so they must use some type of light for this. The UFOs are scattered throughout the sky like stars.
I want to know who is in the UFOs and why dont we have that kind of technology. I can only think of a dichotomy; its either extraterrestrial or military. The UFOs remain in the sky all night, I dont watch them after I go to bed though. I dont know what the UFOs do during the day, but they are in My sky at night. I dont know where else you can see UFOs besides Massachusetts.
I actully made a video about My alien encounter and the UFOs I saw in 2012 and the 5 Signs in the clouds I saw... let Me get the video and I will close with that.
The Signs of the times!
The above was from My blog that I made about a year ago. If you want to watch the video I made about the being I saw, and the UFOs that I see, go to Next, search for "[Title moved to FI section/cms/tg]". Then search through the next few pages until you see a video titled "[Title moved to FI section/cms/tg]". I have six videos total of Myself, and at least a couple other videos, I mention that, "I saw an alien".
I am very serious, and I have vivid memories of seeing a being in the year 2012. Also, I witnessed at least a half dozen UFOs on July 2, 2012, or a few months BEFORE I saw that being. These UFOs were very bright, and they were colored: I remember seeing blue, green, and purple UFOs on July 2, 2012. But, as of September 8th of 2013, I noticed that the "stars" appear to move, and I have been watching the "stars" move for about a year and 4 months now. I don't know if this is an optical illusion, or if I am seeing UFOs? I have seen some UFOs move in a straight line, and then dim into blackness, and I have witnessed this at least a few times. They look like stars, they blink, they glow like a star, but I see them moving around.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. - MUFON CMS
Ghost possessed Ghana girl causes uproar
The ghost of a 29-year old man, Eugene Nana Asamoah is said to have possessed a 12-year girl only named as Jennifer at Essikado, and using her to cause uproar and anger in the community.
The deceased is said to have died a few months ago under mysterious circumstances.
The ghost of Asamoah reportedly possessed Jennifer and changed the accent of the girl to reflect his.
She mentioned four persons, who happened to be the relatives of the deceased, as being behind his death.
After the ghost-possessed girl mentioned the names, the father of the deceased was said to have lodged a complaint at the chief’s palace for them to be summoned to be questioned.
At the chief’s palace at Essikado on Tuesday, January 13, the ghost-possessed girl accused the elders who were billed to adjudicate the matter of collecting bribe worth GH₵ 200 from the accused persons, thus stoking more controversy and embarrassment for the elders.
The girl was whisked into a room at the palace and asked to keep quiet but she kept on revealing more secrets thereby causing a scene.
A resident of the town, Ama Ababio, said the ghost possessed the girl, was able to sign the signature of the deceased correctly on a cheque, which enabled the family to withdraw money from his bank account to pay off his debts. - Citi FM Online
Man Awakens After 12 Years in a “Vegetative State,” Says “I Was Aware of Everything”
In the 1980’s, 12-year-old Martin Pistorious became seriously ill with what doctor’s believed was Cryptococci Meningitis. His health started deteriorating and Martin lost his ability to move, make eye contact and even speak to others. His doctors told his parents, Rodney and Joan Pistorious, to bring him home and let him die. They told them he was as good as a vegetable.
However, he didn’t die.
Joan said, “Martin just kept going, just kept going.”
According to NPR news, his father would get up at 5 o’clock in the morning, get him dressed, load him in the car, take him to the special care center where he’d leave him. Rodney said, “Eight hours later, I’d pick him up, bathe him, feed him, put him in bed, set my alarm for two hours so that I’d wake up to turn him so that he didn’t get bedsores.”
For twelve years, Martin’s family cared for him without any sign that he was improving. Joan started to despair and even told her son, “I hope you die.”
Today she acknowledges that was a horrible thing to say but says she just wanted some sort of relief. Remarkably, now Martin is 39-years-old and says he was totally aware of everything going on around him.
He said, “Yes, I was there, not from the very beginning, but about two years into my vegetative state, I began to wake up. I was aware of everything, just like any normal person. Everyone was so used to me not being there that they didn’t notice when I began to be present again. The stark reality hit me that I was going to spend the rest of my life like that — totally alone.”
Unfortunately, Martin was even aware of his mother’s harsh words and began believing that no one would ever love him. He said, “You don’t really think about anything. You simply exist. It’s a very dark place to find yourself because, in a sense, you are allowing yourself to vanish.”
Martin spent most of those days at a care center where his caregivers played Barney reruns over and over again. They did this because they believed he was a vegetable too. He said, “I cannot even express to you how much I hated Barney.”
But eventually, Martin became frustrated with being trapped in his own body and started to try and take control of his life. He learned to tell time by the rising and setting of the sun and would reframe even the ugliest of thoughts that haunted him like his mother’s wish for him to die. “As time passed, I gradually learned to understand my mother’s desperation. Every time she looked at me, she could see only a cruel parody of the once-healthy child she had loved so much,” said Martin.
Now Martin is married and has penned a memoire about his life. He has gained control of his body and in his book Ghost Boy: The Miraculous Escape of a Misdiagnosed Boy Trapped Inside His Own Body
Martin’s survival is a testament to how little we actually know about the human brain and a good reminder that we should value all life— even when we hear the terrifying words “your loved one is a vegetable” or in a “vegetative state” from a medical professional. - Life News
Authorities Begin Relocation of Kazakh Villagers Hit With Mystery 'Sleep Illness'
Kazakh authorities have begun relocating the residents of a small village that has been plagued for nearly two years by the spread of a mysterious illness marked by random bouts of days-long slumber.
Since spring 2013, residents of the northern Kazakh villages of Kalachi and neighboring Krasnogorsk have complained of a mysterious "sleeping illness," but health workers have been unable to decisively pin down the cause of the symptoms. Doctors have been referring to the illness as "encephalopathy of unknown etiology," or a brain disorder with no known origin.
Those afflicted fall asleep at random, usually for days at a time, and then suffer from hallucinations and memory loss upon waking, according to Kazakh media reports.
There has been a surge in recent weeks. Since Dec. 20, more than 30 people have fallen ill with the mysterious affliction, prompting authorities to begin relocating residents, Interfax-Kazakhstan reported.
On Wednesday, the regional administration responsible for the village of Kalachi announced that it had handed over the keys of a new apartment to one family so far, and plans to move another 40 families out of the village by the end of January, according to Interfax-Kazakhstan.
More than 100 of Kalachi's total 680 residents have been affected by the illness, and popular speculation has run rampant on its cause, with theories including mass psychosis, poisoning, insect bites, and even an alien invasion.
Last week, the Kazakh Health Ministry said it believed "vapors" that build up during the heating season in poorly ventilated houses could be to blame, Kazakh news site reported.
Tests are still being conducted to rule out any possible radiation from a Soviet-era uranium mine in the area, as well as any possible tainted water in the village, according to - The Moscow Times
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