Join Eric, Lon & Sean as we welcome paranormal investigator & author Sylvia Shults to 'Beyond The Edge' Radio.
Sylvia Shults has been a paranormal investigator for several years. She began her career as a ghost hunter as a result of doing the research for her nonfiction book Ghosts of the Illinois River
“It’s fascinating,” she says. “The Peoria State Hospital was a place of great advances in mental health care. Was there agony there? I don’t doubt it. Mental illness is an agonizing thing. So is alcoholism. So is TB.
But that’s not nearly the whole story of this remarkable institution. There was also incredible tenderness and caring. Dr. George Zeller was responsible for unprecedented reforms in the field of mental health care. I feel incredibly fortunate to have been able to write a book that not only tells some really unnerving ghost tales, but also the true stories of Dr. Zeller and his dedicated staff.” Fractured Spirits: Hauntings at the Peoria State Hospital
Shults lives in Illinois with her husband. She works at the Fondulac District Library, mostly in order to feed her book addiction. She also serves as the Publicity Director for Dark Continents Publishing. In addition to nonfiction, she also writes romance and horror. She is the first to admit that there is a fine line between the two. and
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