Witness Snaps Photo as UFO Hovers Over Ohio Field
Two Ohio witnesses at Springfield reported watching and photographing a triangle-shaped object hovering over a field along a country road on April 23, 2014, according to testimony in Case 55763 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The reporting witness was driving with his girlfriend to his brother's home when they first noticed the object.
"At first she thought it was a helicopter, but as we got closer it looked like a triangle hovering over a field," the witness stated.
The witness said he pulled the vehicle over to snap a photo.
"It raised up and started floating westward above the trees. I got one photo before it took off."
The two decided to chase the object.
"I turned around and started following the craft at about 75 to 85 mph and I couldn't keep up with it. It made a pulsating hum sound. But real quiet. My girlfriend was scared of it. I was excited. The object flew into the horizon." Read more at THP
Putin calls internet a 'CIA project' renewing fears of web breakup
The Russian leader has criticized the nature of the Internet, fueling fears of a possible web breakup.
Putin's remarks echo those of several other countries including Germany and Brazil who have expressed concerns over the revelations of whistleblower Edward Snowden regarding the extent to which the NSA had been infiltrating and monitoring high profile web services.
Now fears have been raised that these revelations could lead to a breakup of the web with countries opting to set up their own state-run networks. At a recent conference in St Petersburg Putin maintained that while Russia does have services in operation to monitor criminals online it does not engage in mass surveillance. "We don't have as much money as they do in the US," he said.
Critics argue that Snowden, who leaked thousands of documents detailing the US government's surveillance programs, may have inadvertently put in motion a series of events that could eventually put an end to the free, global Internet that we know and enjoy today. Read more at The Guardian
Have I attracted a haunting?
This one is going to take some explaining. I live out in the country on some land that has been unoccupied for the last 1000 years or so, Now it's just me and some cats and a dog, and a few other widely-spaced houses with some other people in them.
I lost a cat about a month ago, and he went into a little cemetery I have in the back. It is a very pretty and peaceful spot in the trees. There are about six animals buried there now. It has a small brick patio with a small table and chair of that cheap white plastic. It is a very nice place to sit and read in the woods and doesn't have any negative or creepy vibe.
The last few days I started to notice the chair was getting moved, ending up somewhere where I hadn't left it. At first I thought it was just the wind but that tends to just knock it over since the feet catch on the bricks, so it was a puzzle. By the way, the area is surrounded by a high wire fence that keeps out everything but birds, rabbits, and raccoons, (and maybe cats). The day before yesterday I went out and the chair was turned around a full 180 degrees, and that I know the wind has never done.
I told my brother this and he reminded me that I had told him there had been a car crash nearby and perhaps it was close to an anniversary. Sure enough, I checked and this all started almost to the day of a one year anniversary. The crash was an horrific one, involving a despondent middle aged woman who basically suicided by driving into the woods at high speed. It happened about 300 feet south of my little pet cemetery. There is a memorial at the car crash site, and I suppose the family may have come to town and gone there on the one year anniversary.
I wonder first why a ghost would care about an anniversary. Then I wonder how she could notice features of a place she had never been in life, namely my little pet cemetery. Then I wonder what was the point of moving the chair. Then I wonder if I shouldn't dismantle the pet cemetery. And I wonder if she is going to be any more trouble. She's not really welcome here if she stays for long. Reddit.com
Pope's Crucifix Crushes Man to Death
A 21-year old man has died after being crushed by a crucifix erected in honor of Pope John Paul II in northern Italy.
Marco Gusmini was killed instantly and one other man taken to hospital, Italian media reported.
Part of the 30m-high (100ft) sculpture collapsed at a ceremony ahead of the Pope's canonization. John Paul II and his predecessor, Pope John XXIII, are due to be declared saints on Sunday.
The crucifix commemorates the Pope's visit to the area in 1998.
The installation, near the town of Cevo, was designed as a large curved cross with a statue of Jesus Christ, weighing 600kg (1,320lb), fixed to the top.
A group of children was reported to be in attendance at the time.
The cross was designed by sculptor Enrico Job and was created for John Paul II's visit to nearby Brescia.
The two popes will be declared saints at the Vatican on Sunday.
It is not the first death caused by a falling crucifix in Italy.
In 2004, the Associated Press reported that a 72-year old woman had been crushed to death by a 7ft-tall metal crucifix in the town of Sant'Onofrio in the south of the country.
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