Frontiers Of Zoology is reporting a footprint photographed on Mount Rainier on the morning of Sunday 12/1. The find was made by Jeff Stillman, who described the footprint as 15 to 16 inches long and 7 inches wide, with 5 clearly visible toe indentations.
The fresh impressions were discovered just below the tree line in an area that is known for it’s numerous Sasquatch sightings, and Stillman says that this was not his first run-in with the creature as this specific location.
“We camp and hike very often...and since those sightings we’ve been paralleled on trails. Had pinecones thrown at us horizontally from outside of our campfire light. Heard many tree knocks with replies and heard whoops on one occasion. Puyallup is far too populated these days so we head to the Cascade Mountains.”
It'll be interesting to see what else develops. Read the reast at Mount Rainier Sasquatch
Bigfoot and Human Ancestors: UFOs, Species and Dawn of Civilization
Notes From the Field: Tracking North America's sasquatch
Memoirs of a Monster Hunter: A Five-Year Journey in Search of the Unknown

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