The conspiracy theorists are starting in on Malaysia Airlines Flight HM370 since, of course, no plane or debris indicates alien abduction (tongue in cheek). Here's an example of the hoopla:
Since 1947 our Government has been lying to us about aliens. Everyone sees them, UFOs are everywhere, in every nation. They are a threat to our sovereignty as a nation and as a world.
Now a whole entire airplane has vanished into thin air. Yesterday a Malaysia Airlines flight carrying 239 souls lost contact with air traffic control and disappeared. Known as Flight MH370, it is a B777-200 aircraft heading to Beijing, China from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Associated Press reports that the flight lost contact somewhere over Vietnam.
There were no reports of bad weather and no sign of why the plane would vanished from radar screens almost an hour after it took off. There are reports of two oil slicks off the coast but absolutely no wreckage has yet to be found. Where did the plane go?
There is only one possible answer. Aliens.
Aliens have been abducting ships and planes in the Burmuda Triangle for as long as civilized people have been sailing those seas. Could the aliens have decided to abduct yet another plane form a different place?
“We are not ruling out any possibilities,” Malaysia Airlines CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya told a news conference full of journalists.
Now it is being reported that at least two of the people on the plane had stolen passports. The passenger manifest issued by the airline included the names of two Europeans, Austrian Christian Kozel and Italian Luigi Maraldi, both of which were not on the plane, according to their foreign ministries. Both men reported their passports stolen in Thailand in 2013. There were no indications of sabotage nor claims of a terrorist attack, but Thailand is known as a hotbed of alien activity.
So once again, the only possible cause is Aliens.
So will this finally drive our Government to admit that there really is an alien race here on our soil and in our air? Will Obama finally stop asking the Russians to fly us to space and reinvest in NASA so that we can fight this Alien scourge? Calls to the White House were not returned. - National Report
Then there is talk about 'ghost flights.'
In 2009, it took five days for search and rescue teams to find Air France Flight 447 from Rio de Janeiro to Paris after the Airbus A330 plunged into the Atlantic Ocean, killing all 228 on board.
It took another three years for investigators to report that ice crystals had most likely blocked the plane’s air speed sensors, eventually leading to the plane to stall.
Flying Tiger Line Flight 739 in March 1962 remains one of world’s most enduring aviation mysteries.
The US military flight was chartered to transport more than 90 military personnel from Guam to the Philippines but it never arrived at Clark Air Force Base.
More than 1300 people were involved in a US military search for the wreckage but nothing was found. There was no distress call and only a few believed to have witnessed its demise.
The crew of a Liberian tanker ship claim to have spotted an explosion in the sky at the approximate time and location where the flight would have passed over.
Crew members said they witnessed an “intensely luminous” light in the sky, with two flaming objects falling into the sea.
The US Civil Aeronautics board ruled it was “unable to determine the probable cause of the incident.”
Then there are the flights that have disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. There are unsubstantiated reports of UFO activity in the vicinity of Flight MH370 as well.
At this point, conspiracies theories just muddy-up the investigation. Let's give the professional search teams ample space to do their jobs. There will be plenty of time for speculation later. Lon
Unearthly Disclosure
Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda
Earth: An Alien Enterprise: The Shocking Truth Behind the Greatest Cover-Up in Human History

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