Mars Manned Flyby Proposed for 2021 By NASA
Mars or bust? A daring mission to send NASA astronauts on a nearly 600-day mission to fly by Mars and Venus in the early 2020s has picked up some fans in the U.S. Congress.
Even as NASA confirmed plans in its latest budget proposal Tuesday to develop a human mission to visit a nearby asteroid, members of the House Science Committee endorsed the alternative Mars mission. “It is the least complex mission profile for reaching the Mars vicinity,” said Doug Cooke, a former NASA associate administrator for exploration, during a committee hearing on February 27. “The mission provides an opportunity for an incredible first step that will make travel to Mars real to the people of the world.”
Under the proposed mission, NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) heavy-lift rocket would launch an Orion spacecraft carrying two astronauts in November 2021. The spacecraft would fly past Venus in April 2022 and Mars in October of that year before returning to Earth in June 2023. Read more at Mars Manned Flyby Proposed for 2021 By NASA
Full Committee Hearing - Mars Flyby 2021: The First Deep Space Mission for the Orion and Space Launch System?
Destination Mars: New Explorations of the Red Planet
Leaving Earth: Why One-Way to Mars Makes Sense
Mars Wars: The Rise and Fall of the Space Exploration Initiative (The NASA History Series)
Live leech lodged in 7-year-old girl’s windpipe
Doctors removed a live 5-centimeter leech from the windpipe of a 7-year-old girl, reported on Thursday.
The girl from the city of Zhaotong in Southwest China's Yunnan province was recovering after being rushed by her parents to Kunming Children's Hospital on Monday having difficulty breathing, a doctor told the provincial news portal.
They usually drink water straight from the tap, her parents admitted.
Their daughter had been suffering throat pain for more than two months.
"We thought she might have caught a cold," the mother told the website, "but never thought it was a leech or it could stay there so long."
The girl must have suffered as leeches grow larger by sucking on blood, a doctor told the portal. - ECNS
Stearns Bayou Monster remains cryptozoological mystery
Grand Haven, MI - The first witnesses of the creature were Charles Cotton, Herman Nyland and Charles Shupe on Aug. 9.
“The sight they saw is described as that of a hideous-looking beast moving through the waters with a head like that of a hippopotamus,” the Tribune reported Aug. 13, 1909. “The body resembled a soft-shell turtle about 6 feet in diameter and it had a tail about 10 feet long. The under shell or belly of the beast gave out a phosphorescent light … like a searchlight under the water.”
Cotton and Nyland, with their families, were staying that week at the Gun Club cottage, located near the bridge on Stearns Bayou. Shupe had arrived with his wife for part of that evening.
“The Tribune would give no credence to the report except for the fact that it is authenticated by several of our own well-known citizens whose reputation and veracity is unimpeachable,” the Tribune wrote.
The wives of the men had heard strange sounds after putting the children to bed. The men, who had gone for ice cream, discovered their frightened spouses upon returning to the cottage. Sending the women indoors, the trio began a search of the bayou. That's when they said they saw the creature.
“The three men watched the thing as it moved rapidly up the dark bay to the right of the cottage and, as it reached Clark’s pond, it sank below the surface and out of sight,” the Tribune reported. “The resorters and farmers on Stearns Bayou are getting worked up over the mysterious thing.”
The Tribune reported campers along the bayou had united forces with several area farmers to investigate. On Aug. 12, as many as eight men armed with rifles were patrolling the shoreline.
The creature made a second appearance after the Cottons and Nylands had moved out of the cottage and George McCabe and his family took residence on vacation. On the evening of Aug. 19, after his family had turned in for the night, McCabe was relaxing on the porch overlooking the bayou when he witnessed something strange.
“The dark object had assumed a dim phosphorous glow, which distinctly made visible the outline of a monster turtle-like animal,” the Tribune reported. “Its huge elephantine head projected out on a long, slim serpentine neck and behind trailed a long crocodile-like tail. The creature propelled itself with huge flippers on each side of its round tub-shaped body.”
McCabe said he saw the creature climb up the hill on the beach across the river, where it dug a deep hole in the sand. After an hour, it departed, vanishing into the darkness.
McCabe journeyed over to the spot the next morning in a rowboat and found something remarkable.
“Upon digging where the creature had rested in the sand, a monster egg was found,” the Tribune reported. “It was almost perfectly round, yellow in color, embellished with bright red spots, and was about the size of a large pumpkin.”
McCabe claimed he had retrieved the egg, but it fell overboard during transport.
“Considerable speculation is advancing as to the origin of the monster — but, from the description given, both by Mr. McCabe and the Nyland and Cotton party, it most probably is a relic of the mammals which inhabited these waters in the prehistoric ages,” the Tribune reported.
On Aug. 23, the Tribune reported the Reichardt Book Shop had organized an expedition recruiting Cotton, Nyland, McCabe and Nathan Brown, a professional photographer, deploying a “steel-plated whale-back” vessel to locate the creature.
The venture had achieved some success. Brown, famous for taking “aerial pictures” using a camera attached to a kite sent aloft, reportedly had captured a picture of the monster.
The Tribune stated the “photograph of the monster” had been “rushed to Chicago” to have postcards printed — but then had to break the bad news on Aug. 28: “The very valuable plate obtained with Brown’s kite camera of the Gun Club’s prehistoric monster, which was being rushed to Chicago for a postal card by the book shop, met complete destruction as it was being thrown from the express wagon at the Chicago office.”
The photograph, like the prehistoric egg, was now gone — and so was the creature, never to appear again. All that remained were the players — the “well-known citizens whose reputation and veracity is unimpeachable.” And, historically, that was true.
Charles Cotton was a respected dentist, then a four-term Grand Haven mayor. Herman Nyland owned a confectionary store. George McCabe owned an advertising print shop. Charles Shupe was secretary of Challenge Machinery. Nathan Brown was a pioneering inventor and photographer. And John Reichardt, who eventually owned several successful businesses, was also highly regarded.
Was it a hoax, or was it real? Cotton died in 1925, Shupe in 1927, Brown in 1938, Nyland in 1943, McCabe in 1952 and Reichardt in 1961. And with them departed the secret behind this monstrous mystery. - Grand Haven Tribune
Lost in translation...yummy
Uri Geller RV's Malaysia Flight MH370
Uri Geller revealed that he has been approached by a "substantial figure" to help in the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines aircraft.
Flight MH370 disappeared without trace on March 8 with 239 people on board.
The spoon bending psychic has been asked to use his powers to explain what happened to the aircraft.
Geller, who has been using a technique called "remote viewing" to establish the fate of the plane, revealed that he believes the pilots were overcome by a fire.
Speaking from his home in Berkshire Geller said: "Remote viewing has been used by the CIA for decades. It works by people sending their mind through space and time. I have been asked by quite a substantial figure in Malaysia what my feelings are about this situation."
"It is my opinion that something happened to the pilot," he explained. "The pilot was either pushed into a situation to divert the plane by another force or he did it of his own accord.
"That is my opinion and it is only my opinion. It is what I had derived from my own personal intuitive feeling."
He later appealed to his followers on Twitter and Facebook, to help him in his psychic search saying: "I have been asked to help. I believe in remote viewing. Can you help me? Can you please try to 'see' where you believe the plane went down? How and why, what are your own feelings, what does you intuitive sense tell you. Thank you."
The psychic came under attack from people on social media for his enquiries, however he refuted the suggestions that he was seeking publicity from the tragedy.
He explained that the insights and views from the followers would contribute to his own theory that something happened in the cockpit of the aircraft.
One follower wrote: "I have every confidence in you and your gifts. If you can find oil and diamonds a plane should be easy. I look forward to your results. Come on, these families need your abilities."
Numerous theories have been circulating in a bid to explain the mysterious disappearance of the aircraft, with suggestions of terrorism, mechanical faults causing the plane to disintegrate, a mid-air hijacking and concerns regarding the mental state of the pilot.
The investigation is increasingly focusing on the theory that someone who knew how to fly a plane deliberately diverted the flight.
The request for Geller's assistance was revealed as Malaysian officials said that the search for the Boeing 777 was expanding into the Indian Ocean. - IBTimes
Natural Remote Viewing: A practical guide to the mental martial art of self-discovery
Remote Viewing: The Science and Theory of Nonphysical Perception
Mind Trek: Exploring Consciousness, Time, and Space Through Remote Viewing
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The Men Who Stare at Goatsuckers
In Search Of... The Complete Series
Ghost Hunters International: The Final Season
Monster Hunters: Ordinary People on an Extraordinary Mission

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