The Wolfe Manor in Clovis was probably the most haunted location in California...if not the entire United States. I have discussed the degree of energy in this building with numerous intuitives and mediums who have visited Wolfe Manor. All agreed that it was a dark place that would never be cleared...evil was ingrained in the structure. The moniker 'the black hole' suited the locale. Last week, the city razed the building after the owner finally gave in to civic pressure. I honestly believe it was for the best. Each time a group would go into the house, they would simply stir up the energy. Harassing spirits is cruel in my opinion...which is why I'm not an advocate of ghost hunting per se, unless there is a sincere intention to rescue and/or move these lost spirits into a level beyond the plane of the living. is a news article and a bit of history of the location:
Clovis, Calif. (KFSN) -- The Valley's famous haunted mansion is now just a memory.
Crews started tearing down Wolfe Manor on Saturday. The building has stood at Clovis and Santa Ana avenues since the 1920s. But Saturday morning, decades of history came crumbling down.
A giant claw tore into Wolfe Manor as many spectators watched in sorrow.
"It's just a sad day that they're tearing the house down," said James Coburn of Clovis. "It's kind of sad for my family, and a lot of people in Clovis don't want it to be torn down."
The mansion was built as a private home in 1922 and later served as a hospital, sanitarium, nursing home and Halloween attraction. Some believe it was haunted by the spirits of those who died there; that includes Coburn's great-grandfather.
"It's been on Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures as one of the most haunted places in America," said Coburn.
But the city of Clovis decided the old building was also a public nuisance that was not up to code. Owner Todd Wolfe eventually gave up his efforts to save it, and signs and letters from residents were not enough to make a difference.
"There's so much history to this house, and it was so sturdily built," said Donette Wilson of Clovis. "To me, the structure was so sound, there's nothing falling apart and crazy about it. It just needed a lot of tender loving care."
Wilson studied the 8,000-square-foot structure and fell in love with its unique elements.
"In the floor in the sunroom right over here, they're the little hexagon tiles, and there's a big starburst of different color tiles that the whole floor is just an absolute beautiful piece of artwork," said Wilson.
In the days before the demolition, some of the fireplace tiles, light fixtures and woodwork were salvaged. But Saturday morning, crews leveled the rest of the manor, turning this once magnificent mansion into a pile of rubble.
"Just remember it as something of a nice place; don't remember it as an eyesore," said Wilson. "It was a beautiful home at one time."
It's a memory that may continue to haunt this community.
Todd Wolfe still owns the property and is planning to lease the land to a hotel or restaurant chain. He's expected to owe the city about $40,000 for the demolition. - ABC30
What was once The Clovis Sanitarium, The Clovis Wolfe Manor is one of the darkest places in the world. It’s known as “the black hole.” During its era, it had at least one death per day. By the time the Sanitarium had shut down, thousands of people had died. The city of Clovis has been trying to get permission to tear it down for years because of the building’s potent, intense, negative energy.
The Clovis Sanitarium was opened in 1942 by a woman named Mrs. Bashears. During its time, the sanitarium had many incidents of abuse. Patients were tied to showers and toilets. It’s not know how they were abused, probably because the city of Clovis does not want to disclose that information, it was so bad. The hospital could house 150 patients. However there were more than that. The hospital was so crowded with patients, that they had to be treated in the hallways. If they stayed there, that’s where they would sleep as well. Most of the staff didn’t work there for more than a month because the hospital was very understaffed. It was also because of all the horrible things that went on there.
Todd Wolfe is the current owner of the Clovis Wolfe Manor. When he bought the building, he didn’t believe in the paranormal. He bought the mansion to use as a haunted house during Halloween time. After he bought the mansion, his beliefs changed dramatically. While working on the house, he would feel breath on his neck or get touched when no one else was there. He had demolished the old hospital wing that was in the back of the mansion and hired a psychic to cleanse the house. When she got to the demolished hospital wing, she sensed all the dark, painful energy that had been there. It took the psychic 2 days to cleanse the energy of that space and get the spirits into the mansion where she said they would be safe.
A room called Mary’s bedroom, is one of the most active spots in the mansion. Black entities have been seen in this room. Also, the bathroom right next to the room has an entity known as “The Man Baby.” It was caught on video during a paranormal investigation at the Wolfe Manor. The Man Baby was shown on an episode of Ghost Adventures. If you look at the footage, the spirit looks like someone covered in mud squatting in fetal possession next to the bathtub.
Of course, the darkest of the history has yet to come. At the time, Clovis was in the middle of nowhere. When a patient died, there was no coroner’s office nearby to pick up a body. A body would be stored in a room in the basement for days until somebody came by to pick it up. Since this happened on a continuous basis, the body count in that room would go up to the point where there was a stack of bodies. If the weekend came, the door would get locked, and the body would have to wait until Monday to be picked up.
One of the strangest phenomena about the property, is that the local police station has gotten 911 phone calls from the Wolfe Manor. The thing is, there is no electricity in the mansion. With no electricity, there can be no phone service. Police Officers have reported that the 911 systems showed that it indeed came from the Wolfe Manor. Perhaps evil entities in the mansion are playing a trick. - Haunted Places: The Clovis Wolfe Manor
Dead Bolt: A Haunted Home Renovation Mystery (Haunted Home Repair Mystery)
A Ghost Hunter's Guide to the Most Haunted Houses in America
Paranormal Investigations: The Proper Procedures and Protocols of Investigation for the Beginner to the Pro
California's Historic Haunts

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