Join Eric, Lon & Sean as we welcome our friend & & paranormal investigator Rev. Robin Swope to 'Beyond The Edge' Radio.
Rev. Robin Swope is an author / writer and has been a Christian Minister for more than 20 years in both Mainline and Evangelical Denominations. He holds a B.A. in Biblical Literature from Nyack College and an M.Div. In Pastoral Ministry with an emphasis on Pastoral Counseling from Alliance Theological Seminary. He has served as a Missionary to Burkina Faso, and has Ministered to the homeless in New York City's Hell's Kitchen. He is currently the Pastor of St.Paul's United Church of Christ in Erie, Pennsylvania. He is also a freelance journalist for, has a column in the Tri-State Senior News and has also written for Fate Magazine. As a Seminary trained exorcist he has done consulting work with various paranormal investigators and television productions in the United States as well as investigators and writers across the globe.
Rev. Swope has written several books, including Slenderman: From Fiction to Fact
His website is The Paranormal Pastor: A Look At All Things Unexplained & Paranormal
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