I was looking over a few of the 'star psychics' predictions for 2015. The supernatural / conspiracy / natural disaster forecasts are always interesting. Here are a few I found:
Judy Hevenly:
- The ghost of Martin Luther King to hover over the movie premiere of Selma in Hollywood.
- Erratic weather patterns on both East and West Coast with unusual sightings of UFOs in South Africa and India could be result of humans been watched by other beings on different planets.
- Pope announces by end of 2015 to resign because of hidden illness.
LaMont Hamilton:
- The solar panels of the International Space Station or that of a major satellite will be damaged by debris and temporarily disabling it.
- Within a year, Christians talking openly about religion in public will be banned in some U.S. cities since it could offend some people.
- Soon, people will have to start paying for some search engine information on the internet in the future after some of the current top fee ad content revenues dry up. (Google, Wikipedia, Yahoo, and others will provide a premium service).
Nikki "Psychic to the Stars":
- A meteorite strikes Auckland, New Zealand.
- Space tragedy.
- Meteorite hitting a commercial airliner.
- Tragedy around the new World Trade Center.
- Mount Etna erupting; Mount St. Helens erupting.
- Increased amount of UFO sightings.
Sidney Friedman:
- Time stops. A scientific discovery is made regarding time and light.
- A seiche of some magnitude occurs in one of the great lakes during the summer or early fall, most likely Lake Michigan.
- Another East Coast tremor, plus a significant southern California quake, as well as a rumbling in the Midwest.
Craig Hamilton-Parker:
- Major volcanic eruptions in Japan and Hawaii.
- Strange fluctuations in the Earth’s magnetic field detected.
- A lot of maritime problems, and there could be a very serious disaster akin to the sinking of the Titanic.
Tana Hoy:
- Three major UFO sightings will be reported around the world in 2015. These sightings will be so obvious, that it will be hard for even the media to deny.
- There are going to be many UFO sightings in 2015. Sightings of actual aliens, and people being abducted by aliens, will also be on the rise. This will be due to the major planetary shifts our planet will experience in the upcoming year.
- Many so-called conspiracy theories that seemed so weird to many people are going to turn up new, undeniable evidence, that will prove there were covered up, and true, after all.
NOTE: For those interested, I posted a few predictions for 2015...Lon
Guinness World Records 2015
The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2015
The Old Farmer's Almanac 2015

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