British researchers, reporting in the journal Time & Mind: the Journal of Archaeology, Consciousness and Culture, may have cracked the mystery of why the builders of Stonehenge chose to haul some of its giant bluestones 320 km away from Wales to Salisbury Plain.
Their pilot study is focused on bluestones in the Carn Menyn Ridge, Preseli Hills, south-west Wales, the source area of some of the Stonehenge bluestones.
According to local legend, the bluestones possess magical and healing properties. But what Dr Paul Devereux and Dr Jon Wozencroft from London’s Royal College of Art have now discovered are the extraordinary ‘sonic properties’ of these stones, which might have led to their use in Stonehenge.
After testing over 1,000 stones at points all along the Carn Menyn Ridge, they found that on average, between 5-10 percent of the rocks ‘ring’ when hit. In localized places, the figure rises to 15–20 percent, ‘with a few very small hotspots up to double that percentage again.
“When struck, some make a range of metallic sounds, from pure bell-like tones to tin drum noises to deeper gong-like resonances,” Dr Devereux and Dr Wozencroft explained.
Being in no doubt that the source area of the Stonehenge bluestones is a noteworthy soundscape, the scientists traveled to Stonehenge itself. The sonic properties of the bluestones were tested in situ, the first time this had ever been done.
“Was sound a key reason behind the otherwise inexplicable transport of these stones from Preseli to Salisbury Plain – whether they were to be rung at Stonehenge, or simply because the megalith builders associated them with the magical properties of the astonishing Carn Menyn soundscape?”
“Stonehenge will never tell us for certain. But given all that the study has discovered, such a suggestion may well ring true with further research.” - Sci-New
Click for video - Preseli Bluestones
Working With Preseli Bluestones
As you may know, I use crystals & stones in my energy / light work. I acheive this by matching the vibration of the crystal / stone with the subject...not always an easy endeavor. But when a connection is made, it creates a more intense & accurate 'clear sight'...especially when I focus on spirit energy.
Several years ago, I received a rough palm-sized piece of Preseli Bluestone from an American veteran of WWII. He had been to Stonehenge in Wiltshire while stationed in the UK. He obtained the bluestone from the site...though I'm not sure what the legalities were at the time.
I feel that it possesses a primordial vibration with an ancient energy. It's hard to explain...but it has a vibration like no other crystal I have worked with. I also use it when I need to meditate before a session.
This crystal is not always blue, and many of the polished stones looks more green or greenish-grey in color. The stone is spotted Dolerite which contains feldspar, with inclusions of Illmenite or Hematite, intergrown with titanium oxides. A number of these stones have a mottled appearance, some have yellow inclusions, and most contain tiny flecks of white chalk or white quartz within them.
These are excellent stones to boost spiritual and psychic abilities such as clairsentience and psychic visions. Like I stated previously, the vibration of this crystal clarify connections with spirit energy. I know a few Reiki healers who feel that Preseli Bluestone can strengthen the immune system...increasing resistance to disease. Lon
Preseli Bluestone: Medicine Stone of the Ancestors
101 Power Crystals: The Ultimate Guide to Magical Crystals, Gems, and Stones for Healing and Transformation
Stonehenge - A New Understanding: Solving the Mysteries of the Greatest Stone Age Monument

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