The following claims have been posted on Todd Standing’s promotional website Bigfoot North: The Feature Film in reference to the involvement of Dr. Jeff Meldrum and John Bindernagel:
Bigfoot North is the first feature film documentary with real live interaction between Sasquatch, wilderness experts and Phd’s.
In the fall of 2013, Todd Standing took Survivorman Les Stroud, Jeff Meldrum PhD professor of Anthropology; and wildlife biologist Dr. John Bindernagel PhD; into the Rocky Mountains and showed them Bigfoot. In March 2014 two episodes of Survivorman Bigfoot aired on 3 networks. Including Discovery channel US. The shows amazing success has spawned a whole new season premiering spring 2015.
After three incredible days in the field with the man responsible for the success of Survivorman Bigfoot (Todd Standing) Idaho state University professor Dr. Jeff Meldrum witnesses Todd and his team interacting with a Sasquatch just minutes before witnessing the creature for himself. This entire event is showcased in Bigfoot North.
Bigfoot North features 5 never before seen Sasquatch Videos.
Including a altercation between Todd Standing an 3 Sasquatch that will shock the world.
Wildlife Biologist John Bindernagel PhD spends 10 days in the field with Todd in this Documentary. On his last day’s interview he had this to say.
“After spending time in the field with Todd Standing...I am firmly convinced he has in fact filmed portraits of the Sasquatch face.”
For the first time ever witness the true story about the discovery of the species that has outwitted, outdone and evade modern man despite his best efforts. This new evidence is scientific, systematic, logical, and most importantly the repeatable study of the modern day descendent of Gigantopithicus: Bigfoot.
This 90 minute feature film Documentary showcases live interactions with Sasquatch that are so significant Todd intends to use them to petition the government of the United States for legal recognition and Protection of the Species commonly referred to as Bigfoot. The documentary features...
1. Five never before seen Bigfoot videos including the life and death struggle that was necessary to acquire them.
2. Two PhD’s (Professor Jeff Meldrum PhD of Idaho State University and wildlife Biologist PhD John Bindernagel) experiencing live interactions with Sasquatch. As well as an eye witness accounting.
3. An altercation between Todd Standing and 3 Sasquatch that ends in brutality.
4. The first step towards final proof of the species with DNA evidence.
Dr. Meldrum has the following to say regarding to the above claims:
The account offered on Todd Standing’s Kickstart site is accurate in so far as my involvement is concerned. Following the events that occurred last Fall in Alberta, Todd asked me not to discuss my experience extensively until he had the chance to finish the production of his documentary. Therefore, I have said very little publicly and openly about it. I will let him share the details with those attending the summit or the airing of his film in Seattle the following Tuesday. I will say that I did witness an interaction, i.e. Sonya talking reassuringly to something large and heavy that was circling our camp under cover of darkness at the end of a burmed road. It reacted to her approach and eventually broke from the treeline and crossed the gravel road to the opposite treeline. I observed through night vision an upright silhouetted figure, forward-leaning, arm-swinging, moving smoothly. Was it a sasquatch? I am not certain, but under the circumstances and based on the reconstruction conducted the next day, it strikes me as a real possibility that it was.
~ Don Jeff Meldrum
NOTE: At this point, after watching the 'Surviorman' episodes and reading Jeff Meldrum's somewhat vague statement, I'm still not buying into these claims by Todd Standing. It seems many others agree with me...the Kickstarter site has only garnered just under $500 (the goal is $900,000). I'd be interested in your comments. Lon
Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science
North America's Great Ape: The Sasquatch - A Wildlife Biologist Looks at the Continent's Most Misunderstood Large Mammal
The Discovery of the Sasquatch
The Bigfoot Filmography: Fictional and Documentary Appearances in Film and Television

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