This video has been floating around the internet for almost a I figured I'd get the reader's take on it. The fact that this apparition was captured in a secure area of a police station, along with other factors, tends to add to the credibility of the video. As to the nature of the phantom, who knows. The Espanola, NM Police have stated that the area around the police station has several 'unsolved murders.' There have been no known deaths within the facility.
New Mexico Police Station Ghost or cut / paste
New Mexico Police Station Ghost 2 or cut / paste
Police in Espanola, New Mexico, are trying to figure out what human-shaped, blurry, translucent figured was captured on camera strolling across a locked area of their station Saturday night.
The video shows the figure walking through a chain link fence and slowly walking out again.
"It walks through the old transport cages," said police detective Solomon Romero. "There's not a way for it to get through, but it walks through that."
Officer Karl Romero was on duty that ghostly night.
"At first, I thought it was a fly or moth. Then, I saw the legs ... and it was a human," he said. "But not a real human. No - a ghost."
Romero reported the eerie sight to his supervisors, who said there is no way to enter or leave the area without opening gates that would sound an alarm.
While some believe the video defies logic, others say they have heard and seen the ghost around the station for years, but have never caught it on camera. Police said their station wasn't built on an ancient burial ground and that no one has ever died inside the building.
"A lot of officers have seen certain things," said Karl Romero. "Some officers have felt someone breathing down their necks as they're working in the briefing room."
The tales have convinced some officers that the supernatural sightings are real.
"I do believe it was something," said Solomon Romero. "It was hard to say but I do believe in ghosts." - Yahoo
Haunted Route 66: Ghosts of America's Legendary Highway
Mysterious New Mexico: Miracles, Magic, and Monsters in the Land of Enchantment
New Mexico Ghosts and Haunting Images
Haunted New Mexico: The Most Haunted Locations

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